Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

SS13 Antipodium

antipodium leather jacket

I'm pretty much in love with this jacket. See more at the Cutting Class.

In fact, the entire show is pretty bangin'. The palette is what is most striking. The burgundy, the blush, the perfect addition of orange and fatigue green. Colors one would ostly associate with Fall, somehow flawlessly speak to Spring in the same breath. Versatile, sporty, classic and edgy, I really love this collection.

antipodium ss13

Dear Lord, Bring Me the Autumnal Hum

sexietime sexietime sexietime
Holy fucks.

Chloe has channeled some serious knitwear ghosts of the 90s for the best of reasons.

The Shoes. 

Yum. ***appropriated from knighttcat

Fashion Remix: Challenge





Fashion Remix was a challenge that put together interior designers, architects, and stylists together to create looks yeilded from building/interior design materials. Dexterity Salon did the hair. I took photos (click here to see the entire set).

The image at top was the winner, a dress made from wood veneer.

Another Danielle (Scutt)




Gwen Stefani laurels aside, British designer, Danielle Scutt is taking the hipster motif and making it palatable. I like it. There are subtleties that make it exciting and not over-played. It's sort of taking me back to this Elvis Costello album:


RM by Roland Mouret

I am enjoying these looks for fall. I know it's nothing super crazy or new or anything, but I like the texture and richness in subtle moments. Also, I like that even though the looks is very of-the-now, it's also timeless; I could imagine wearing these looks for a long long time. And the shoes. Love the shoes.





Mouth Wide Open Jaw Dropping Awe




Susie Bubble posted about TÔ Long-Nam and I fell in love. I would kill to wear ensembles like the ones above everyday. Look at the detail on the pant. Hot Damn. I'm speechless.

Black on Black


Simple is nice. Black is best. Take off the rest.

My Friend Michelle, The Genius

I really have a talented group of friends. I am very fortunate to have led a life that enabled me to form amazing friendships with amazing people. Michelle Boucher is one of them. She made all sorts of costumes for a Fashion show for charity sponsored by the Lunatic Fringe Salon and the Paul Mitchell School (other people did designs too, but for all intent and purposes, we only care about Michelle!). Just click on a photo to be taken to the full set. It was stunning: her costumes, her dancers, everything. Also, Carmen and Heather helped dress all the performers and did an excellent job.





Hussein Chalayan Hinterview


Hint Magazine has a nice Interview with Fashion man, Hussein Chalayan, and current Creative Director of Puma. This was my favorite excerpt:

Hint: That comes through in your work. For me, and for a lot of people, the experience of watching your shows is very emotional.

Chalayan: Yes, because I am very emotional.

I love this piece by Hanako Narahira. I saw this on the UO blog and checked out her collection. I can't say I'm an all around fan, but I think her designs are innovated and quirky and I can see where this could go. Some of the designs are a little too applique or flowery for me. I am mostly drawn to the abstract geometric designs.

When 1/2 Off Still Isn't Enough


I love this dress. And look! It's half off! Only $1,407.50!

While were at it. I'll take some of these sweet deals too:

Jonathan Saunders Silk Skirt was $1395, now $697.50:

This Halston Dress was $3995, now $1997.50

Oh, How Sad

This photo makes me hate every stitch of fashion:


And, however sad, I still want those goddamn boots.

*photo from altamira

Halloween and Horses

I knew I could make this post more topical than just in a fashion sense. Here is my gripe: QUIT TRYING TO LOOK LIKE YOU RIDE EQUESTRIAN!!!!

OK. Now that I've got that off my chest, I can come back around. I love the equestrian look. It has been a part of my life, not just a part, but my entire life. I started riding when I was 4. I've broken in those boots numerous times (bleeding blisters on the backs of your knees...yeah not so appealing anymore, eh?). I do not wear my field boots to the bar or to work or to go shopping. I understand that this has always happened in the western wear world. Fashion people, regular people, and caballeros alike, wear cowboy boots. I just really can't stand this influx of equestrian rip offs. It's not just the occasional strap detail or jodhpurs on the runway these days; it's EVERYONE.

Here's my advice: spend a quarter century of your life in a saddle or in an actual pair of riding boots and you'd have too much respect for the sport and yourself to wear such atrocities outside of the arena.

Here is "Physical Graffiti" (Artax) and Me as Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf dressed as Granny, Halloween 1995:

P.S. I, of course am a terrible hypocrite and have worn my paddock boots outside in the world. Someone spank me with a crop - quick:

Also, I appropriately wear my cowboy boots too (tucked in style aside):

Style Inspirations

I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel. I'm looking for a good Brasso or a good Putz to put on my life, so to speak. I've always adhered to the rock/punk sensibility of style. Sometimes I think working my day job muddies my head with corporate dress codes and not that I'm not my own person, sometimes it's just that sometimes while you swim in the ocean, the tide pulls you out and you don't realize how far out you've gone until you stop and look to shore. Right now I'm looking at the shore and wondering how to get back to my stuff, my towel, my umbrella.

Some may be old, some boring, some contrite, some may be a bit pretentious, however, I need some rejuvenation of my tried & true fashinspirations. And, I'd say most are style-spirations; I doubt many of the people below had stylists. There's only one person below directly involved in "fashion". I'm sure there will be more to come, but for now:

Like Bread & Butter, Sid & Nancy:

The boy in this Paul Strand photo:

Of Course, Emmanuelle Alt:

Kurt Cobain:

Patti Smith:

Marianne Faithfull:

Jimi Hendrix: