One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Food markets are the hero of any locale, and while Makishi Public Market is small and the ground floor seems to be just seafood and pickles, the fish include the requisite Suess-ian colour scheme of Red Fish Blue Fish - and if you’re wondering about that glaucous eye on the lower right, and think it is quite toad-ish I am totally with you. Puff Puff. In case you might want to know, my very poor reading of hiragana translates the red fish as aka -ho ( here i guess) - chi, and the blue fish as Irabucho, though here I might be quite off-piste. As someone with truly dreadful handwriting I feel I have no purchase on complaint, and so can only commend this Fishmonger’s good characters.
Food markets are the hero of any locale, and while Makishi Public Market is small and the ground floor seems to be just seafood and pickles...