Thursday, May 26, 2016

Graphic 45 Farewell for Now!

Today is a sad day for me, as I say goodbye to being a Design Team member for Graphic 45. I still consider myself part of their family, so they aren't going to get rid of me easily, lol! It has been an amazing journey and I feel so honored and privileged to have been a part of this amazing company and group of talented ladies and gents.

I am not really saying goodbye, just "see you real soon"!

I will continue creating with this company's amazing and unique papers and can't wait to share more projects and tutorials in the near future!

Thank you, Graphic 45 and all my wonderful teamies, for this amazing experience! Good luck to all who continue on the team and best of luck to all the new, super talented team members joining! 

Here is a look back of a few projects I made during my G45 DT journey:

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  1. so much fabulous stuff you have done. Will miss your talent and look forward to seeing more of it.. Thanks for all the great projects and good luck to you.

  2. Danielle,
    I can’t tell you how much I miss your blogs and projects. You are one of my “go to“ people for Graphic 45 projects and I have adopted so many of your project ideas. I hope you are happy and well and if you are posting in another location please let me know so I can follow along. You are such an amazing talent!

  3. Aw very cute! - love the fairy lights and scruffy.Absolutely gorgeous card!!

  4. I just found you, but can't seem to find any "current" stuff. Everything I can find for you is three years old or older. Where are you now? Thanks so much!
