Showing posts with label Face painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face painting. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

Superhero party face painting (Makeup Monday)

 This weekend was jam packed with parties. One of my favorite parties was a Superhero themed party. The birthday boy wanted to be The Flash and his mom was sweet enough to request a matching design. I also painted a makeup inspired Spider-Man look and a first request for me for the “new Wonderwoman” crown, which I’m so pleasantly pleased with. All of these designs were a first for me and by first I mean, the first time I’ve tried them in this style.
 I even used a new Red face paint  from Cameleon called Fire and absolutely loved the opaque, true Red color. It’s not new to the line, but it was new to me. How was your weekend. What new designs did you try? Leave a comment below.

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Why I paint my face before a job

You can ask anyone who has ever worked with me or taken a workshop with me and they will tell you the same. I always paint my own face before a face painting gig. You may ask why I do this well, there are a couple of reasons...

A. You know who I am when I arrive to your event- I can't tell you how many times I've worked events and birthday parties where other entertainers were hired to work the same event and I couldn't tell what they came to do. It amazes me when entertainers show up in casual, everyday clothes. You should have "a look" or a uniform or a costume that defines who you are. I myself wear all black because I'm an artist (a Makeup artist to be exact) and it sets me apart from the guests at the party or event and corporate clients especially like this since brand advertising is typically a no no at corporate events. It's also clean looking and makes spills on yourself less tragic to clean up later on.

B. Everyone will want what you have on your face- It really doesn't matter what I paint on my face because I know at least half of the girls I paint that day will want what I have painted on my face because they can see how cool and sparkly it looks in real life unlike a flat photo. If I don't have many gigs that day I will paint something theme related to the event. If I have 3 or more jobs in the day I will paint something that can be used for each type of event. Typically it's an eye design or cheek art that I can paint relatively quickly as some events may have more guests than expected and you don't want to have to paint fourty 10 minutes designs. That's crazy talk .

C. Walking advertisement- In between gigs while you're getting gas or picking up a bite to eat you are literally a walking advertisement for your company. I have given out and booked so many jobs just from that. (Be sure to always carry business cards with you for this reason) People will comment on how pretty or cool my makeup is and that right there is the ice breaker and a moment to share what it is that I do for a living. I love what I do and am proud of it so why wouldn't I want to share that with the world. It really is the most fun job ever!

Here are some of my working designs:

Cal State Long Beach Basketball face painting
Zoo Party face painting

Luau Party face painting

Fairy Party face painting

Star Wars Party face painting

Adult animal themed party face painting

Elsa Party face painting
Like Me: Shawna Del Real
Follow Me: @ShawnaDelReal 
Tweet Me: @ShawnaDel Real 
Watch Me: Shawna D Makeup
Book Me: Shawna D. Makeup

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Cultural Appropriation and Dia de los Muertos

Here we go again, Every year I am asked where I stand on this topic and every year I send messages to the individuals asking much like I am about to write right now.

Here is my personal stance on this. Growing up in a third generation Mexican American family who was not big on celebrating Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead, I didn't really have a great understanding for what the holiday really was about until I hit my college years. It was then, that I became exposed to more people of my Chicano culture and began to embrace the beauty of my culture and traditions on my own.

I absolutely loved the idea of celebrating the life of my lost loved ones with so many others during this time of the year. It made me feel close to them again. I felt a sense of love and peace. I could mourn and be sad and in the same moment laugh at all of the wonderful times we've shared.

When you lose a loved one the sadness never really goes away, it just becomes easier to live with day by day. Dia de los Muertos is a Mexican tradition that embraces death, mocks death and laughs at it. It's a way to accept the inevitable and be good with it. It's a beautiful holiday that happens to fall around the same time as the U.S. holiday Halloween.


Dia de Muertos originally was a holiday celebrated by the Aztecs over 3000 years ago. When the Catholic church moved in on their land they moved the original summer holiday to coincide with All Saints day and All Souls day. The first day is considered Dia de los inocentes (Little Angels day). It is believed that the gates are opened between the living and the dead on the 1st so that los inocentes or angelitos (departed children) can come back to visit us. November 2nd Dia de los Muertos the gates are opened again and everyone else can come back. Because everyone else can come back, los malos or bad souls can come back too, so we paint our faces as skulls so that the bad spirits will think we are dead and leave the living alone. Now, I'm going to stop right here for a second because to be honest with you I do not personally believe that souls of the departed can come back at all and this is why... in Genesis 3:19 God says this about death "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” and in John 11:25 Jesus says this about being born again "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and in John 14:2-4 Jesus says this about Heaven  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

La catrina-

Now back to the tradition of dressing up and painting our faces as Calaveras or Sugar Skulls. Dressing up as La Catrina became an important part of the Holiday in the early 1900's when Jose Posada created her image and called her La Calavera Garbancera, It described a person who was ashamed of his native indian origins and dressed imitating the French fashion of the day and wearing lot's of Makeup to make their skin whiter. Artist Diego Rivera soon after created a painting called Sunday evenings dream where he named her La Catrina. Thanks to Diego Rivera and Jose Posada the skeleton lady soon became an iconic image in Mexico's culture and tradition in Dia de los Muertos.

