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It Happened.

You know what can really make your day? A raise? A hug? A clean bathroom that you didn't have to clean? A pedicure? Yes, all those things are great. Today however, it's pulling up your grades and seeing five "A's" in the column. That's right - I worked my tail off so I'm going to brag on myself...... I got a 4.0! 15 credit hours, working full time and a 50 mile commute on top of it all and I pulled it off. I have to say, it really made my day.

Thanks to everyone for their support, for not being mad at me when I can't call/see/e-mail you for weeks on end because I am holed up doing homework, driving my car or hanging out at the Willey.

One more semester everyone. One more semester and I am a college graduate.


Joanna said…
You GO GIRL!!! That is amazing. I would brag too!!!!
Dana said…
Way to go, Sherry. The only 4.0 I ever pulled was the semester I was engaged. Go figure. What are you studying?

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