Danny Crawford represents the Athens/Limestone area in the Alabama legislature. Don't expect him to respond to your phone call, letter, or e-mail unless you live in his district. We're going to be looking carefully at Rep. Crawford for the next few blogs. Why?
Crawford has brought much laughter, anger, and even praise on himself for pre-filing a bill banning Critical Race Theory in ANY Alabama classroom. Is this a problem in our state?
Crawford admits it's not now taught in any K-12 schools. Nor is it taught at the college level. Where is it taught? At the Alabama School of Law.
That's right; in order to take this course, you would probably be at least 23 years old. You would also have enough previous academics to be able to discern the good and the bad in this course.
As a matter of fact, you don't even have to take CRT. It's an elective that's taught once a year...if not once every two years...at UA. We sincerely doubt that the majority of law students take this course and further doubt that many have any real interest in it. Yet, if they do, at the age of 23, isn't that their business and not Danny Crawford's? Is Rep. Crawford paying for their education? No. We didn't think so.
Just how worthwhile is Crawford's bill? In case you think banning CRT at any level is a good thing, how about banning teaching the history of women's suffrage in the U.S.? If Danny Crawford had his way, no one alive today in Alabama would know that a married woman couldn't own property until 1848 or vote until 1920. Real macho man, isn't he?
In case you think this is the worst idea that Crawford has ever espoused, you haven't been keeping up with his association with ALFA Insurance and his opposition to any bill seeking to ban animal cruelty.
He's one heckuva guy...