Showing posts with label Tote Bags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tote Bags. Show all posts

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Butterfly Visitor

This morning we had a nice and windy weather even though there was no sun.  The atmosphere was a bit cloudy and calm though we are expecting a super typhoon name Yolanda.

I am really happy to see that somebody visited our garden. I love to see butterflies in our garden. I feel very really relax as I can see green life in our garden. Bees and butterflies were busy looking for food as the bad weather is approaching.

I really love to see green as it represents life. I am very environmental conscious and particular on saving life. I am up with using any environmental green bags to minimize  in using plastic bags. Doing such action in my simple way I can contributed a big part of preserving our mother earth.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Super Typhoon Yolanda

Photo Taken From DOST-PAGASA

Today, we were told to prepare for the coming super typhoon Yolanda or HAIYAN for its international name.  It has never expected  that a super typhoon can come before this year ends, although we are still in the rainy season. Living in a tropical country, typhoon is always expected but not to the super typhoon.  It has been estimated to the maximum sustained winds of 195 kph near the center and the gustiness of up to 230 kph. The strength of the typhoon is not safe for us especially that we had just experienced earthquakes last month and a tropical depression just earlier this week that brought whirlwinds and water spout which destroyed many houses and establishments.

This morning, hubby went to buy for our food. We stock food, emergency kit, flashlights, water and batteries. He told us that people are in panic buying of food and other important needs.  He told us that people filled their shopping bags with food, canned goods, water and bread. People are taking the government’s warning seriously about the super typhoon by saving food and some  are evacuated to safer areas. It is really important to be ready always than sorry for not taking the warnings seriously.

Tonight before going to bed, it is important to say prayers for safety even a strong typhoon will enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility. It is important to be ready in everything no matter what lies ahead. Lord Jesus.. We entrust to you our lives.  Lord Jesus, spare us from danger.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Practical Mothers

Mothers done so much important task in the house. The usual person to know about the household management. This is one thing I am very thankful about my mother. She had to make herself available for us 24 hours every day without hesitations. She had to be always strong even problems come to test the family. She is the heart and the light of the family. I really appreciate how my mom took care all of my siblings and nurturing us in the right manner.

My mother, as my dad’s other half, he intrusted everything in the house to my mother.  From the house beautification, planning, facilitating us in school up to budgeting, it is our mother who did the execution of what they had agreed with our father for the benefit of the family. This is very important to remember for the couple even in the absence of the other half, any decisions made must be agreed upon before it will be implemented.

One thing I had observed from my sisters and even to myself being a wife, all the decisions about the budgeting for the groceries, food, bills and etc. were being entrusted to us by our partners.  This  is probably because our husbands trusted us for the monetary aspect of the family. This is one thing we can be proud of saying that our mother taught us to be always responsible in life even with the monetary aspect. Spending money in the right manner is very important. She taught us to always on being practical and never spend more than what you have earned.

Being a practical wife, I never thought of spending things that are not important to us. Things that cannot be useful everyday or neither the family can benefit upon will not be included on my list when going to the grocery. I am very particular about what to buy. I usually request for reusable bags for my groceries.  When using reusable bags, I can help reduce the problem of our environment.  A way of conserving our environment is to at least avoid using those that are not biodegradable.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Another Family Member

After giving birth last Monday October 28, our neighbor has finally home after being discharged from the hospital this morning. All of our close friend neighbors came to their house to see the baby and welcoming the new member of the family as well. I could see many happy faces with the family after waiting for 9 long months.

As one of the closest neighbors of the family, hubby and I were very happy with what the family had had right now.  In fact, I am spending most of my time today at our neighbor’s house to lend them my help especially on taking care of the baby. I help the mother doing her first breast feeding. It has been a pleasure of having them part of our life especially the newly born baby here in our neighborhood.

Last week, we decided to buy something for our neighbor, especially for the baby. We bought lots of baby stuff. We went to the mall without planning on what to buy for the baby. I thought buying for baby’s stuff was easy but it wasn’t especially that you have not seen the baby yet. We then finally come up with buying an infant shoes and a pair of shorts and shirts. The Eco shopping bags filled with our present for the baby has finally handed to them today.

It is a privilege to have another extended family here in our neighborhood. It is important to establish a good relationship to anybody especially in your neighborhood to avoid any conflicts. In times of emergency, your neighbors can easily lend you their help without hesitation because of the friendships that has been established.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Special Day

Today I have many things to be thankful for.  In my 35 years of existence on this earth, God blessed me with so many things. I had a family who truly love for being me even from my imperfections in life. My parents, who molded me to be who I am today, as a woman with dignity, loving and a god-fearing person in my family,. I never had regrets in life which I can ask my parent why things had to happen in the wrong way.

Now that I had my own home, I am proud to be who I am today. A wife that is ever supportive to my husband. I am very grateful to God for giving me a loving, understanding and caring husband.

This afternoon, hubby came home with my younger brother bringing shopping bags full of groceries for tonight’s celebration. I never thought of cooking something or preparing food for my own celebration, but he did manage to organize a simple dinner without me doing the cooking for the food on my birthday celebration. A simple act of appreciation by setting up a special dinner for the family is a big thing for me.

I always appreciate my husband for having my part of his life and giving me his unconditional love. Our vows will not remain mere words but will indeed grow and develop into a good relationship as family. This is one thing that I am thankful to God for having us grow together no matter how difficult life will be.

I am glad to receive something added to my collections. I received calico bags which my brother bought me as his present for my birthday.  Simple and inexpensive gift don’t matter to me but it is the thought of heartily given matters the most.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Unusual Phenomenon

 image: GMA
I am very happy that once again, our place is coping up and getting better after a strong earthquake destroyed buildings, schools, infrastructures and the most heartbreaking death rate. People nowadays are overcoming self from the trauma experienced. Gradually especially that we can still feel strong aftershocks every now and then. Classes and some establishments declared suspension to avoid fatalities while our place is still not safe from the aftershocks.

One thing that people should do this time is to stay safe and always vigilant to possible earthquake may come at anytime. Prayers are the best help we can all have this time. Drawing strength from each other is very important to overcome the trauma. An unusual phenomenon felt in which lead the people to confusion.  Unexplainable climate and earth’s land situation are no longer normal to the usual situation before.

Climate has changed into something unusual in which people cannot imagine and explain it to happen. Scenarios of tremendous earthquakes, hurricane and floods, famine or la NiƱa is being present anytime all over the globe.  Nobody is exempted to the calamities when it strikes. This will continue or might as well worsen if people will ignore to take actions of helping the environment.

“Is there a way we can help?” I guess this is the question in which we must consider this time. I once asked myself this question, “How can I be a big help and not to be a contributor on the irregularity of the climate or this tragic phenomenon in which we can say in our own simple manner? “.  The activities will start in your own initiative even without letting others know.

Start the actions now before it will be too late. There are some organizations that come up with planting of trees. As an individual action, you can stop using sprayers that are not environmental friendly, stop using plastic bags or anything which are not biodegradable products. It has been a while since I had started using Enviro bags. A simple way I can use bags that are environmentally friendly.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Prayers For The Earthquake Victims


Yesterday I received a call from a friend, who uses to have an organization. Her team comes up with gathering donations from friends to aid Bohol earthquake victims. Transportation going there is difficult especially some roads and bridge are not passable up to this time.  I love to go with them but I am not available today due to my work.

It has been 5 days that had passed since the tragic earthquake came. Hundreds of people died and some are still missing. Volunteers that are part of the retrieval team are still hopeful to those who are still buried will be found alive. Watching to news, very heartbreaking stories were being told on how they escape from death. At the young age, children experienced traumatic experience. Until now we can still feel mild to strong aftershocks every now and then.

