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You are in my guts Shah and I am acting because you are alive... *ILU* ~@LarvK

"I read everything including the laundry list that comes at my home. When I used to stay in a hotel and couldn't find a book to read I used to read the instructions on how to escape in case of a fire. I love reading and like to read almost every book. I need to read before I sleep" ~@iamsrk

SHAH RUKH KHAN...YALE CHUBB FELLOW...SO PROUD OF YOU MY SHAH, *ILU*~ "World...Move over you’re standing on my oxygen tube.... I need to breathe~" #YALESRK... @iamsrk~

Showing posts with label Feminine Intent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feminine Intent. Show all posts

Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Feminine Intent"

The evening is young, you’re relishing the views and noises of the ancient city of Kusadasi from your balcony. You decide to take a walk to the hotel bar, realizing its Turkish night you sit down for a drink.

The bartender hands you a Raki as the drumming beats increase, the evening celebrations have began. Taking a sip of your drink you scout around and notice her noticing you. Clad in belly dance attire she gets up, smiles at you and starts gyrating her shoulders to the percussion. You take another sip of your drink and smile back at her.
Like a shot to the brain your senses suddenly awaken, you light a cigarette your eyes focused on her. She places her hand on her leg slowly moving it up her thigh knowing you’re watching.

Arching her body backwards she twirls and shimmies with mesmerizing hip rolls to the tempo of cymbals and piccolo.

Swaying all the right parts with such emotion for you, lovingly telling you as she picks up pace, showing the beauty of her female form.
Your heat reverberating to the depths of her soul like an aphrodisiac uncurling sensual side, rousing your loins with mysterious eyes wide.

Come hither your smiles do, sweet feminine wiles, Turkish delight. Framed and bejeweled in the evening light, her golden coins tinkle and chime as she moves through the dance floor all a while reading your smile. All are spellbound as she continues to perform but she’s only dancing for your pleasure.

Imitating a serpent uncoiling to the ancient Mizmar,
she writhes and glides sensuously to the ancient sounds, of the eastern moon. She enters your psyche, taking over your mind, hands palpitating, pulse beating to heady rhythms carnal entwining.

Her hips pounding out to the beats of Darbuka;

Dum, Dum Taka Tak Dum, Dum Taka Tak...

Rising seductively to the music, not a beat amiss.
Moving closer and closer to you she weaves her way to your chair, she calls out to you in tradition, "Buyurmak Sevgilim...Come darling dance with me.." You oblige and stand up but then she sits you down parts your knees and proceeds to dance between them. You let out a sweet gasp unbelievable, her every shift redefining a different kind of ecstasy within you.

Staccato hip moves,
Hip Twist, Hip Bump, Hip Thrust
As she grinds Up and Down on you.
Arm waves, shoulder rotations, Head slide,
You mourn, such is your desire to finish her as you watch her belly trembling like wind ripples, she gains speed suddenly, leading you to Nirvana, a constant state of bliss.

Circles, eights, camels, snakes accentuating, your body heat swelling,

Cleopatra in Caesar’s arms…heating your passion in sweat, exploding with antagonizing pleasure...And then climax, fast and lively, grand finale as she bathes you in her erotic embrace. Her audience still in the state of hypnotic trance.
Here in the blissful presence, she’s all yours...you gracefully tangle, the drumming settling into silence as the dance concludes. Never have you known a better night than this.

She whispers in your ear, "Tonight, I wanted you just like this...such was my feminine intent."

Submitted to One Shot Wednesday .

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


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