Is anyone having the same problem I just discovered? My pictures on my sidebars have exploded in size. I had to move some to the bottom because they were covering posts or other. Is this another trick from Google to get us to move from the old Blogger to Google +?
I don't put it past them. They did say switching over was where it was at because in time there would be problems with various features on the old Blogger. Switching over is something not on my list.
Well as you can tell, I'm rowdy so that means I'm getting better from this awful cold/cough that has kept me indoors since last Thursday, almost a week. It's been terrible but today it feels that it's time to start things moving along.
When I'm ailing, it has to be me that takes care of me. I really don't like to impose on anyone, even though husband is there if needed. I haven't stayed in bed much because there are still many things to be done. There are duties that need to be carried out and since those duties are cooking, washing, dusting, cleaning, mopping, bookkeeping, balancing budget, making out bills, taking care of family pet members, making husbands lunch at 6 AM, and these things fall on my shoulders, they need to be carried out, sick or not.
I'm not complaining, honest. In fact I'm lucky that I don't have to go to work. I do all these things at my leisure, and they do get done.
How weird, I haven't posted like this in ages. Tee hee. Any way much hasn't happened in the art field other than coloring in a color book. I have a new color book and it will be for my PPF post on Friday, since brush hasn't met canvas in a while.
Thank you for your get well emails and comments on my blog.
I WILL LIVE, but Blogger is messing up and all these words seem to be getting large or am I imagining it? See you on Friday and sorry I haven't been to your blogs, I'll get there soon.