Sunday, 31 March 2013

Battle of Plataea 479BC using Ancient Battlelines Clash

This is game 7 in playtesting my ancient rules. Previous games used my rules called Ancient Warrior  Battles.  After game 6 I streamlined them and simplified the combat mechanism so renamed them Ancient Battlelines Clash (ABC).  The latest version is on its own blog page. I am playtesting the rules by replaying all the Peter Sides scenarios from his Historical Battles books.  ABC is designed to finish in under an hour on 2'x2' tables.

Battle of Plataea
After the invasion of Greece by Persia in 480, The Persians had their successes, but lost the naval battle of Salamis.  Xerxes left some of his army with Mardonius to continue the war.  The Greeks responded with an alliance of city states and won a victory over the invaders.  Mardonius was killed, much of the Persian army also killed and the remaining Persians left Greece.

Here are links of interest:

Wikipedia article
SOA Battle Day 2012 pics (Slingshot 283 has a lot of info that I referred to)
Caliban's Plataea scenario
DBA Scenario
Military History Online description summary (Herodotus 9.1-89)

Changes to the Bill Banks Scenario
The scenario is designed to play on a 77"x55" board.  I reduced the forces by about two-thirds to play on a 24"x24" board.  The depth ratio will be fine being longer as ABC has longer move distances than DBA.  The scenario also had lots of contours that I simplified based on Lost Battles and the SOA Battle Day 2012 replays.  The number of units and their deployment changed a little, mostly to differentiate troop types e.g. all the Hoplites were treated the same, I made the Spartans better.

Sides also recommends 2 generals for each side with each extra general adding 1 to the roll for PIPs.  I did not increase the general status, or add subgenerals, as I have only one-third of the troops and table width as the Sides scenario. 

2 Spartan Hoplites, HI, protection 0, phalanx, fortitude +1
6 Hoplites, HI, protection 0, phalanx
4 Skirmisher, SI, javelin
1 General


2 Immortals, HA, bow, fortitude +1
4 Median Infantry, HA, bow 
2 Subject Infantry, LI, bow
1  Heavy Cavalry, H, bow
1 Light Cavalry, LC, bow
Medising Greeks
2 Hoplites, HI, protection 0, phalanx
1 Skirmisher, SI, javelin
1 Heavy Cavalry, HC, fortitude -1
1 Light Cavalry, LC, javelin

1 General


Note: HC have bow. When I originally played the scenario, I did not have them with  bows but they should have.



Persian General is with the group on the hill, as per scenario setup (not like the picutre above where he is in the middle of the board - I moved him after the picture was taken)

I always use my optional rules on deployment for these rules. A side may only setup 3 controlled groups (4  controlled groups if a +1 general, 5 controlled groups if a +2 general).  Any other groups at deployment are uncontrolled (similar to uncontrolled in Armati).  If a general stays with an uncontrolled group for an entire turn, it has a 50% chance of becoming controlled.

The Game
Persians move first and the two wings of the force are already hampered being more than 20cm from the general (-1 to orders).   Not much happening in first few turns.Then the Spartans and comrades on the Greek left flank charge into close range of the Persian cavalry that need to take a Zone of Control test.

Spartans and Persian Cavalry in close combat (on right)

Light cavalry evades, Persian heavy cavalry routed (which is what you would expect when you charge a Spartan phalanx frontally). I like this bit - heavy cavalry may be forced to charge units they don't really want to.  They do have a 1 on 6 chance of disordering the hoplites, otherwise they will rout.

Heavy Cavalry routed by Spartans (on the right).  On the left, the Immortals and Sparabara are coming over the hill.

The Athenian right still fails to move (failed the move order).  The uncontrolled Persian group at the centre rear remains uncontrolled. The general has to roll a 4 or more on a d6 to make them controlled and they can move.  They did not do this for the whole game of 4 turns.  I like the idea of uncontrolled groups (borrowed from Armati).

The reserve group on the hill.  They never entered the battle.

LC harasses the Spartans, draws them out but are routed without inflicting any damage. Hoplites are well shielded and only a 1 on a d6 will inflict damage form missiles on a hoplite.

Immortals and some other Sparabara come over the hill and get close to the Tegean hoplites that charge.  Persians fire back for no effect.  The following combat sees just about everybody disordered.  Disordering hoplites is bad for them.  Normally they have a combat rating of 5, and Sparabara 3. But a disordered hoplite is a 2, as is a disordered sparabara. So if the sparabara can disorder the hoplites through shooting, or survive the first round of combat, the subsequent rounds are fairly equal.

Right flank hoplites and Immortals in combat
Athenians finally move and cause the Medising Greek hoplites to charge. The ensuing combat sees a Medising Greek unit rout.

Medising Greeks.  From left to right: light cavalry, heavy cavalry, hoplites.

The Spartans on on the flank of the Sparabara and Immortals and roll up three units via the flank before running into their own troops.  Flanking is bad.  And if you pursue and contact another unit, you can melee again.

Right flank owns the hill.  The last remaining Sparabara is on the far left.

Medising cavalry charges the hoplites but bounces back; the following turn sees the last Medising hoplite flanked and is routed.

The left flank - all the Greek Hoplites survive.  Only the Medising Light and Heavy Cavalry (top left) are left.
 Persian breakpoint is reached and game is over for a Greek win.

It is been four months since I last played my rules, and since then I have streamlined the combat rules and aligned all the other mechanisms to that.  It was a minor change but a really good one as it really streamlined the rules and removed a number of modifiers (change was to get rid of a type of damage - shaken - and change combat to be more like Bill Banks Ancients).  Game was fast and fun and I could see exactly the rolls that would be required to make the game flow historically, although it did not quite go that way.  I have always liked the idea of uncontrolled units at deployment that cannot move. And it worked well here.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

WW2 East Front 1941 - centre of Yelna

This is the fifth game (game 1 link, game 2 link, game 3 link, game 4 link) in the mini-campaign taken from the IABSM Vzyama or Bust scenario book (available at the Too Fat Lardies site). For the first three games I used the rules Take Cover!! (see here for a review) that are similar in play and scale to Rapid Fire.  For the fourth game I tried out my 2-page rules, still in draft, that are derived from Take Cover.  They worked fine, but for this game I am trying out some new homebrewed 2-page rules derived both from my 2-page Take Cover rules, and also the Irregular Miniatures Mechanised Warfare Rules (by Andrew Thomas). The draft of these homebrewed rules are available at this blog page. I am using 6mm with one base = 1 squad.

