Showing posts with label Danny Crawford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Danny Crawford. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Rep. Danny Crawford: Incompetent, Devious, & Cupiditous - Part I


Danny Crawford represents the Athens/Limestone area in the Alabama legislature. Don't expect him to respond to your phone call, letter, or e-mail unless you live in his district. We're going to be looking carefully at Rep. Crawford for the next few blogs. Why?

Crawford has brought much laughter, anger, and even praise on himself for pre-filing a bill banning Critical Race Theory in ANY Alabama classroom. Is this a problem in our state?

Crawford admits it's not now taught in any K-12 schools. Nor is it taught at the college level. Where is it taught? At the Alabama School of Law.

That's right; in order to take this course, you would probably be at least 23 years old. You would also have enough previous academics to be able to discern the good and the bad in this course.

As a matter of fact, you don't even have to take CRT. It's an elective that's taught once a year...if not once every two UA. We sincerely doubt that the majority of law students take this course and further doubt that many have any real interest in it. Yet, if they do, at the age of 23, isn't that their business and not Danny Crawford's? Is Rep. Crawford paying for their education? No. We didn't think so.

Just how worthwhile is Crawford's bill? In case you think banning CRT at any level is a good thing, how about banning teaching the history of women's suffrage in the U.S.? If Danny Crawford had his way, no one alive today in Alabama would know that a married woman couldn't own property until 1848 or vote until 1920. Real macho man, isn't he?

In case you think this is the worst idea that Crawford has ever espoused, you haven't been keeping up with his association with ALFA Insurance and his opposition to any bill seeking to ban animal cruelty.

He's one heckuva guy...

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Who's Afraid of Yoga in Alabama Schools? Danny Crawford for One!


Have you heard that ice hockey is now banned in Alabama schools? Someone is afraid the students might start saying "eh."

Okay, that was a joke. What isn't a joke is the 28 year old ban on yoga in state curriculum. In 1993, the state board of education banned the practice of yoga in order not to promote Hinduism. If you don't believe us, look it up.

For the past two years, some in the state legislature have been attempting to make yoga legal...with some restrictions. It didn't make it to a vote in 2020 due to the shortened session, but in 2019, District 5 representative Danny Crawford (read: ALFA shill) voted against the repeal of the ban.

Danny Crawford thinks yoga in public schools is dangerous for children, but he doesn't think companion animals exposed to sub-freezing temperatures is at all harmful. Think about that long and hard.

Limestone's Proudest ALFA Supporter

The legislature may actually repeal the yoga ban this year, but rest assured that austere and respected body is still keeping children safe from the temptation to convert to Hinduism. The bill prohibits the word "Namaste" in public schools.

Not sure what namaste means? For starters, it doesn't mean "Death to Christianity in Alabama." Namaste is a Sanskrit word meaning "I bow to you" and is used as a greeting in India and other countries. We've even used it a time or two in this blog; so far none of our bloggers has shown any desire to become a Hindu.

With state legislators like Danny Crawford, is it any wonder Alabama is dead last in almost every essential category?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Ethics Complaint Against Danny Crawford?

There's probably few things more disturbing for a parent than to realize he or she will someday leave a disabled child to fend for himself in today's society. Despite state programs, the mentally and physically disabled are not treated well in Alabama. How far would you go to see that this never happened to your child? 

Rep. Danny Crawford of Athens has recently been in the news, and not for any good reasons. He's been called a pawn of both ALFA and the Poarch Creek Indians. He's also the father of a severely disabled son with no siblings. In other words, if Crawford's child should live for years after the demise of his parents, he's going to need round the clock care that may no longer be available to him. 

During the last election cycle, Crawford took in over $110,000.00 in campaign contributions and spent less than $1,400.00 in his effort to win re-election. Perhaps Danny Boy was sure that the "R" after his name on the ballot was all he needed. Or perhaps Crawford wanted to leave as much cash as possible in his campaign fund to transfer legally to other endeavors. One political science expert has told us that when Crawford or any other elected official retires, he can legally donate unused campaign funds to the party, which can then hire the former office holder as a consultant by paying him/her most or even all of the donated funds. Nice little scam, isn't it?

Is this what Crawford plans to do when he retires? At least one group thinks that Danny Crawford has already stepped over the line and has indicated possible ethics complaints are in the works. Unfortunately ethics complaints fail to accomplish a great deal in most cases. Isn't it time Limestone County got rid of Crawford before any more damage is done?

Monday, May 20, 2019

Rep. Danny Crawford Really Gets Around

It hasn't been that long since the state representative from Limestone County Danny Crawford was embroiled in a controversy over the huge contributions he accepted from ALFA. Now he's in the news again - this time for the large contribution he's accepted from the Poarch Creek Indian tribe.

In case you haven't been keeping up, our state may be getting to vote soon on a lottery, but it won't be one that benefits education. Whom will it benefit? The Poarches, and Danny Crawford is one of the men/women about to make it happen. The final vote is tomorrow.

The casino giants provided Crawford one of the larger donations given to House members - $7,500.00. So how will he vote tomorrow? This is going to be good...

Danny Crawford & His Wife Pictured in the House ALFA and the Poarch Creek Indians Helped Them Build. Let's Help Defeat the Mammon-Loving Crawford in the Next Election!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Did ALFA Buy Danny Crawford for $84.5K?

By now, most individuals who keep up with state politics are aware that ALFA is currently under fire for its stance on animal welfare bills. ALFA is a menace to the caring individuals of Alabama, and many are now coming to realize just how far the organization will go to control our state legislature. A prime example is Rep. Danny Crawford of Athens who represents Limestone County and is the head of the Agriculture and Forestry Committee in the House. 

Danny Crawford - ALFA District 5 Henchman

Crawford has recently been criticized for sending Andrew Sorrell's HB 305 back to a sub-committee, effectively ending any chance for the animal welfare bill to pass this session. Below is a statement from Crawford in which he defends himself:

...the bill was vague and members thought it was over reaching. How do you define reasonably comfortable, varies with everyone? How do you enforce it? If dogs and cats are “tortured” now then authorities have power to arrest the owner. Maybe a local bill, if authorities will enforce it, will better serve the public and acceptable to those counties who want to enforce it. Every county feels different, especially the rural ones.

Does Crawford actually feel this way or is he in ALFA's pockets? During a three year period the farmer's group has given him a total of $84,500.00 in campaign contributions. To put this in perspective, the next largest donation to a committee member was to Democrat Dexter Grimsley for $24,250.00. Yes, Crawford received over 60K more; anyone think ALFA simply picked Crawford at random and gave the money out of the goodness of its cold corporate heart?

What do you think ALFA expected in return from Danny Crawford? Could it possibly be that the federation expects Crawford to vote the way it says? 

All you good people at Lindsey Lane Baptist Church be sure to say hello to your favorite politician at your next worship service. If you're in a really gregarious mood, be sure to ask him what god he follows...

Want to Trade Houses, Danny? Tell the Truth; God Knows Your Heart!