(this is really what I feel like)
Now I know that I shouldn't just sit and eat, but lately that is all I want to do. I just want to workout and then get home and eat. And yes that is totally counter productive, but I don't know what else to do. AH!! My diet has been great, until recently, all I wanted to do is eat crap. Nothing that is good for me, nothing that will help me lose my weight, definitely nothing that I would allow my children to snack on just because they said their hungry.
Yeah, this is the butt chewing I'm going to get from my friends who are personal trainers, inspirations, motivators, and my support team. By eating this way I feel like I'm letting them all down, because I know I'm letting myself down.
This might explain why I'm feeling yucky, I have zero energy, and I'm always exhausted. I need to fix this problem like NOW! I'm still not sure what I'm going to do to fix this.