Showing posts with label UIAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UIAM. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

(Theater) Castaways: The Pitiful Existence of the Incomprehensibles

What would you do if you have a play starring no one? What would you say to a mime? Would you play dead?

 Experience theater like never before. Strange things will happen very soon.

Date: 23rd & 24th April 2013 
Venue: Main Auditorium, 
             International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak 
Ticket: RM 5 (Student) RM 8 (Public) 
Facebook Page - STAGE: Castaways

For booking of tickets, do contact: 
012 - 205 5118 (Najihah) 
013 - 267 0297 (Sahidatul)

If you're bored and in need of entertainment, do check out this student performance. It's meta theater people! Its theater with a difference.

Peace out!


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