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Showing posts from December, 2008

It Happened.

You know what can really make your day? A raise? A hug? A clean bathroom that you didn't have to clean? A pedicure? Yes, all those things are great. Today however, it's pulling up your grades and seeing five "A's" in the column. That's right - I worked my tail off so I'm going to brag on myself...... I got a 4.0! 15 credit hours, working full time and a 50 mile commute on top of it all and I pulled it off. I have to say, it really made my day. Thanks to everyone for their support, for not being mad at me when I can't call/see/e-mail you for weeks on end because I am holed up doing homework, driving my car or hanging out at the Willey. One more semester everyone. One more semester and I am a college graduate.

And Five Months Later......

I'VE MOVED IN! Well, I've hung pictures on the wall and finally decided on the furniture pieces I've been looking for. Working in a furniture store doesn't necessarily make these decisions any easier. I really wanted to paint and add some color but, my life at the moment does not allow any extra time for that. So, I went with the neutral look. It's still not 100% done but a heck of a lot closer than it has been since I've been in school. Here it is: So, there are no Christmas decorations up. I learned my lesson last year when the tree was up until March and I just had to drag it into the corner until I had time to deal with it. With my first day back to school being January 2, I made the executive decision to just not put it all up. School is done until January. Grades come out on Tuesday and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sleep. It is NOT overrated.

I NEED sleep. How can I write an intelligent paper when I just want to close my eyes and go to sleep? Friday......I just have to make it until Friday. I did have a great holiday weekend with Shannon and her family. We ate, played with little people and I put together one of my final portfolio's for my education classes. So thankful for my family and all they do for me. :) For now, I'll jut keep my eyes open until I hit the send button on my history paper which examines the responsibilities nations have to help in preventing mass atrocities and genocide around the world. Fun, huh? One more semester. One more semester. One more semester........ (it's my mantra) ps - By the way, my oldest nephew, Dustin, turns 16 today. Man, I'm getting old.