Showing posts with label Half Marathon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Half Marathon. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Congrats, Beatriz!

Beatriz attends my Tu/Th 8am Level 2 boot camp at Barton Hills Elementary. This past weekend she ran the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco. In my opinion, the best part of the race is receiving a Tiffany's necklace from a hot fireman at the finish line. Now that's the essence of work hard, play hard.

Beatriz writes--
The first I did this race was 3 years ago, and I completed it ten minutes slower. Now this time around I was faster, and I felt stronger during the race with more power in my legs from the squats, lunges and kettlebell work. More importantly, the recovery has been easier. 

I am so proud of Beatriz beyond this race. After 2 years of boot camp, she made a decision to commit to food logging and following the Zone. The balance of the Zone with food logging makes everyday life easier for her with children and a husband. She does not find herself caught on the spot with no food options and can still "have her cake and eat it too." She has turned into the athlete in class that never misses and is always right on point. I can't wait to see where she is at this time next year.

What are you waiting for to get started? Right now is the right time to start CrossFit. If you have been on the fence, then I challenge you to come to our free workout this Saturday, 10/20, at 8:30am at Townlake under the Mopac Bridge. It is free for everyone! Arrive early because we cap the workout at 60 people. I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

1/2 marathon vs. 50 Burpees

Jamie, her sister, on the left & Jenny on the right
 Jenny attends my Tu/Th 8am Athletic Training class at Barton Hills Elementary. She came to class as an avid long-distance runner and has only improved her endurance since adding Relentless training to her repertoire. Less than 2 weeks ago she made a trip to see her family in Wisconsin and ran the Madison Half Marathon.

Jenny did amazing with only 2 weeks of increased running. I remembered the day she came to class the 1st week of May and said, "I'm running a half at the end of this month." She didn't even think twice about it.

In her division she finished 10th out of 265 and overall 129th out of 2398 with a time of 1:44:20. Jenny, of course, did not think her time was great, but I was super impressed with very little training and a time well below 2 hours. She writes--"I pictured doing about 50 burpees during the last couple of miles and knew I had this."

Now that's what I call a RELENTLESS Athlete. Congrats, Jenny!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Running long and hard is an ideal antidepressant, since it's hard to run and feel sorry for yourself at the same time. Also, there are those hours of clearheadedness that follow a long run. -Monte Davis

I run my very 1st 1/2 marathon in February. Over the next few months I am changing my interval training days on the track to more distance on the road or mile repeats. My friend & fellow boot camper, Michelle, emailed me the quote above. It reminded me of when I was in high school and I would go on a long run after getting upset with my parents, arguing with a boyfriend, or just having a lousy day. The endorphins truly do go to work and clarity appears.

I am excited to watch my mental toughness and physical endurance increase over the next few months. Training at SICFIT Austin and 1 (maybe 2) days per week of longer runs, and I will be ready to crush the Austin 1/2!

Watch out friends for all the mental clarity that is to come over the next few months!