Russians hold the centre of Yelna with poor troops.   The Germans need to dislodge the Russians from around the square in the centre of the board. winter is setting in an spotting is more difficult than normal. Halving spotting distance in my rules should cover it.

Normally I would use a 2'x2' board but I shrunk the board size down to around 13"x12" as I don't have enough buildings, and building combat tends to happen at close ranges. I sprinkled some dirt  as the whole board is supposed to be debris and rubble ridden.  I counted anyone on the table as being in at least soft cover and partially concealed for spotting.

The board.  Russians setup to the left of the rightmost road.


Note a great picture but gives you an idea of the size of the German force.

Battalion HQ
  1 PzB39 ATR base
  1 Sniper
  1 Sdkfz 251/10

2 x Companies
  6 Rifle squads

  1 MMG
  1 81mm mortar

  6 Pioneer Squads
  1 Flamethrower
  2 Sdkfz 251/1

  2 x Stug III D
  2 x Marder III (supposed to be SiG 33 but have no models)

All poor troops.

Again, not a great picture but shows the Russians have a LOT more infantry compared to the Germans.

Battalion HQ
  1 AT rifle team

4 x Rifle Companies
  6 Rifle Squads
  1 ATR team.

1 x SMG Company
  6 SMG Squads

  2 x MMG
  1 45mm AT Gun

  1 x T-35

Off table artillery
  2 missions of 122mm field guns

Russians deploy to the left of the board in the picture below.  SMG company to the right of the square, and the rest of the company around the square.  Note to save stacking, each building can probably hold 3 bases and I put one base behind the building to represent 3 bases.  It would get too crowded if i put all 3 bases out per building (I put out all three bases when the Germans got close).  Support weapons are not represented this way - what is deployed is what there is.

Deployment. Stugs and the Engineer Company will be in reserve.

German companies advance on a fairly broad front to probe for a point of attack to focus on.  They discover some Russian defenders who fire from one building to another and score absolutely nothing. There were 4 Russian platoons (3 stands each) each firing on a German platoon.  While there were a few hits, none converted in a subsequent die roll into a result.  The chance of a single stand causing a result is about one-third, so the odds for 9 stands missing is one in forty. Germans return fire for two suppressions.

Germans advance.  Note these are actual German infantry figures, I deployed with the German bases actually being Russians! (short story - night time and average eyesight.  Longer version below).

One thing I just noticed - the German stands are actually Russians!  I blame this on the fact I always play at night and my eyes are not that great.  I was doing the above moves during the day and thought "the German uniforms are a little too green, and have a brown sash on their back - just like Russians do".  Looking more closely, they are Russians.  I bought a whole bunch of 6mm German infantry stands off ebay 2-3 years ago.  I thought the green ones were in camo. Obviously (now!), about 1/4 of them were actually Russians. So I replaced the Russian-Germans with German stands.  That means the last few games have had Russians on the German side.  Night time, 6mm and poor eyes just do not go.  My next game will be in 20mm (my preferred scale anyway) where such a mistake will no occur;...back to the game.

Germans clear out the centre axis of attack but lose a few sections to close combat. The Russian SMG company, down to 2 stands, rolls a 6 for morale and is OK (about the only roll that would keep it operational).

Germans advancing (from right) into where the SMG company was (one stand of SMGs can be seen in the centre top).
 German fire after advancing post close combat is ineffective.

Looking from the German side, these are the Russian troops facing them around the square. Lots.

But the Germans MMGs take out a Russian stand, the German engineer company comes on at the centre and the Marders  (I don't have SiG33's so these will have to do) come on as well.  The Russians call in a 122mm mission and destroy two stands at the top of the board.

Russian 122mm bombardment at the top of the battlefield.  And a Marder.

Some more exchanges of fire sees the top German Company pinned.  Other Russian companies remained pinned.  Engineers continue to move to the front line and the Stugs now enter.

Engineers and Stug enter in the centre.

The lone section of German Company 1 routs a Russian MMG and later advances into the house it occupied that was beyond the Square (and the objective).  But then the lone section was routed due to concentrated fire from the previously unseen units at the edge of the table.

Russian troops to the rear of the square (and more off screen to the top left).

German Engineer Company advances to the building next to the square but the second 122mm indirect attack clears the entire building of troops (very very lucky dice rolling for the Russians).  

The centre building is where the Russian 122mm HE attack wiped out most of the Engineer company.

German Company 2 (top of battlefield), now pinned and at half strength, fails a morale check and pulls back.

The German Company at the top of the battlefiled retreats (they are the bases to the right).  They did not get very far.  The Russians to the right are about on the halfway line.

The German Engineers, with lucky shots, rout the last 2 stands of a Russian Company - the 3rd Russian Company (of 5) to do so. Finally the Russian 81mm mortar does something and suppresses the engineers.

Germans in building below the square (to the left of the Stug) are suppressed by the 81mm mortars.  But a subsequent morale check for the entire Russian force sees the Russians retreat form the field.

The Russians have lost enough units, and another company is pinned, to trigger a morale test for the entire force - rolled a 1 that causes a fail and the entire force will pull back off the board (they had a 50% chance of passing).  The Germans therefore have the field at the end of the game and  score a minor victory for the campaign. 

I only made a few tweaks to the rules as I went.  I was happy with the result and enjoyed the rules.  To me, they captured the feeling very well of suppressing and pinning infantry but it being difficult to kill them.  I did not get a chance to play out tank to tank combat so not sure how that will go.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Heraclea replay with Antiquity

This is about game 12 in replaying Heraclea  in my quest to find fast play ancient rules that play on a 2'x2' table.  The last few rules I have tried have not really been suitable, which I sort of knew when I used them; but I had been wanting to try those out for awhile.  I am now back to rules written specifically to meet my criteria.  Antiquity was published in late 2011.  It is available for purchase as a PDF or in print from the Antiquity website.  A comprehensive review of Antiquity is at this blog post at John's Wargame page.  The main page for Antiquity also has a couple of extra army list and a battle report.  The rules themselves have a detailed replay.  This is a detailed replay too, so you can see if the rule mechanisms are to your liking.

Antiquity is designed to play with 28mm on a 2'x2' table.  Bases sizes are 8cm wide, with depth being usually 3cm for infantry and 6cm for cavalry.  For 15mm and scaling down, it recommends a 1'x1' table and halving the base sizes. The base sizes then match the WRG/DBM base sizes.  So I seem to have three options:
  1. 2'x2' table and 8cm wide bases.  This will mean making each base two WRG/DBM bases that I have
  2. 1'x1' table and use 4cm wide bases (which is what I own)
  3. 2'x2' table and use 4cm bases and have a lot more units on the board.  This will make for a much longer game, as there will be around twice as many units on the board.
I chose option 1 as I am keen on a 2'x2' table, don't mind the larger units, and want a fast game.

Note on stand attributes:
M = movement in inches
A= attack dice, two values is melee/shooting
D = target score required for an attacker to hit
H = number of hits a stand can take
P = points

2 Leves in one unit: M: 5, A: 2/1, D: 3 , H: 2, Notes: Skirmisher, Javelin, P: 5
4 Hastati/Principes in one unit: M: 3, A: 5, D: 4/5 , H: 4, Notes: Pilum, Drilled, P:10
1 Triarii: M: 3, A: 3, D: 4/5, H: 4, Notes: Spear, Drilled, Elite, P:12
1 Light Infantry: M: 4, A: 3, D: 3 , H: 3, Notes: Spear, P:7
2 Heavy Cavalry in one unit:  M: 8, A: 3, D: 4 , H: 3, Notes: Mtd Cav, P:12
1 Light Cavalry:  M: 10, A: 2/2, D: 3 , H: 3, Notes: Skirmisher, Javelin, Mtd Cav, P:10
Laevinus (one unit): M:8, A:1, D: 4, H: 2, Renown 1.

7 units in total.
3 Hypaspist in one unit: M: 3, A: 3, D: 4 , H: 4, Notes: Sarissa, Drilled, Elite, P:10
3 Pikemen in one unit: M: 3, A: 3, D: 4 , H: 4, Notes: Sarissa, Drilled, P:8
1 Light Infantry:  M: 4, A: 3, D: 3 , H: 3, Notes: Spear, P:7
1 Skirmisher: M: 5, A: 1/2, D: 2 , H: 2, Notes: Skirmisher, Bow, P: 6
1 Agema: M: 8, A: 4, D: 4 , H: 3, Notes: Lance, Elite, Rush, Mtd Cav, P:15
1 Light Cavalry: M: 10, A: 2/2, D: 3 , H: 3, Notes: Skirmisher, Javelin, Mtd Cav, P:10
1 Elephant: M: 6, A: 6, D: 4 , H: 4, Notes: Elephant, Trample, Renown 2, P:15
Pyrrhus (one unit): M:8, A:3, D: 4, H: 2, Renown 3.

8 units in total.

Pilum: enemy is at D-1 if stand moves into contact.
Drilled: no movement penalties for changing direction.
Spear: A+2 if supported by another Spear.
Sarissa:  A+2 for first support rank, A+1 for 2nd and A+1 for third support rank.  Melee ties pushes back enemy.
Rush: +1 to followup rolls.
Elite: Unit may lose an extra stand before routed.
Mounted: move 5+ and end in melee is A+2 and +1 to followup, double this is 10+ move
Lance: if move more than 5 into melee then gain A+1 and enemy D-1.

For this game, I am not using most of the Hero renown rules, nor hero item/skills.

Lastly, I combined the Hoplites into the pikes - there are advantages to supporting stands, and the Hoplites just don't fit on the table. I have done this for a few other rules previously.

Similar to other games following my standard deployment but with wider and deeper units.  Do not forget that two WRG bases is representing one Antiquity stand:

Epirot on the right.  Note that two bases represent one Antiquity stand.

Turn 1
Normally you roll for movement initiative (who moves first) but for this scenario will give it to the Romans. Therefore Rotating initiative (who chooses combat) starts with the Romans.

Standard Roman move for my replays - Levies and battle line move up; heavy cavalry on the left stay put to make Pyrrhus move a lot further with the Agema and Elephant.  Triarii wheel to the left to assit the left flank which needs bolstering.

Epirot skirmishers move up and to the side.  I have realised that in the rules, units that take hits move back and push back friendly units behind them.  No interpretation.  So the Epirot skirmishers need to either be eliminated before they push back the pikemen behind them, or move out of the way entirely.  What i have done is moved them up (for a longer retreat distance) and also so they are only in front of one unit of pikes - worst case they will not push back both pike units. 

Elephant and Agema move as far as they can.


Two Leves stands in foreground face off the single Epirot skirmisher stand.

Romans have rotating initiative so they get to choose who shoots first but shooting is simultaneous. 2 units of Romans Leves shoot at the Epirot Skirmishers Leves use 1d6 each to hit.  Shooting is easy.  Roll attack dice (1 per unit in this case) and beat the targets defence value.  Epirot skirmishers have a defence value of 2.  One Leves unit is greater than 1/2 range (so defence value is increased by 1 to 3), and the closest Leves is a target (so defence value is increased by 1 to 3).  Dice throws of 1 and 5 result in 1 hit to the Epirot skirmishers.

Epirot skirmishers return fire.  They have attack factor of 2 so roll 2d6, and Leves have a defense of 3 +1 as they are a target.  Roll of 2 and 6 sees one hit.