Dia de Los Muertos VS. Halloween-

Let's understand why the two holidays are different. Mexicans from Mexico and Mexican Americans who were born in America mostly agree that the two Holiday's should not be intermingled. In Mexico the traditions are very sacred and respected. Dia de los Muertos is a way to show respect for the loved ones we've lost. Altars are built in the homes with photos, food, drinks, papel picado, caveleritas de Azucar ( colorful, beautifully decorated happy skulls made from sugar), incense, Pan de Muerto and fruit. They are each decorated with love and care sometimes months in advance. Graves are decorated with candles and Marigold flowers because the scent of the flowers is believed to guide the spirits back home.

 If you know anything about the American Halloween you would understand that here it is about dressing up in scary costumes which include witches, spiders, webs Jack O' Lanterns and skulls to go trick or treating or at least that is how it's been adapted for the last 250 years or so in America (I'm only speaking for America, not other countries). This really has nothing to do with a night of remembrance and respect for the dead and this is where cultural appropriation starts.

The author of Who Owns Culture? Appropriation and Authenticity in American Law, defined cultural appropriation as follows:

“Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else's culture without permission. This can include unauthorized use of another culture's dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc. It's most likely to be harmful when the source community is a minority group that has been oppressed or exploited in other ways or when the object of appropriation is particularly sensitive, e.g. sacred objects.” (excerpt from Race Relations)
 If you are not Mexican and have decided to paint your face as Calavera or Sugar Skull, then you must understand what that means by showing respect for the tradition. Using it as a costume for Halloween is not necessarily being respectful and is seen as offensive to some (not all) who celebrate Dia de Muertos. You can't take an element from someone's culture held in such high regard and turn it into a costume without offending some people from that group. Take for example the indigenous people of America, It would be seen as offensive to some if you showed up in a feather headdress and said you were Tanto for Halloween. There are no webs, no spiders, no Jack O Lanterns, no pumpkins, no witches, nothing dark, scary, bloody or gorey in regards to Dia de Muertos. It is all beautiful and happy.  To incorporate any of these elements can be seen as offensive or disrespectful.  

 As an artist I am asked frequently to paint Sugar skulls for clients on Halloween. I don't say no, I take it as an opportunity to share the history and beauty of the Holiday with them. Because I come from a family who didn't really hold onto the tradition I understand wanting to learn about it and embrace it and so it has been my mission to help educate those who even show a mild interest in the holiday and tradition of such a beautiful culture. Why wouldn't you want to celebrate the lives of your loved ones through their departure? Accept death and not be afraid of it? 
 I ask you to consider showing respect for the Mexican culture this season by staying true to the beauty of the Holiday and learning about the history. It's not all about painting your face as a Sugar Skull as part of a costume for Halloween and instead it's about a celebration of life through death. I urge you to go to the grave sites or a Dia de los Muertos celebration and experience the reality and beauty that is Dia de los Muertos.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Face painting student group

 A while ago I created a private group on facebook for current and former face paint and Makeup students of mine to join. A place where we could talk about things I have taught in my face painting and Makeup workshops across the united states.

 I created this group with the intention of continuing to mentor and help anyone who has taken a makeup class with me to be even more successful in their creative journey. In this group I post items I have used in class, give makeup tips and tricks, post helpful guides  and sometimes students will just have questions regarding something we went over in class that they just need clarification on or maybe just need to hear again. This helps other students as well because some may have similar questions and are able to find the answers they are looking for in one place.

 I really enjoy seeing artists grow as I feel that if you are not growing you are not really living up to your full potential. I want to continue to grow in all areas of my life and art fills a big part of my life therefore, I want to help others fill that part of their life as well. I believe it's important to feel supported and lifted up by those you respect and consider your peers along this journey so, if you have taken a full day workshop with me and are not in this group please add me as a friend on facebook and I will add you to this group. I have just recently posted a custom palette I created and purchased from Frend's Beauty before my Dallas Sugar Skull Makeup workshop. I have listed all of the colors and order I have them in my palette in this post.

 Every evening I pray with my children before I put them to bed and ask God to help us to be a blessing to others each day. My journey on this planet is short and I want God to use me in a way that glorifies Him. I know that through face painting I have found a way to reach and bless so many people. I hope you will find a way to use what gifts you have been given to not just support you and your family but, to nourish and bless others as well. Do what you love and make that work to bless others everyday.

Quotes from "The purpose driven life" daily inspiration- 

A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God shaped life is a flourishing tree
Proverbs 11:28

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by the long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7-8

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 30 Glitter and Glam Challenge

Oh my goodness only 1 more day until the end of this challenge!! I'm just now getting some good ideas! I have one more post for tomorrow and I promise it will be Glittertastic but, in the meantime check out my latest design inspired by New Year's Eve. I created this design based off the eye makeup I posted for day 29.
 I used 2 new Sugar Glitters from Sugar Face and Body Art called Noche Buena and Diamantes. I also used Elegante on the lips in the bottom picture.   I think this design will work well for New Year's eve or any Gala type event.

I can't wait to post tomorrows design. In the meantime check out my album on Facebook or follow via Intagram.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rainbow Butterfly face painting tutorial

Hello lovelies,

I have created another video face painting tutorial for Face Painting Tips. I used all Global products for this design and of course some awesome glitter!

You can watch the face painting tutorial here

Monday, December 8, 2014

Face Painting Supplies for beginners

One of the questions I get asked over and over again is "What products do you recommend for someone just starting out?" Wow, That is a loaded question. I love so many different products for so many reasons but, If I think back to when I was just starting out as a face painter I really didn't need much to get the job done. In this article I'm going to break it down to you bare bones style.

 The first thing you need to know is this- Professional cosmetic grade face paint is what you will need to purchase. Not Acrylic paints found in an art store or craft store. Although they say Non-Toxic that does not mean they are safe or even made to be used on the skin.

 Cosmetic face paints are actually water activated "Makeup" Yes you read that right it's Makeup. Didn't think you were going to become a Makeup artist did you? That's a whole different article so let's let that sit in for a while and we'll come back to that at a later date.

 Back to getting started as a face painter. What do I need?

1. Cosmetic water based face paints- I recommend starting with a small palette that has Primary colors in it so you can learn to blend colors also, pink and purple so you can create some pretty butterflies and princesses. Below is a kit from Cameleon. It has just about every color you could want and need to get started. It also is my top pick for Black and White for all of my linework.  You can pick this up a JestPaint for about $65. If that is out of your budget you can pick up a smaller size palette with 6 primary colors for about $35. I would go for the larger one because you'll end up coming back to purchase the pastels and secondary colors.

 I also recommend buying a "Split cake" which means it has more than one color in the pot and is used with sponges. These range in prices but average about $14. You should also pick up at least one "One Stroke Cake" which means you can pick up multiple colors on your flat brush. I recommend picking up colors to create a Rose princess crown and butterfly and colors that create nice leaves which can also be used for various animals like snakes, turtles etc. These will average around $13
 If you feel like doing it yourself I have created a tutorial on how to make your own split cakes but, that may be a little further down the line once you are more comfortable with color combinations.

2. Next is sponges. My favorite sponges for rainbow cakes are the pink sponges from Always Wicked Art.
These are called High Density Sponges meaning they hold up  really nicely while delivering just the right amount of color evenly. You can pick these up for about $1 per half sponge.

My favorite sponges for single color blending are Hydra Sponges. They are typically about $.85-$1.00 per spnge. You will need to cut these in half unless they come pre-cut for you. You can purchase these at

3. Brushes- I find many of my brushes in the art store but, you can also purchase a collection like these from Cameleon if you like a more streamlined look in your kit. I like  flat brushes in sizes 1 in, 3/4 in and 1/2 in for one stroke and split cakes, round brushes in size #1, #3, #6 and a #10 filbert.

4. Most importantly you will need GLITTER. What is face painting without the magical part of it? I recommend Sugar Face and Body Art glitters. They are glitters designed and chosen by artists. Tried and tested.
 The important thing to remember is to ALWAYS make sure you are choosing a "COSMETIC" glitter which just means it's poly or made from plastic not aluminum which can scratch the cornea if it gets in the eye.
 I personally prefer Azucar by Sugar Face and body Art which is a holographic white glitter. It can be used over any color and looks sparkly and magical!

5. Extras- It's always important to have some makeup wipes on hand to clean up little mess ups, a small water bottle to mist your sponge or cake to activate the paint, 2 cups for water. 1 for clear water, 1 for cleaning off your brush. I like to use Brush Bath from sillyfarm in my colored water cups to really remove the paint and help keep my brushes clean, a black towel to lay down on your table before you set up, a mirror and some antibacterial hand sanitizer to use in between clients.

