I should be finishing my Lotus Moon Tile Afghan for
I should be doing this month’s Bamm squares…
I should be pulling out my next UFO (The Puffed Wheat
Afghan) and starting on the little squares….
I should be writing my blog post and catching up on
I should be gardening and cutting the grass…
I should be making orange marmalade with the 5 kilos of
oranges that were given to me a week ago…..
I should be doing house work…..
Instead I have been sucked into a GREAT BIG VORTEX
called Freeform! To be fair it is one of my 2016 projects, but at the expense
of everything else? LOL!
I made the error of checking of the IFFF group and saw
that during September and October they were running a ffal on the theme of
leaves and turning a new leaf. That night I had a dream that became my musing
for the Ffal.
She walked into the woods shuffling the autumn leaves as she trudged on, a wind blew up and more leaves fell around her. She did not notice their vibrant colours, her head down, she thought her life was dead and rusted as the leaves. The path ran alongside a small stream, she noticed a yellow gold leaf floating at the edge, she picked it up, it was beautiful, its shape different from the others, I wonder where it came from she mused, she turned it over, it was lime green! What, how? She muttered, then she noticed that the light was different, lighter and a sweet scent pervaded the air. Lifting her head she looked at the other side of the stream, there were blue skies, birds singing, flowers nodding in a gentle breeze, the trees were alive with green leaves. Astonished she turned the leaf over, suddenly, it was dark, dank and a chill passed over her. She looked behind back down the path she had walked. In the distance she could see a golden glow, beautiful, but so far away, her past glories? Turning the leaf over the spring like scene appeared again , she wanted to so much be part of it but the stream separated her from it. Maybe she could jump the stream? It was rather wide. Indecision stalled her. A Bellbird sang its song to her, calling her, "Come life is for living!" She took a deep breath and ran to the edge and leapt into her new life.
My start on this musing
Then last night when I should have been writing this
post, I started on this piece
Would you say I am addicted to freeform!?! Yep!
I have been getting on with Lotus Moon Tile Afghan
last week and I am in the process of joining the octagons and squares, still
have the triangle bits to crochet (they go on the sides to make the edges
I have to say I love the “join as you go” that Polly
Plum suggests it is so neat looking, and so easy to do.
The link on how to do it is here.
On the front of Marmalade making I have started on
making some covers for the jars that I am giving away.
In real life it is more orange and I think I will use
raffia to tie them on the jars, hopefully by next week I will have made the
Also next week I will show you a picture of the
finished Moon Tiles.
I still haven’t written the blog post for the award
that Anna of Annas Simple crochet gave me.
So I will do it quickly here.
The rules:
1) Name who has given you the award
2) Name the rules and post your award
3) Share 7 things about you
4) Nominate up to 7 blogs and inform them of the award
7 Things
about myself
I I like to see
the funny side of life (love laughing a lot)
2 I am reading David Balducci’s Total Control at the moment.
3 My favourite season is Spring, everything is so fresh
and vivid.
4 I am a hopeless romantic.
If we didn’t have to worry about protein I could just
live on vegetables and fruit.
I I hate strong winds.
I I love elderly people, they have so much knowledge,
and it is fascinating to hear them talk of the old days. Also their sense of humour often astounds me.
As to the nominations, I have struggled with this as
many of the blogs I visit don’t accept them etc etc, so I am going to cheat and
offer it to any of the YOP group, please feel free to take it and post. I couldn’t choose as they are all
lovely. If you are not part of the YOP
group click on link below (banner) and it will take you to the list of
participants. (I don’t know if non
Ravelry people can view without belonging, does any one know)
Well that’s it today; I now can cross blog writing off
my list for a week, so on to finishing the Afghan joining, then I will let
myself do some more of my ffal panels!
See you again next week or on my rounds.