A way of sharing my love is to give something to share to the victims. Simple and even not expensive things that comes from you is I think another way of making them smiles.  Despite of the trauma, sharing financial assistance for food and some of my calico bags full of use clothing and
toiletries, can somehow help in a way.

I could not bring or hand it over my donations to the earthquake victims; I appreciate those people who spare their time to bring all donations they had gathered to the earthquake victims even if they do not have friends and relatives in the place. Donating something that you think that are possible needed to the earthquake victims is very much important. And of course prayer is  very much important you can share this time as well.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A Huge Damage Of An Earthquake

I never thought of a huge devastation which stroke to us last Tuesday morning. Intensity 7.2 earthquakes had left us many fatalities. Many had lost their houses; some had partial to total damage to some of our infrastructure especially the old historic churches, buildings, schools had been destroyed as well. It really breaks my heart when we saw in the news how vast were the result of the quake.

Until now, we can still feel high intensity of aftershocks every now and then. The earth shakes really traumatized us and even had sleepless nights after ten. This is the first time that our place had experienced such high intensity earthquake. The vast damage of infrastructure can be replaced and fixed but the lives that had lost during the earthquake are gone forever.

Despite the fact that the earthquake left us so much in pain and even lost lives, houses and infrastructures.  Still the Filipinos stood up and held hands up together to help each other. I just saw on the news tonight that many organizations and government officials volunteered on giving goods in the affected area in Bohol. Rice, can goods, noodles, water and ready to eat food are the most important people need this time.  Some are giving tote bags that have clothes, blanket, and some personal needs.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Early Christmas Sale

Yesterday, hubby and I went to the mall to buy something for our food. We had to come up with buying something for our Christmas tree first. It was indeed a time of shopping unplanned. I am very particular when buying something unnecessary. As we looked around, I could see lots of beautiful items for Christmas gifts, decors and souvenirs. I said to myself, " I think I need to excuse myself this time, I can buy things which I like for all of us".

 I could not resist myself seeing many shoppers taking the advantage of the mall’s early holiday sale.  The holiday season is fast approaching. I could feel it anywhere around. Filipinos really celebrate Christmas in the longest period of time. I am amazed at how people really give value about the essence of the celebration.

It is nice to buy for your family when there is the biggest sale in the mall. I bought my hubby nice walking shorts which have a big discount. I bought myself a nice blouse, cosmetics and 3 nice calico bags which I can use daily.  I took the advantage of mall sales to buy those beautiful calico bags.  Another set of bags for my bag collections.

Sharing Compassion and Love

In most Asian countries, many are not given the privilege sending off their kids to school because of poverty. There are some can afford and even send their children to expensive schools. Education is very essential to attain success in life that a person dreamed of. In some cases, there are parents that really work hard just to send children to school despite the poverty issue. Uniforms and school supplies are sometimes later their big problem on where to get money to buy for the school needs.

There are some institutions or organizations that gather school donations specifically school supplies and bags. After gathering donations, the organizations will bring the supplies to the less fortunate students that are willing to go to school but cannot afford to buy their school supplies and bags. I remembered last summer, I had seen in a certain TV show gathered school supplies to distribute in many places which has a high rate of poverty.

Eco friendly Enviro bags are being used for the distribution of the school supplies and school bag. In this manner, parents can also reuse the Enviro bags as well. It has shown a good example to their viewers the importance of showing compassion to those who are less fortunate.  It is another way of the TV program to show how they appreciated their viewers by giving compassion to the less fortunate children. Sharing love and compassion is a way of showing how thankful you are for your life.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Gift For A Little Girl

Every afternoon, kids are playing at the park across the house. I love to see many kids enjoying around playing with their friends in the park. It is nice to belong in a friendly and nice neighborhood. I love the way how the kids trained to get along with other kids to play.