Both stands with hits retreat 3cm. Note that in the case of the Leves unit, this puts the stands out of contact and this will need to be remedied in the next turn.

Post shooting - one hit each and both retreat.

no melee

No routs

Rotating Initiative
This passes to the Epirots.

End of turn 1
Turn 2

The same side always moves first throughout the game. 
Roman Leves are better in combat than the Epirot Skirmishers so charge them. Hastati/Principes move up and Triarii move further to the left to protect that flank.  Epirot Agema charges the Roman Heavy cavalry; Elephants move up too, but not quite in reach.

None possible

Melee is performed by rolling attack dice at the same time.  The winner is the one scoring the most hits.  The difference in hits is actual hits inflicted on the loser.  If the loser is not destroyed,. it is pushed back.

Leves Vs Epirot Skirmishers:
Leves have 2 attack dice, +1 for a supporting Leves unit; score 2 hits.
Epirot Skirmishers have 1 attack dice and score 1 hit.
Comparing hits the Leves won the melee by 1 hit.  The 1 hit is inflicted on the loser (the Epirots) who only needed 1 more hit to destroy them so they are gone.

Agema Vs Roman Heavy Cavalry:
And this is where I should read rules more carefully!  I had Pyrrhus attached and wondered how he should be used.  Actually, generals shoud be classed as Heroes, a unit in their own right with Attacks and defence values.  There are also rules for Renown which can affect melee but I am only going to use the renown rules for mell between Heroes, not for all melees.  So, while Pyrrhus now has A:3 D:4, he should really be beside the Agema to add +1 to the Agema attack.  He adds nothing by being behind the Agema. So I moved him beside the Agema.
Agema has 4 attack dice, +2 for mounted charging, +1 for Lance, +1 for Pyrrhus support = 8 dice.  Normally the Heavy cavalry have a Defence of 4; the lance reduces this by 1 to 3.  Agema scores 4 hits.
Roman Heavy Cavalry has 3 attack dice +1 for support. 2 Hits.
Agema wins, 2 hits on Roman Heavy cavalry who fall back 6cm.
Agema test for followup.  For each inflicted pushed back result (each hit also pushes back a stand), the winner can attempt to followup on a 4+.  Each successful followup inflicts another hit (even if the followup does not result in recontact. Mounted Cavalry get +1 to the followup roll if charged.  So Agema attempts 2 followups with 1 success; one extra hit inflicted on the Heavy Cavalry which equals their hit value of 3, and the stand is removed.

Agema (to the left) have destroyed one Roman heavy cavalry stand.  The other stand is facing the Elephants.  The Triarii can be seen coming to the rescue to the right.

Units rout when 1/2 (rounded up) of their stands.  Roman Heavy Cavalry have lost 1/2 their stands so rout.

Rotating Initiative
This passes to the Romans.

End of turn 2.

Turn 3

Roman Triarii attack Elephants on the flank. Epirot Pikes and Hypaspists charge the Leves.  The Agema move and contact the Triarii.  They did not have enough movement to attack the Triarii on the flank.  Also, melee can only occur when a unit has at least 3cm of contact on the enemy.  The Agema and Triarii is only two, so the Agema will not be meleeing.  This may be a mistake as Elephants can be unpredictable.  We shall see.

Triarii on flank of elephants and Agema then attacks the Triarii.



Leves Vs Hypaspists:
Leves A2 is 2 attack dice Vs D4 (defense value requiring 4+ on attack die).  2 hits.
Hypaspists A3 +2 first support rank, +1 second support rank = 6 attack dice Vs D3. 3 hits.
Hypaspists win by 1.  1 hit on Skirmishers who retreat 3cm.
Hypaspists attempt to followup but fail.

Leves Vs Pikes
Leves A2 is 2 attack dice Vs D4 (defense value requiring 4+ on attack die).  2 hits.
Pikes  A3 +2 first support rank, +1 second support rank = 6 attack dice Vs D3. 6 hits!
Pikes win and inflict 4 hits that destroys the Leves stand, but not before retreating 12cm and pushing back some Legionaries.

Post pike-Leves clash  - the Leves in there retreat (and then rout) pushed back two stands of Legionaries.

Triarii Vs Elephants:
Note: Flank attack halve the attack dice for the flanked unit.  There are no bonuses to the flanker.
Triarii A3 +2 supporting spear = 5 dice Vs D4. 2 hits
Elephant A3 (1/2 normal attack dice for being flanked) Vs D4. 3 hits!
Elephants wins by 1 and Triarii gets one hit and retreats 3cm.
Although the rules imply the Elephants could followup (there is nothing in them that states a flanked unit cannot), I will assume they cannot followup.

Units rout when 1/2 (rounded up) of their stands.  Leves have lost 1/2 their stands so rout.

Rotating Initiative
This passes to the Epirots.

End of turn 3

Turn 4

Romans move the pushed back Legionnaire stands back up the more forward one.  The Triarii attack the Elephant flank again (so at least the elephant does not get a chance to turn).
Epirot changes the Pikes and Hypaspists against the Legionaries (let's see how the game works!)

The battlelines clash.

...and moves the Agema to the flank of the Triarii.

Agema has the opportunity to move to the flank of the Triarii.


Hypaspists Vs Legionaries:
Hypaspists A3 +2 first support rank, +1 second support rank = 6 attack dice Vs D4. 6 hits
Legionaries A5 (nothing for second rank and Pilum only used if Legionaries charged into melee) Vs D4. 3 hits.
Hypaspists win by 3.  The front Legionaries stand gets 3 hits and retreat 9cm.
Hypaspists attempt to followup all 3 hits (requires consecutive 4+). successfully follows up 2 so an additional 2 hits on Legionaries stand that destroys it.

Pikes Vs Legionaries:
Pikes A3 +2 first support rank, +1 second support rank = 6 attack dice Vs D4. 4 hits
Legionaries A5 (nothing for second rank and Pilum only used if Legionaries charged into melee) +1 for general unit assisting Vs D4. 2 hits.
Pikes win by 2.  The front Legionaries stand gets 2 hits and retreat 6cm.
Pikes attempt to followup all 2 hits (requires consecutive 4+) but fails.

