Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Back To Normal

First of all, thanks for all the concern about Olga. It's great to be reminded that so many people care about our dog!

You'll be glad to know that she seems fine. I got more detail from the dog walker about their reasons for running so late on Monday -- apparently there were a series of driving-related delays and, on top of that, mistakes by a new driver. Because the walkers take several groups of dogs out in succession, any delays stack up throughout the day and affect the schedule. He said Olga spent about 30 extra minutes in the van at the end of the day.

At any rate, she seemed more or less OK yesterday -- a bit slower in the morning than usual -- and she slept heavily again last night. Now, today, she seems right as rain. Whew!

He suspects she ate something, and that's my suspicion too. It's strange how it never affected her digestion, though. That seemed to be working just fine through this whole episode. So who knows.

Dave left early this morning for a school music trip to Doha, Qatar. He'll be back on Sunday, and Olga and I will have some home time to ourselves. Dave is a homebody who doesn't often leave the house in his spare time, so it's unusual for me to have extended periods here alone. I confess, I'm kind of looking forward to it!

(Photo: An old pub amid the modern architecture of Southwark, on Sunday.)


  1. Glad Olga is on the mend. I live with a homebody as well!

  2. I guess that when that pub was built the locals would have considered it "high rise". Look at it now - it's a dwarf building that time forgot. Poor old Dave having to fly to Qatar - my heart bleeds for him! I never joined school trips like that. The furthest I got was Twickenham, London with a minibus load of rugby lads.

  3. I hope Dave and students have a good time. Glad to know Olga is okay...I'm a bit of a homebody these days.

  4. A school trip to Qatar! I always forget how accessible the rest of the world is from Britain.

  5. Was it a diesel van and was it left idling with her confined inside with limited ventilation?

  6. Goodness! I remember going to see a working dairy for a field trip! Look at the cows! Whoo! We each got a carton of free chocolate milk!
    Yet...I still remember it.
    Enjoy your time alone. It is lovely to have a house to oneself sometimes. I am so glad that Olga is better.

  7. my husband is the same. never goes anywhere, never does anything so his being gone for that week to visit my brother in Vail was really extraordinary. and then just this past weekend he drove to Houston to spend the day with a friend on Sunday! so glad Olga has recovered. Minnie seems to be feeling better today as well.

  8. I'm so glad Olga is back to herself!
    Dave and that school group get to go to some very exotic places to perform. I recently watched an episode of House Hunters International about a couple moving to Doha. They were both attorneys so of course they were looking at some spectacular homes but I was most impressed by the architecture and how new everything looked. One area of condos was built to look like Venice only much newer and cleaner.

  9. Whew - that's good news about Olga! I used to never be at home alone & I would RELISH any time - for about an hour. Then I was bored & lonely - ha! That was before blogging & Facebook though - I entertain myself quite well now. And I work from home a lot, so I'm there alone often.

  10. I'm so glad to hear Olga seems better. I think utahDOG! has a good question there - and it's relevant to future outings so you would be within your rights to ask it. Not just a diesel vehicle, either - any vehicle can cause an issue, especially if there is a leaky tailpipe or any damage to the body of the car. Poor girl!

  11. with Olga recovering, that's a load off your mind.
