Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts

Renegade Part 1 : The Fair

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I was lucky enough to travel to Chicago for the Renegade Craft Fair. As my friend Anna stated, there was "so much facial hair and vintage." I felt right at home. I've wanted to attend Renegade in past years (this was Chicago's 10th annual fair); however, working at a small, independent business with your mom makes taking vacations together quite a challenge. 

How crazy awesome are my mom's photo taking skills?
Not even looking and got all 5 of us! haha
I gathered together (from left to right) my good looking momma, my dear friend Anna, my roomie Rachael, myself (it can be hard getting out of bed), and my pops (he's trying to be a safe driver). I have the greatest support system around. My dad despises big cities, Anna is weirded out by all that facial hair, and Rach still has no idea what the words 'indie artisian' mean. It's all ok. Because they came along for the ride... to experience what I love and adore... and I think they actually enjoyed themselves. 

If you've not heard of Renegade, visit their website now. No seriously. Go. Over 300 vendors selling 100% handmade goods - They even had a large section of vintage booths. I was delighted to run into sellers from my hometown! It was wonderful to network, attend a few workshops, shop, eat, shop, eat, and shop! Here's a few photos of the day:

My mom & dad

My mom saw this alleyway and thought it would make a good picture... good call momma!

A few shops had set up free workshops. We attended one hosted by Lillstreet Art Center and had a private lesson on metalwork and jewelry making. 

My mom created a bracelet that said "You Me" (she's so in love with my dad, crazy cute), mine showed off my initials, and Rach hammered in "Wolfe Pack" (an inside joke making reference to the movie Hangover, only to spell it completely wrong... I adore her).

Come back tomorrow to see part 2 of the Chicago trip! 


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Three things you want to find at the thrift store:

A cute selection of knitting needles.

A sequenced garment, ready to be altered into a stylin' mini jacket.
(Thanks for modeling, Miss Rebekah)

An ideal husband for only 25 cents? Yes ma'am. I'll take 2.

And two things you don't: 

Sad, broken toys.

Santa hands decor. Well that's creepy. 

You never know what you'll find at the thrift store, but one thing is for certain: 
It's always an adventure.
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