My Minions

Showing posts with label Scofflaw Varnish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scofflaw Varnish. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Swatch: Scofflaw Varnish Sturm Und Drang

"Ask, and you shall receive."

Finally, the one polish that I've missed from Scofflaw is MINE.
MINEEEEEEE! *inserts Golum voice here*

I am not sure what Sturm Und Drang is but it sounds cool and slightly angry (like how Germans language sounds to me in general).......which, of course, makes it even cooler.

Imagine someone at work or your Starbucks barista asks you, "What nail polish are you wearing?" and you could just pause for a second to stare at them dead in the eye and hiss, "STURM UND DRANG.........." then sashay your way out.

Ugh, so cool.

Anyway, yes, yet another awesome polish as you may have guessed. The moment I saw it in Scofflaw's site, I knew I had to have it. Same reaction I had the first time I saw Jason Momoa, but I'm still working on that one

'Sturm Und Drang' is a pewter polish full of shimmer and scattered silver holographic highlights. It features glitters in aqua, silver, gunmetal, lavender, violet, and lime green.
Sturm Und Drang looks like a asphalt sprinkle with lettuce, ice cubes and radicchio. It's so unique and beautiful...

Infinite swatches of Sturm Und Drang (2 coats) with Out The Door top coat
I just want to bask in all its glory
Sturm Und Drang
I really do hope any of you who participated in Scofflaw's 2nd launch got everything they wanted. Thank you again for reading my post :)

Til next time~

Monday, March 11, 2013

Swatch: Scofflaw Varnish Flotsam & Jetsam

Another Scofflaw polish???

You read that right! I have 3 new polishes to show you and this is one of them. It's called "Flotsam & Jetsam". Now, as you know the names of Scofflaw polishes are always amusing and have interesting background, so I looked it up and apparently, Flotsam & Jetsam is some kind of wreckage of a ship or cargo.
According to Scofflaw site,
"Flotsam is floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo. Jetsam is part of a ship, its equipment, or its cargo that is purposefully cast overboard or jettisoned to lighten the load in time of distress"
But I also found out that Flotsam & Jetsam is also a name of a chapter in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Tower book...which is kind of awesome. I'm a sucker for anything Tolkiens so this info kinds of floats my boat (HA!)
So Flotsam & Jetsam is a minty polish with a green shimmer, teal, purple holos and shred glitters.
Now, I always like mint polishes but shredded glitter terrifies me so I usually stay away from it...however something about Flotsam & Jetsam really takes my breath away. The shreds are actually very easy to manage, they don't stick up or poke around messily...and the glimmering teal are so nice against purple and the lighter mint of a base. It's gorgeous yet a beautiful chaos :)
Hey, they do look somewhat like a wreckage, now...don't they?

So far there is not a single polish from Scofflaw I do not like...........and this is BAD because I might end up buying the rest of her collection uh ohhhh /broke

Anyway they're planning to restock the whole store on March 17th so make sure you'll be there for the emotional turmoil that is "Trying to buy things on Etsy without getting cart-jacked". I know I will.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Swatch: Scofflaw Varnish Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

The last Scofflaw polish I own so far, is the one that got me hooked into this brand. I have a thing for teal and red color together so this particular polish surely grabbed my attention the moment I laid my eyes on it. If this sounds like a sappy romance novel summary to you, then I'm afraid you might be right because this polish and I have bright future together ahead of us and there is nothing you can do about it lol just kidding but not really..

Onto the important thing, the name. Yes, the name,'s Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
ICWYDT, Finch...
Obviously, I would have bought this polish for its name alone if the actual product wasn't supergasmic:
 I had died, swum to the nail polish heaven and came back

This is what was stated over at Scofflaw Varnish site
"Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is a teal jelly base packed with red, white, gold and brown glitters of various shapes and sizes. The term comes from scientists studying foxes in Alaska that had eaten saw grass, which acts like a heavy drug. The foxes lose motor control and move in a jittery way that almost appears like drunken dancing (LIES LIES my pants are on fire. We all know what whiskey tango foxtrot means)."
Feast your eyes on the beauty that is WTF!
 Added some Essie Matte About You and died all over again
I'm not sure why or how it happened, but there was some cool gradient-like effect happening when I mattified this makes me so happy like you wouldn't believe.
Anyway, that concludes my Scofflaw Varnish swatches. I may pick up a few more once she restock and you will definitely see them here again if I do. 

Check out their Etsy store and Facebook for info and sales.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Swatch: Scofflaw Varnish Cloud Cuckoo Land

Continuing my Scofflaw swatch rampage, this one is called Cloud Cuckoo Land...which obviously was based off one of Radiohead's song. I am not a Radiohead fan but I DO know of them and I've always thought they're cool. That means I'm cooler than Sheldon Cooper here:

Anyway, Cloud Cuckoo Land is a stunning pale lavender polish with dark purple, garnet, white, copper and lavender glitters. The application is so smooth and easy, and I don't think I mentioned this on my previous post, but I've noticed Scofflaw polishes dry faster than the usual glitter polishes. It's so convenient considering I always layer them and waiting for them in between layers suck a big one.

So far I'm completely blown away by the quality of these polishes so honestly I have nothing further to say, but ENJOY THE SWATCH SPAM!

 Mattified, because I can.

Seriously, wait for her restock on March 17th, okay? 
Check out her store here and Facebook here for more info :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Indie Focus: Scofflaw Varnish

Hey loves,

Today I have a haul to show you and it's from Scofflaw Varnish. There was a story behind this brand, I actually have noticed Finch, the owner, since last December before she even opened her store. I saw one of her franken polishes posted on a forum and I just HAD to hunt it down. Finally found her, I expressed my interest in purchasing her polish if she'd make me one.....but to my surprise, she replied saying that she was in the middle of preparing a store! I waited...and waited....and waited some more until finally earlier this month she announced that her store was open for public.

I snatched 3 of her wonderful polishes, including the one I had my eye on for months, and I'm happy to say everything is as impressive as I imagined them to be. Finch said she had tested the polishes individually herself for months prior to the opening, so that she was confident enough to sell them (which was the truth because she made me wait since December lmao). There was another one I wanted but my cart was jacked during checkout so booooo on that, Etsy!

Anyway, here are the 3 I purchased:

David Bowie's Bulge, Cloud Cuckoo, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
The one I've been lemming for was Whiskey Tango Foxtrot..isn't it a beauty?

I've only tried one, which is David Bowie's Bulge /giggles

Here is the explanation from Scofflaw's site:
"This polish is a nod to the iconic Aladdin Sane album cover, with Bowie's face paint translated into a rich, deep coral polish with subtle shimmer. It's accented with matte and holographic teal glitters of various sizes and also features small dark red glitters and a bronze microglitter. It's completely opaque in two or three coats."


Isn't David Bowie's Bulge awesome? /moar giggles

but seriously, look at that amazingness! I really can't wait to try the other two. The store will restock pretty soon so make sure you check them out here and their Facebook for more sale info, etc.

Thanks for reading!!!