Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Vision Wall

If you can dream it, you can see it. If you can see it, you can do it.
 Last year around this time John Henry came and spoke to some of the coaches at CrossFit Central. Not only is he a leading force in the financial planning field, he teaches and challenges you to dream the unthinkable. It may sound like a simple concept, but I dare you to dream the biggest dreams you can possibly imagine and try to not find a way to justify how it's completely impossible to make those dreams a reality. Unfortunately, the older I get the childlike faith and imagination I once had becomes a challenge to live daily.

Since last year I have focused on simply dreaming. This is different then setting goals, which I highly believe. I am not trying to figure out the what, how, and when of the details; I am simply allowing my imagination to run wild. It's one of the most invigorating exercises!

I started vision boarding about 2 years ago thanks to Carey Kepler's encouragement. Since then I have also created a Vision Book that holds pictures of all my dreams. On Thanksgiving Day, I realized I wanted to take some of the pictures I had taped to my Vision Board into my book and saw this was not going to happen without the pictures ripping. Then the light bulb came on and I had a better idea--- create a Vision Wall.

I have a blank wall in my room and have now added pages from my Vision Book to my Vision Wall. The pages can come down or be added to at anytime and nothing is ruined. As I see pictures in a magazine, I rip them out and add them to my wall. The Vision Wall is an ever-changing wall, because my dreams are forever changing and growing.

My wall is now covered with clothes, watches, vacation spots, jewelry, rings, family, fitness, and words that identify with who I am and where I am going. The picture above is only half of what is in my Vision Book.

I dare you to try it. Dream the impossible.

Monday, August 8, 2011


( with ShowBro)

I am the oldest of 4 kids. All 3 of us girls live here in Austin, my brother now lives in the DFW area, and my parents live outside of Houston. We are super close even at a distance. I  never thought I would be happy or really care to see the day when my parents took on text messaging; however, when I open my phone to a text like the one below that is sent to me and my 3 siblings----I realize how loved and supported I am from a distance. And, that my Dad can type a legit, long text. Ha!

A text from my Dad...

I know that all 4 of you are at different stages in your lives. I want to remind you that nothing great is accomplished UNLESS YOU HAVE A DREAM. Never lose the capacity to DREAM. Pursue your DREAM with PASSION and have faith that it can and will come true. Love y'all very much!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dream Big

(2 favorite men in my life minus my Poppie...Dad & Brother)

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." -Napoleon Hill

I remember growing up and sitting on my Poppie's lap (aka: my grandpa) and him telling us ghost stories one minute, and the next he would be reading us a story from the Bible. I am extremely close to my Poppie. He is the only grandpa I ever met. My Dad and him are a lot alike. They both are big on encouraging us to follow our hearts, paint a vision, and believe in the impossible.

The past 2 weeks have been crazy busy and awesome. Finding funds to travel to L.A. for the Games. Paying for a trip to Playa to celebrate Jason & Christina's wedding. Beginning a new month of programs. Working with a new personal training client. Attacking goals I've set out for myself & Relentless. Starting a new workout regime. Then today as I was driving home, I gave my Poppie a call. Tomorrow he goes in for a major surgery. I took a moment after the phone call and remembered how blessed I am to be a part of a family who loves me, believes in me, and has high standards for me.

This weekend I will remember how he fought for our country and how much he loves me. I am sending nothing but positive vibes to him. I can't imagine him not being around to see the blueprints of ultimate achievement that he help lay the groundwork.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thank you!

(pic: Julia, my sister, and me)

I simply want to say a big THANK YOU to all my clients at CrossFit Central. Each of you have made this holiday season so special. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity, friendship, and making my dreams come true. I am fired up to see what 2010 has in store for each of us.

Quote for the day: "Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born." --Dr. Dale Turner

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Easy way out....NEXT

(Deep Eddy Tu/Th 6:30AM boot campers posing after working hard for their fitness goals)

I read this today in the CrossFit Journal...

Tony Budding said CrossFit can be an “asshole barrier,” where the program creates a community that weeds out weak people who aren’t willing to work for success. Coach Glassman agreed. “So much of repugnant behavior is about trying to get something for nothing, and the CrossFitters inherently don’t believe that it’s possible.”

BAM. There you have it. Anything that is worth something does not come easy. The paragraph above not only applies to CrossFit WODs and nutrition to me, but life in general. It is the sweat, tears, excitement, motivation, and passion for the love of fitness and helping others that keeps me digging deep and pushing to be better. It is the days back in the past of not knowing of how I am going to make it financially from one week to the next but still pressing on because I see the end goal. It is the guarantee to bring my A-game to each athlete every class regardless of what is going on in my life that day. As my dad would sum it all up..."Suck it up and make it work. No excuses."

I L-O-V-E what I do. Is everyday easy? Absolutely not. But is everyday rewarding? Absolutely yes. And that is why I am CrossFit. There is no easy way out for anything. Each day I must remind myself it is the little things day in and day out that lead to great rewards. I believe without a doubt that diligence leads to success--"It is the quiet moments out of the spotlight when no one else is looking that most defines character."

Are you ready to work your ass off for your dreams? I know I am.