One Day atta Time

Step by step, towards Life herstory

Monday, July 20, 2009

Travelling Memoirs

Posted by Sheezazrin |

Bandung, Indonesia 2008

Suka Jadi Tak suka Tak Jadi la kot.... Sukajadi was the name of the hotel that we stayed in Bandung.

Bangkok, Thailand 2007

Amari Atrium Hotel .... balcony on the restaurant ceruk mana tah....

Bath, United Kingdom 2005

County Hotel ....kept calling it Courtney...Courtney.... must be buta huruf over the excitement!

Wellington, New Zealand 2004 (pending picture scan)

Mekah, Arab Saudi 2002 (pending picture scan)

Istanbul, Turkey 2002 (pending picture scan)

Sentosa Island, Singapore (pending picture scan)

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Posted by Sheezazrin |

Got an email saying that this is somewhere in the east coast of Malaysia. So I have been dreaming of maybe someday I may go there to catch some breaths of the ocean breeze. It has been awhile since I last went to a beach ( awhile? I cant even remember when!) and quite some time not going for swimming too. And when I surfed the net for more information, I came across a blog saying that such place is not in Malaysia but in Australia, called Hayman Island. Sheezzz....... kena tipu bersegi-segi jer.
