Showing posts with label calendar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calendar. Show all posts

2013 Calendars and the Year of the Black Water Snake

I'm always late to buy a calendar and here we are in the first week of January, and I consider this to be an improvement. So, I did some searching around town the internet, and found these. I really enjoy a nice tactile calendar, one with soul, one that can speak to the year. Which is also noteworthy as the year of the snake. And, as long as we're on that subject, perhaps I'm not late to the calendar buying game as I thought - the Chinese new year rolls over on February 4th (celebrated on the 10th) this year, so, actually, I'm early.
Here are some attributes associated with the year of the black water snake:
  • Steadfast progress
  • Snake is Yin (female)
  • Snake is fire and thus as a water year it is Fire under Water - it has a calming effect on the animal's nature
  • If you're sign is Monkey or Goat, take advantage of the year, for you are in favorable territory with the Snake
  • Don't make commitments that are overreaching
  • Be weary of spending outside of your means
  • Supposed year of peace - fingers crossed
snake calendar
lunar calendar
cool design calendar
letterpress desk calendar