Post combat - the top front legionaries stand has been destroyed (and so is not in the picture); the other lower one has retreated with 3 hits.

Triarii Vs Elephants And Agema:
The example in the rules allows a unit fighting to the front and flank to fight with full value to the front but will suffer D-1 for the flank attack; an alternative is the fight with 1/2 value to flank only.  I will do the former.
Triarii (Vs Elephant) A3 +2 supporting spear = A5 Vs D4. 4 hits
Elephant A3 (1/2 normal attack dice for being flanked) Vs D4.1 hit.
Triarii wins by 3, 3 hits on the Elephant and elephants retreat 3cm. Elephants retreat 3cm for every 2 pushbacks, unlike all other units that retreat 3cm per pushback.
Agema A4 +1 supporting general = A5 Vs D3 (not D4, there is the -1 for choosing to be flanked). 4 hits.
Agema wins by 4 hits (Triarii did not attack to the flank), Triarii retreats 16cm, and is destroyed as they can only take 4 hits and already had 3.  But here is where it gets interesting, the extra 3 hits are inflicted on the stand behind the destroyed stand.  But they do not stay there, they are inflicted only to see if the stand behind is destroyed.  If it is not destroyed, the "overflow" hits are ignored.  So the 3 hits go on the second stand, not enough to destroy them.  But the Agema can try and followup, and each followup will inflict a hit.  1 more hit will destroy the Triarii stand. Agema needs a 4+ on the first throw to followup.  Success and the second Triarii is destroyed.  Note that the Triarii would not have routed with losing one stand as they are Drilled, and Drilled units can lose one more stand than 1/2 their number before routing.
Melee is simultaneous, but I am not sure on followups in this case.  The Triarii could followup the Elephants, but the Agema won against the Triarii.  In this case, I will only allow followups if you win against all opponents, denying a Triarii followup against the elephants.  Followups are useful as they can generate additional hits.

Victorious Agema and heavily hurt Elephants.


Rotating Initiative
This passes to the Romans.

End of Turn 4

Turn 4

Romans move the Legionary stand to charge the Hypaspists and also bring it back into contact with the other Legionaries stands of its unit.  The Other Legionaries cannot charge the other pikes as this would breakup the unit.  They are charged by the Pikes.  The Agema charges the rear of the Legionaries.  I was tempted to charge Pyrrhus into Laevinus to see how Hero duels work, but I would have to look up the rules for that! So I passed.  While Pyrrhus is likely to win, The Romans are only one unit away from the whole army breaking, so why tempt fate when the Legionaries are certainly doomed.

The second clash of the battlelines.  However, this time the Agema have hit the Legionaries in the rear.


Romans have rotating initiative so can choose how the combat is played out.

Legionaries Vs Hypaspists:
Hypaspists A3 +2 first support rank, +1 second support rank = 6 attack dice Vs D4. 5 hits! (6 out of 6 last time and 5 this time.  Very lucky).
Legionaries A5 (nothing for second rank and Pilum only used if Legionaries charged into melee) Vs D3 (moved into melee so pilum reduces D of Hypaspists by 1). 4 hits.
Hypaspists win by 1.  The Legionaries stand gets 1 hit and retreat 3cm.
Hypaspists attempt to followup the hit.  Success for another hit..

Legionaries Vs Pikes:
Pikes A3 +2 first support rank, +1 second support rank = 6 attack dice Vs D4. 1 hits
Legionaries A5 (nothing for second rank and Pilum only used if Legionaries charged into melee) +1 for general unit assisting Vs D4. 0 hits! This is bizarre dice rolling.
Pikes win by 1, unexpectedly.  The front Legionaries stand gets 1 hit and retreat 3cm and is destroyed as it has now taken 4 hits..
Pikes attempt to followup but fail.

Legionaries Vs Agema:
Rear attacked units use 1/2 Attack dice and suffer D-1.
Agema did not move more than 5" and so do not get a charge bonus.
Legionaries A3 Vs D4. 2 hits.
Agema A4 +1 Pyrrhus assist is 5 attack dice Vs D3. 4 Hits.
Agema wins by 2 so Legionaries get two hits and retreat 6cm.
Agema attempts to followup twice. Yes. Legionaries get another 2 hits and are destroyed.

Note: After posting this, someone queried how the pushbacks could occur if there was no room. I re-read the rules and I was playing it wrong. The pikes were in contact with one Legionaries stand, the Agema was in rear contact with the Legionary stand behind it. The front Legionary stand could not push back from melee with the pikes and I found (in the Shooting Results section) that a stand that cannot retreat takes one hit for each pushback it cannot do (it is also in the example of play). So the pikes did not have to check for followup and the Legionaries would have taken one extra hit (that destroys them).
The Legionaries in rear melee with the Legionaries do have 15mm to retreat into and the Legionaries stand that was there had just been destroyed by the Pikes. I should have been using 3cm deep bases (rather than 15mm for the roman infantery) and units retreat a base depth. So in this case I would allow the Legionary to retreat once (and Agema to followup once), but then the other pushback results would inflict extra hits on them.

Victory to the Epirots.

Legionaries rout.  They are drilled so needed to lose 3 stands before routing.

And the Romans have lost 1/2 their units and so the Army breaks and they have lost the game.

End of game.  The only Roman units left ar ethe light units in the top centre (Light cavalry and light infantry)

Before rambling, let me start by saying I like the rules.  Not love, but do like.
So, let me just premise this by saying I had set this game up in November after reading the rules in October.  I read them again in November and made a first move in the game in early January (after reading the rules again!). But bad sciatica that led to surgery stopped me playing.  While off work resting, I took the game up again but could not face reading the rules thoroughly again, but did skim them and hoped to pick them up as I went.  This mostly worked and I've indicated where I should have read the rules more closely!  It is a first game and so a learning game at that.
The rules play smoothly, the rulebook itself I think is very clear, lots of examples and a detailed complete walk through of a game.  The mechanisms are smooth to play.  I like them and they were interesting to play.  I would play them again if asked. You may love them - they are certainly cheap enough to try them out.