Our neighbor has a little girl who loves to wear pink clothes.   My hubby and I are planning to buy her a pink fashionable calico bag, doll and some cute accessories.  Jhandee is so sweet and cute. She uses to play with her dolly with pink dresses and the dollhouse is pink also.  Buying her with nice calico bags makes her more fashionable always.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Compassionate Heart

I feel pity to those homeless people I saw living anywhere along the road without food and shelter. This is one thing that really breaks my heart.  I could feel deep inside my heart the hardship they had been through, especially during rainy days. I never thought living a life of being homeless. It is really important to have a shelter and livelihood for a living. This is why people are striving harder to earn for a living to sustain their daily needs.

Just this morning as we went to the market to buy for our food, we saw some homeless people who stayed outside the gate of a church begging and waiting for alms.  Some of those homeless people are coming from mountainous places or from a tribe and decided to move into a city hoping for a much better living. We cannot blame them for their ignorance which led them without a home and livelihood. Never thought of these possibilities in which they may encounter in the busy cities.

Some NGO’s summed up with relocating them and teaching them for some livelihood. I spoken to one person from the NGO, they had started this project almost a year ago. The project started by just giving the homeless people with tote bags full of clothes, canned food and etc.  This is not an easy commitment if you do not have the compassion and heart to help those native people especially when are dealing with uneducated people. Patience, love and compassion are the keys for the project to push through.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Unconditional Friendship

It is nice to have friends who will love you unconditionally. It is nice to have a friend who will never forget your friendship no matter what. Even time and distance can never stop the bond of our friendship. My best friend never forgets to drop by and stay for few days in our house before and after she will leave outside the country to work abroad.  

The moment she arrived in the country, she stayed for 3 days here with us. She treated my family to the mall and even bought us many things aside from my favorite calico bags and chocolates.  Even in simple things she brought us as long as it came from her heart. I am truly overwhelmed on her real love on our friendship. For how many years she left the country, still she never forgets me and my family. Thank you my dearest best friend for your unconditional love.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Father's Accident

Today, mother is flying back to Iligan City to check on my father’s condition since father had a minor accident yesterday. Father is old enough to have such accident. It is very delicate condition to father if he had an accident considering that he is 82 years old. We are all worried about his condition although he told us that there is nothing for us to worry about because he is fine.

Mother heading to airport without bringing any clothes. We just bought some food for father. Mother brought the shopping bags full of his favorite food. We can’t wait to hear what really the condition of father aside from saying he is fine. Aside from the bruises he got, abrasion of his head made us all worried.  We are not confident in his mere words of feeling fine but all we need is to know the result of the thorough medical check up. Hoping for my father to get well and the result of his medical report is not harmful.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Reunited With Best Friend

It's been a while since my friend went to Singapore to work for more than 2 years.  Another time to be with my best friend since she left the country.  She has been working outside the country for 6 years already and in every 2 years she had to return the country to attend her mother’s death anniversary.  Another time to be with my best friend once again. We had many things we both missed since two years is quiet long time between us. We both spend more talking and sharing of the experiences as usual expected every time she arrived in the country.

Since hubby and I acquired a property away from our hometown, she used to have her first stop over here in our place and stayed for how many days before going home to see her family. We are actually expecting her arrival on the 3rd week of October but she managed the date earlier to enjoy much longer her vacation with the family and friends. She bought us lots of chocolates, dress, accessories and tote bag with
Singapore print on.

My friend has never forgotten our hobby of collecting different bags printed with the name of the places we had been to. We both had a collection of bags from the local places we visited within the country before. This time, she shared some of the bags she collected from her overseas travel. A simple collections of bags are one of our biggest interests.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Expensive Bags

My wife and I agreed most of our decisions to be made must be agreed to both of us. Every plans and problems in the house must be shared within the family. Even with it regards to our finance, wife and I agreed things before buying or spending money. She used to make the budgeting for our food but on every major expenses, we will see things out that both of us will agree upon the expenses.