I personally think this is just enough to get you started and on your way to becoming a professional face painter. If you still need help with setting up your kit I have a video for that and I also have created a few face painting tutorials to help get you on your way.
 You can watch my videos below:

I hope you found this helpful. Again this is just for beginners who are interested in finding out what pro products they should purchase to get started. If you are an intermediate to advanced artist this may be a nice idea for an emergency face painting kit or travel size face painting kit.

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Stargazing lily face painting

I have a serious problem. Whenever I have my eye makeup done I feel the need to paint my face and today was no exception. I used my Too faced Be Merry Palette to create a green and brown neutral eyeshadow look for our family fun day and of course the minute I get home and sit down at my computer I get inspired to paint.

 I love to paint nature. Butterflies and flowers are my favorite but, I am totally inspired by Tattoo art. I have a love affair with tattoos and yes I have a couple that I regret getting and some day will either remove them or have them covered up but, for now I will do my best to translate that love into face and body painting.

 I painted a Stargazing lily design here on my face and tried to play off the colors in my eyeshadow. I hope you are inspired by this and find whatever your passion to paint is and paint it!

Products used:
Fab face paint: Grass Green, Emerald Green, Princess shimmer, Baby Pink, Dark brown
Wolfe face paint: Skin Palette
Brushes: Athena #10 brush, Loew Cornell #4 round # Script liner

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Years! 2014

This year is going to be a year of transformation and change. I want to grow in every area of my life. I will be focusing on:

#.1 My health of course.
#2. I want to make more YouTube Makeup Tutorials and Face Painting Tutorials for my viewers
#3. I want my face and body painting business to grow in every area.

 I have seen a such a huge growth in my face painting business since I started it back in 2010. My first party was booked in January 2011 and from then until now I have grown as an artist and as a business woman.

My goal for this year is to get more organized and reach out more to my clients. As I do this I will share my business tips with you all, in hopes that you too will see your own business flourish and grow.

Here's to a Prosperous 2014!

For this design I used the following face paints:
Custom splitcakes: Fire Rose & Green Leaf
Brushes used: 3/4 inch flat brush, #4 round, #1 liner

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

FabaTV announcement


I'm so over the moon excited to be teaching on FabaTV! I will be teaching a FREE LIVE class on Monday at 5pm PST. Watch as I teach some super glam face painting/ Makeup looks for all of your New Years and Holiday gigs. I will also be taping a kids class as well so, check it out. Mark your calender and chat with me live!

Monday, December 2, 2013

FOTD Santa Claus face painting

 HO HO HO!! I'm Santa Mom. LOL I went to pick my kiddos up from school like this today and my kids were so embarrassed. I think it was all in good fun. They are probably scarred for life.
 I told my son that from now on when he's naughty I am going to paint my face and pick him up from school. I'm pretty sure he'll be on his best behavior now. Hey, whatever works :)

Here are a few pics for your Christmas face painting inspiration.
I used Wolfe White, Red and Black. Diamond FX metallic white. Fab Metal. Starblend black

Watch the tutorial here

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Monday, November 25, 2013

How to set up your face painting kit

I posted a pick the other day on facebook of my face painting kit set up and so many questions came through I decided to make a quick video answering all of your questions.

Here are the boxes that I de-potted my paints into. I bought them from the container store.
This is a photo of the container I bought from Michael's craft store to store my split cakes in
Below is the video I made for you. Please don't forget to subscribe and rate for more videos like this one.

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

My little Dolphin mask

I have tried dolphin design after dolphin design and was never truly happy with them. I always felt like it was unfinished or the proportions were all wrong until now. I have been painting this design  at parties for a while now and finally I feel happy with it.  I hope you enjoy it too. I posted this  dolphin face painting design on my facebook page and received so many likes I knew I needed to share it with you all.

I used FAB Ocean shimmer and TAG pearl blue for the base with a custom dolphin splitcake for the Dolphins.

Happy Painting,

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Unicorn face painting

As a face painter one of the most beloved designs is the Unicorn. It's mystical and magical. Everything that face painting is to a child so, I have tried and tried to master it but, was never quite happy with my design. I decided instead of looking only at other face painters designs for inspiration it was time to look the horse in the face so to speak and model my Unicorn after an actual horse.
That was all I needed to realize what I needed to do to make it work. I sketched a design in my sketchbook and found a model and this is what I came up with. I'm really happy with her.
 Sometimes our best source of reference is nature itself.

What do you think?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Toy Story face painting tutorial

This design was put together rather quickly as a special request. It's a slideshow style tutorial and no I'm not speaking in it. I will be going back to my regular talking tutorials but just wanted to share with you.
Enjoy and Happy painting,

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