Do they meet my requirement of less than one hour on a small board? Yes.  The game took me a little over one hour, but that was because I was completely unfamiliar with the rules.  If I played it again, I think it would be no more than about 45 minutes. Also, I used the 28mm bases (80mm wide).  If I had played with just the 15mm 40mm wide bases, I could have replayed Heraclea on a 12"x12" board.  So it definitely meets both criteria.  As it was designed to do so, I am not surprised :-)
Lastly, now now I have actually played them, I have a much better understanding of how combat works and would likely change some of the Attack and Defence values for the units if I replayed Heraclea.

Friday, 4 January 2013

WW2 East Front 1941 battle report - outside Yelna

This is the forth game (game 1 link, game 2 link, game 3 link) in the mini-campaign taken from the IABSM Vzyama or Bust scenario book (available at the Too Fat Lardies site). For the first three games I used the rules Take Cover!! (see here for a review) that are similar in play and scale to Rapid Fire.  But for this one I am trying out my 2-page rules, still in draft, that are derived from Take Cover!!. I am using 6mm with one base = 1 squad.

Germans hold the outskirts of Yelna that contains an important railway yard.  Russians need to dislodge the Germans from the railway yard, and breakthrough to the main part of Yelna (off board).

Normally I would use a 2'x2' board but I shrunk the board size down to around 16"x18", mainly as I don't have enough buildings, and building combat tends to happen at close ranges.  I did build about 12 paper building models for this scenario.  I grabbed a timber board from downstairs and used that for the battlefield.  Sprinkled some dirt over it as the whole board is supposed to be debris and rubble ridden.  This also meant I counted anyone on the table as being in at least soft cover and partially concealed for spotting.

The small battlefield. And most of the pics are in daylight, normally I am playing at night.


Germans in the box. Not the best shot but gives you an idea of what they have.
Battalion HQ
  2 Rifle Squads (one is the battalion commander)
  1 PzB39 ATR base
  1 Sniper

2 x Companies
  6 Rifle squads
  1 50mm mortar

  1 MMG
  1 75mm infantry gun
  1 81mm mortar
  2 37mm AT guns

  1 x Panzerjager 1
  1 x Panzer IV D
  1 x SiG 33 B


Battalion HQ
  1 Rifle Squad

3 x Rifle Companies
  6 Rifle Squads

1 x SMG Company
  6 SMG Squads

  1 x MMG
  2 x 50mm mortar
  1 x 82mm mortar

  3 x KV-1

  2 x BA-10 armoured cars
  1 x Scout squad

German deploy one company in the woods, one company around the row houses and spread out the support.  It should be sufficient to support each other and cover any major advance by the Russians.
The Russians decide to concentrate on coming down the southern flank.

Map showing German deployment and planned Russian advance.
The 2 pre-game stonks manage to destroy an anti-tank gun, pin the other and inflict two casualties on the support unit around the railway house.  Not a good start for the Germans.

Building 1 defenders before the stonk.
The 75mm gun takes out a BA-10 on the first turn, and then the SMG recon squad. All without being spotted. Eventually the 75mm gun is taken out by a KV-1 about midway through the game.

Centre shows the 75mm infantry gun. The destroyed armoured car can be made out up the road.
The German infantry in the eastern woods fire at the advancing infantry, cause some casualties and are subsequently pinned.  They then cause more casualties, as does the 82mm mortar. The pinned Russian company later takes a casualty from the sniper - this tips them over the edge and they rout.  The sniper is eventually taken out by the KV1s.  When the KV1s come on they get lucky and spot the German units in the woods.

German defenders in the northern wood.
The unit in the woods is cut down by the tank MMGs.  The remainder of the company redeploys to cover the railway yard, it is obvious the Russians are not going to attack down the flank they are protecting.

The lone remaining recon BA-10 actually spots a German infantry squad hiding in the terraces and destroys them.

Armoured car recon scouts out the hidden Germans.
The infantry following up the BA-10 manage to clear the terraces but the company that did so is reduced to one squad that then fails the morale roll and routs.  The third Russian company follows the path of the second company into the terraces and surprisingly takes no casualties from two turns of mortar fire they got under.  This Russians company attack the the last remaining German defenders in front of building 1.

Last of the Building 1 defenders about to be run over by the Russians that can be seen to the right.
They move into building 1 and the light woods next to them. The SiG 33 opens fire, as does the other infantry left in the wood.  The Russian 3rd Company loses some squads, is suppressed and a morale checks sees the unit pull back to the terraces.

Furthest advance of the Russians.  Building 1 objective is at the right.
The KV1 opens fire on the German infantry in the woods and suppresses them.  Together the KV1s manage to miss the SiG 33. The SiG 33 pulls back to be out of line of sight of the KV1 but where it can still cover the railway buildings.  When trying to rally from pulling back, the Russian 3rd company routs.  The Russians have Only the SMG company, an MG base and the KV1s left.
The KV1s move up to cover the railway buildings, and give a perfect flank shot the to Panzer IVD that has been waiting patiently for such an opportunity.  First shot: nothing.  And same with the next shot.

The patient Panzer IV
 Meanwhile, the Russian MMG is destroyed.  A subsequent high morale check (for the battalion as a whole) fails and the the Russians withdraw.  So close for the Russians! They actually held one of the building for a turn.

I know the Take Cover rules very well and the two page rules are a derivative of them so the game went smoothly and was lots of fun. I have increased the ranges slightly from my previous 6mm games as converting inches to cm for the 2'x2' I believe made the game to slow.  So I have halved the original 20mm ranges.  This worked a lot better and gave a faster game. They also go back to a IGOYGO format similar to Take Cover, rather than the card system I have used for the last few games.  I do like card activation as it does capture the chaos of WW2 battles, but the IGOYGO, coupled with a morale check that may see the a unit do nothing for the turn, is an excellent substitute and fits better with the rules.  The rules need more playtesting but work well right now. I can see I will be using the two page rules for at least my next few 6mm WW2 outings.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Seven battles in seven days - Cyrus the Great battle reports

Halfway though November (2012) I realised that last year's November was solo gamers month - the 11 month of 2011. So for this year (2012) I decided to do something I had wanted to do for a long time - play some battles from Cyrus the Great's creation of the Persian empire. This post is quite long. I was tempted to split it into a number of posts, one for each battle, but in the end left it as a really long post.