My wife and I do usually the buying of those inexpensive things but quality wise.  We do usually buy those things that are important to our daily lives and the most needed thing every day.  There are some of our friends that are having some financial problems because of their partners that are having some excessive shopping for personal things like shoes, bags, cosmetics and jewelries. 

Buying something for yourself is not bad as long as you have extra money to spend. Buying expensive shoes, bags and jewelries is not our lifestyle.  My wife’s cousin who uses to work as flight stewardess for a long time and she usually gave her gifts.   There was one time that she gave us expensive perfumes, shoes, accessories and some surprises inside the shopping bags.  My wife was very happy receiving those gifts for she knew that my wife would really appreciate what she gave.  

In our lives, we all have choices to make. Whatever lifestyle you may be choosing, it is good to live life to the fullest. Being happy and contented is a choice not a command. We prefer to live in a simple, happy and contented lifestyle.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Women nowadays even the younger ones are fond of shopping.  There are some that are suffering from shopaholic disorder and that the person really needs treatment to avoid from getting it worst. This could sometimes lead a person to commit a crime when there is no more money to spend for shopping. Some are being broke for over using their credit cards.

This is really a serious matter that needs attention. Attention in which a person must commit to change for better. Successive shopping without even looking at the possibilities of over dropping your finances may cause you a lot.  Women really love shopping from shoes, tote bags, jewelries and cosmetics.  Only few men that have this disorder unlike the women shop a lot. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bamboo Speaker

Last week, I saw in one of the TV shows about how can other people be more creative. They can create a piece of art using some indigenous or any natural products like bamboo as a tool of making into an art. I saw how a piece of bamboo trunk created into a phone speaker. This is absolutely natural products and very environmental friendly material which is trending in the market today.

It is a piece of art in which a person can produce into something more useful and environmental friendly.  You can see it very simple but very nice and handy.  A unique idea and creation of a person that opens the mind of many people how this simple bamboo turned out into something big.  Bamboo has been useful in many ways. It can be used as keyboard and any other musical instruments. It can also be seen in some fashion accessories and tote bags design.  Bamboo is one of the most useful tree in the world.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Natural Tool For Fashion

I really appreciate how a person looks more gorgeous on the choice of fashion she/he has in a special event. The event in which a person can glamorously showcase the choice of fashion she/he has. On the choice of dress and accessories, it is important that it will look good on you during the event. I have seen some are using natural products as a tool for making the fabric of the gown. You can see how talented and artistic people that can create a nice gown or borong using plants as a tool of fabric.

I have seen one person who created a gown out of pineapple leaves. It has been used by some famous international designer in Hollywood like Oliver Tolentino. This is a good example of how creative and talented a person can be. Turning plant which we think useless and making it into something as a tool of fabulous fabric for gowns. Another tool for fabric is Abaka which can also be used in gowns, accessories and hats. This fabric can also be used in bags or Enviro bags that are surely Eco friendly. I like the natural products which you can create as a tool for fashion.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Last night, hubby and I were watching an informative movie where some reporters do some researches and gathering any actual situation of many individuals in a certain topic. The documentary episode of reporter’s notebook was another great topic. The show was very informative especially it took up more on the reality of how some low class people survive their livelihood in spite the fact of poverty.

The topic last night was so unacceptable practice done by some people. Irresponsible acts of some individuals can lead to destroy our environment. It was a topic that surely opens the eyes of the people involved and the viewers about how important to keep our environment clean.

The topic last night was a kind of taboo. The people in a certain community throw plastic with their faces into the ocean. Making the ocean as their bathroom and garbage landfill is a big issue wherein many ocean creatures will die. Sad to hear that even many places suffer with too much flooding still many are throwing their garbage into the ocean. It is good to have campaigned about the importance of saving our environment and to educate how important our part to make the campaign to be realized.

Check this out: