Showing posts with label california. Show all posts
Showing posts with label california. Show all posts

And Just Like That, You're at Sea








And like that, you're at sea

with the world

with me

And just like that we're meaning to be

the other people

we've tried to be.

Oh, California




Jody, thank you for the being such a great food maker. Sister, be strong.

Best of Both Worlds














I lived in California for 17 years, Montana for less than 1, Europe, and Utah, now, for almost 10. I feel like I have no place to call home, and everywhere is a home. My hometown of Topanga is always gorgeous. I"m just upset that my best friend still lives there while I like in the new Zion. It was interesting, this trip. I saw some friends I haven't seen in years. I even saw Isabelle perform with her duo, Hecuba, at the Echo. No matter how the world turns, we all turn with it.

June 21: Trespassing in Venice

I liked this person's staircase. Tyler and I got way too drunk to drive tonight.



June 9: Temporary California

I'm in California today and tomorrow to look after my mom. I suppose I've felt strange talking about the state of my family via this blog, but I think since it has become such a defining stroke in life events - I should explain. However, I must state that my reservations on discussing all things family come from a strong catholic background of "hush hush" sensibilities.

My mom has lung cancer. She's going through the necessary steps to try and cure herself, however, the road is long. She goes to radiation every week day and chemo once a week to help boost the radiation's effectiveness. When the radiation stops (the end of July) the full on chemo begins. My mother is a strong individual who has survived and endured things in life I can only imagine. She truly is a ct with 9 lives. I'm convinced she's only on her 6th life, so, I know she's got at least 3 more.

Having cancer is seemingly quite common, but when you try to find information, it's not as easy as you'd think. My mom is a very personal person and likes to keep her business private, so going to suppor tgroups and things like that is out of the question. If anyone has any hints on how to make her eat more, that would be amazing. She's such a finiky eater to begin with, it's hard to get her to eat the recommended, every 2 hours.

I am moving back home to California to care for her and split the responsibility of taking her to her appointments and making her eat and just being there for her. It's a really hard decision for me to make since I love Salt Lake City and everyone I have grown to love there. I love the wilderness of Utah and I know that places with freedom in their vein exist out here too, I'll just have to look a little further than my backyard. I suppose I can temporarily trade the mountains for the ocean, at least for a little while.


To Be Understood With You

Bylaws and structure the end point of a reform process started.

But the same is not true of the city this city and its local government,

which have an infection of rate or rate thereof.

The city is swimming with swimming pools covered for the winter;

and thus, we move our salted homes left, to brine and move for warmer waters due west.

We come home to our highly reformed and pickled houses in the summer when the salt on our bodies likes to shine.