This other post has the background, rules etc in it.  This post you are reading below has seven battle reports:
  • Cyrus Vs the Medes
  • Cyrus Vs Lydians in the Battle of Pteria
  • Cyrus Vs Lydians in the Battle of Thymbra
  • Mazares Vs Ionian Greeks
  • Cyrus Vs the Babylonians in the Battle of Opis
  • Cyrus Vs the Indians
  • Cyrus Vs the Massagetae
Army Generator
I used a random generator for all the army lists and terrain based on the army lists - it picks random units, subject to certain limitations, general rank (0, 1 or 2), army tactics and deployment to use, terrain, and attacker. It is a very large excel spreadsheet. Here is the result for the first battle:

The images are still a bit too small to include in the blog post, which was what I was originally going to do.  Ah well.  I just copied the troops description from the excel sheet for each battle.
Battle 1 Cyrus Versus the Medes
1 Heavy cavalry
1 Immortals, high fortitude
7 Sparabara
2 Skirmish infantry, bow

1 Heavy cavalry, bow
5 Spearmen, heavy infantry
2 Heavy Archers
1 Light Infantry
3 Skirmish infantry, bow
1 Horse Archer 

View of most of the Medes
Cyrus defended his flanks very well and manged to either drive them off (the left flank) or contain them (right flank).

View from the Median left of Cyrus, Immortals and some Sparabara (on the right of the picture) charging in
But the centre was touch and go.

Immortals (on left) and Sparabara fighting the Median spearmen.  Green marker = disorder.
The Median skirmishers managed to disorder some Sparabara before the skirmishers fled the field.  And so it was down to the Immortals to carry the day.
The Immortals that broke the Median line.
It did not help that the lone Median heavy cavalry managed to get disordered, then roll a 1 and rout.  The unfortunate bit was the Median general was attached and was captured.  Median breakpoint reached.  It was a close game though - the Persians were only one heavy unit away from reaching their breakpoint too.

Cyrus and his cavalry looking victorious.
Battle 2 Cyrus versus Lydians in the Battle of Pteria

1 Heavy cavalry
1 Immortals, high fortitude
8 Sparabara
2 Skirmish infantry, bow

2 Heavy Cavalry
1 Light Chariot (bow)
1 Light Cavalry
3 Hoplites
1 Skirmish infantry, javelin
1 Light Infantry

Deployment overview - Lydians at the top, Persians at the bottoms.  Note the two unit reserve to the bottom left - this was the undoing for the Persians.

This battle did not end well for Cyrus.  While he put up a good fight with his cavalry on his left flank, outnumbered 2 to 1, it eventually proved too much and he was carried away from the battlefield.

Cyrus and his single cavalry unit faces the Lydian cavalry (two units) and the general!

...and the predictable result.  Cyrus carried from the field.  The Sparabara at the right came too late to save Cyrus.
The Hoplites on the Persian left flank managed to break through the Sparabara holding that flank although it was touch and go for awhile.
Hoplites advancing on the Persian right.
The Persian reserve came late to the battle (rolled poor orders dice - anything but a 1 and they would move; they rolled a 1) and never really made the saving attack they were supposed to.
Hoplites break through and melee the reserve.
The Lydians really gained the upper hand in this battle - the Persian deployment was not a great one and the reserves not arriving on time did not help.

Battle 3 Cyrus versus Lydians in the Battle of Thymbra

Rather than generate random forces, I modified my previous battles troops slightly:


The Persians.  The missile tower does dominate a little.

1 Immortals, Heavy Archers, bow, high fortitude, missile protection +1
6 Sparabara, Heavy Archers, bow, missile protection +1
2 Skirmish Infantry, bow
1 Heavy Cavalry
1 Camels
1 Missile Tower
1 Scythed Chariot


Lydians - Cavalry on the flanks, Hoplites in the centre with skirmishers and light chariot in front.

5 Hoplites, HI, long spear phalanx, MP+1
2 Skirmish infantry, javelin
1 Light Chariot
2 Heavy Cavalry, high fortitude
1 Light Cavalry, bows

A revisit of the battle I recently played using an older version of the rules (see this blog post) for the writeup of this). But this time there is only one missile tower, one scythed chariot and a few more Sparabara. The Lydian cavalry bounced off each Sparabara flank.
Lydian cavalry caught up with Sparbara while Cyrus (at right) begins charging up the (now open) right flank.
 The hoplites managed to chew up the Persian centre.

Hoplites managing to pushback the Persian heavy archers.
Cyrus managed to get around to the rear of a Hoplite unit of the right flank and win the game by routing a couple of units.

Cyrus and cavalry charge the rear of a hoplite already engaging in battle.  Did not end well for the hoplite.
The Missile tower looked great but never got a chance to effect the outcome of the game.  The camel did play stand-off with some light horse but that was about it for that gimmick.

Battle 4 Mazares versus Ionian Greeks

1 Heavy Cavalry
1 Immortals
6 Sparabara
2 Skirmish infantry, bow

2 Heavy cavalry
6 Hoplites, low fortitude
1 Skirmish infantry (javelins)
The Ionian hoplite battleline

This one was very interesting.  The Ionian Greeks were 6 hoplites in the battleline with one heavy cavalry on each flank, holding back (as tactic was centre attack).  Persian attacked along the line.

Turn 2, I think, and a hoplite (with general) has already charged and broken through the Sparabara battleline (to the centre left at the bottom).
The Sparabara in the centre were mostly wiped off the field by the Hoplites, but there were some surprises.
Closer look at the victorious hoplites.
The "roll anything but a 1 and the Hoplite will be OK; rolled a 1" happened a few times, unluckily for the Greeks.  The right flank Greek cavalry managed to hold its own for a while against Cyrus and the two cavalry, but eventually succumbed.

Cyrus and cavalry (on the right) in melee with the Ionian cavalry.  Cyrus eventually won.  Both cavalry are disordered (green marker).
Each army reached its breakpoint during the same player turn, and the game continued for another turn when the Persians managed to rout a Hoplite (using the "anything but a 1" tactic).

Persian cavalry charge a disordered hoplite and manage to rout it.  Lucky.  I am too nervous to unbend those spears; another time maybe.
Battle 5 Cyrus versus Neo-Babylonians in the Battle of Opis

3 Heavy cavalry
1 Immortals, high fortitude
5 Sparabara
2 Subject infantry (light infantry)

1 Heavy chariot, bow
1 Heavy Cavalry
8 Heavy archers
1 Skirmish infantry, bow

The Neo-Babylonian heavy archers
Archers Vs archers.  Both battlelines are made up of heavy archers. The armies were close enough to images of each other with minor variations.

The Persian deployment (from their front).  Immortals on the left, Cavalry to the right and rear.

The Babylonians set up with the Heavy chariot in front of the hill for something different.
Babylonian Heavy chariot and general (The chariot is suspiciously like my Neo-Assyrian ones).
Setting up the chariot here was a good risk (retreating into the steep hill would have destroyed it). It was a good thing and the Neo-Babylonians won that flank...

Babylonian heavy chariot in combat with Persian cavalry.  The latter routed.  The Persian light infantry in the foreground looked on helpless.
...but lost the other one that had two heavy cavalry units vs one. archers vs archers makes for a fair bit of dice rolling as they fire and counter fire.  The Persians managed to break up the Babylonian line, charged in and manged to break enough units to gain a victory.

The Persian Cavalry, with Cyrus, victorious on the left flank now turns and help break up the battleline.
I think the Persians had some good die rolling in the missile combat but as I am not recording die rolls it could just be perception.

Battle 6 Cyrus versus Indians

The Persian setup.  Immortals on the right.
1 Heavy cavalry
2 Immortals, high fortitude
5 Sparabara
2 skirmish infantry, bows
1 Subject infantry (light infantry)

The Indian setup - chariots on the flanks, elephant in the centre, cavalry in reserve. Note that the Indian archers are light infantry archers, while the Persians are heavy archers.  Similar missile effect, but Indians are poorer in melee. 
1 Elephant
2 Heavy Chariots
1 Heavy cavalry, low fortitude
8 Light archers
1 Skirmish infantry, bow

More enemy archers!

Closeup of the elephant in the centre.  Sparabara got lucky with the dice and routed it.

Elephant in the centre I thought was going to be tough for the Sparabara but lucky dice rolling saw it routed in close combat.

Elephant charges into the Sparabara line.  It subsequently routs.
The heavy chariot on the Persian right flank was rout with some unlucky die rolls (only on a 1 or a 2 will it be bad.  Oh, a 1).  Anyway, so long as the Persians does not roll a 6 on their turn, the chariot will survive.  Oh, a 6.  Eventually the Persian heavy archers managed to deal with the lighter Indian archers (in this period, it seems they were of a lighter version than found in the "Classical Indians" lists).

The Indian cavalry come out of reserve to try an exploit a gap in the line
For the entire game, from turn 1, both generals were locked in combat with each other, effectively blocking the Persian left flank.

 It also meant the Immortals were also stuck on that flank for the entire game.

Immortals, with Cyrus, in combat with the Indian heavy chariot and Indian general.
Battle 7 Cyrus versus Massagetae

2 Heavy cavalry
2 Immortals, high fortitude
6 Sparabara
1 Subject infantry (light infantry)

Massagetae army - infantry archers in the centre and loads of horse archers on the flanks
12 Horse Archers
1 Heavy Cavalry, bow
5 Foot archers (heavy archers)
1 Tribal foot (light infantry)
2 Skirmish infantry, bow

I am amazed I have 12 horse archers across different armies.  I've never played a game in my life against a horse archer based army.  I have read a lot of rules do not handle them well. Note sure if I handled them well under my rules, but mainly due to inexperience with horse archer armies rather than the rules.  Of course, after a few more horse archer games, I may think my rules are crap with them too, but we are not their yet.

Archers in the centre for both armies, with heavy cavalry on the flanks for the Persians, and loads of horse archers on the flanks of the Massagetae.

The game started off slow with lots of disorders being handed out. But then suddenly the Persians managed to force lots of horse archer to rout on the right flank, and also clear some off the left flank too.
The Persian left flank after managing to make a lot of the opposing horse archers retreat.

The Persian right flank.  More horse archers in good condition over this side.

But then the lone Massagetae heavy cavalry rips down one side of the Persian archers.

The Massagetae heavy cavalry, and general, manages to break through on an edge of the battleline.
 Cyrus and  the immortals does the same thing in the centre - and keeps going to the hills.  He nearly pursues off the board!

Cyrus and the Immortals rout and pursue some light cavalry almost to the edge of the table.

However, a Persian heavy cavalry unit gets the Massagetae archer battle line in the flank, and routs two units.
Persian heavy cavalry flanks the Massagetae heavy archer battleline.  This shot is after two units have routed already.

Next turn, the Persian left flank cavalry unit does the same and gets one.

Amazingly, the other Persian Heavy cavalry gets into a position to do the same to the other flank of the battleline.
Massagetae reached their breakpoint and game over for a Persian win.  Different to history where in one version of events, Cyrus  lost his life in a battle like this.

I did not play the horse archers very well - I should have been a little more aggressive in disordering the enemy to allow for some breakthroughs with the heavy cavalry earlier, or at least used some archers for the breakthrough.  Anyway, a good learning experience.

End note
A fun and fantastic experience, even if I did have to ignore some other non-gaming duties to get it done.