Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Girls

My Girls

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart" ~Elizabeth Foley

Over the last few days I have spent some time thinking about some of the things that have shaped my life. One of the biggest things has been the friends that I have. I have been blessed throughout my life with some wonderful people to call my friends and with recent discoveries and changes in my life,  I feel the need to reflect on my girls. 

Ally and I
I have known Ally for the longest. She and I went to high school together. When I first met Ally I wasn't sure what to think about her. She was everything I was not and that was intimidating. It wasn't until we were in a singles ward that I really got to know her. She is funny and kind and she genuinely cares for others. She likes to make people laugh and she isn't afraid to be herself.  She is goofy and smart and talented.   

Tami and I
Next is Tami. I met Tami in the same singles ward that Ally and I were in. Tami was one that I had watched for a while, wanting to be friends with her. She is smart and driven and one of the best listeners. She is sweet and gentle and welcoming and accepting to everyone.

April and I
Then there is April. Again, the singles ward is where I met her. She joined the ward and people were just drawn to her, myself included. She is honest and genuine and talented. She is silly and caring and original.

Amy and I

Finally, there is Amy. Common thread... Singles ward. Amy was the last one to join this group and is an incredible addition. She is dedicated and persistent and outgoing. She is bubbly and smart and giving.

These girls and I have been through a lot together. We have had our moments of laughter and tears. We have been through three marriages and two kids (so far) collectively. We have had some tough times, but mostly we have had wonderful adventures, heartfelt talks, killer girls nights and dance parties. We have spent years together and grown in so many different ways. As our lives continue to progress and we continue to go different ways, I know that I am so blessed to be able to call these wonderful women my friends. I know that I can call on them at any time and they will be there for me. These women are great and spiritual women. They are amazing friends. They are strong and they are beautiful and I am blessed to have them.

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