The label reads "Apple Pear" but I usually call it a Pear Apple because it tastes like a pear but shaped more like an apple. It is sweeter, juicier and crunchier than both. I also call it a 'nashi' when I'm among my Japanese speaking friends. I first tasted this unusual fruit in Japan. I thought it would be an interesting subject because they are always displayed in their fishnet Styrofoam stockings to protect their paper thin skin.
6x6 oil on wood panel -$65
I love that you've painted this in its protective basket, reassuring us that it will be as perfect as it looks.
I don't think I've ever seen an apple pear before!
Yes, the styrofoam casing adds interest to this still life.
So glad to see you painting again, girl!!
the lattice work adds to the charm
this is really good! I enjoy watching you grow :)
Hi Sheila
So happy to see you back posting! I always wondered what these fruits tasted like. Great rendition of this pear and basket.
Happy New Year and Happy Painting! Looking forward to seeing more work on your blog!
Love these asian pears and love your painting, Happy New Year to you, Sheila!
Happy New Year Sheila! LUSH looking pear apple. I like your color combination with the rich purple to blue darks. The netting makes it special! I enjoyed catching up on your recent paintings; GO Sheila!
So happy to see you painting.
It's great to see more of your work. Nice job tackling that fishnet wrap! Happy New Year!
I'm not familiar with this fruit - but you make it look delicious and "special" in it's little net. Love your color choices!
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