Horizon for Spells


The shadows lay us down spread us out across the breeze and I feel at home
believe in us all
we breathe into the fire
discoveries with a fine tooth comb

we speak slow
gestalt we gather the motions
hide below

The sun burns us flattened and immoveable prairie of light
horizon for spells
we gather the dust swarms
don't leave without a fight

And you speak of the power of might
but I might disagree
and the moon sets slowly
with a subtle fade
and you might believe in what I disagree
But it won't matter much
when the light fades
and we're left with sand and sadness that we wash away with
the day light

we speak slow
in pattern
sideways in motions
hide below.

A Modern Day Mummification



I'm in lust all over your summer skin
shed around me like a snake shake your face that sin inspired grin
Wince at the light that wakes us from behind the blinds
The piece of glass pivots, catches us off guard as it hits our eyes

Bodies and brine, a modern day mummification
Wrap ourselves in each others shedded skins
Purification from the depths
Steal the rubies and emeralds to fashion our beating hearts, gleaming eyes
gold and rust, the markings of elegance and age

I hope we grow old under a grove
because we both know.

And Just Like That, You're at Sea








And like that, you're at sea

with the world

with me

And just like that we're meaning to be

the other people

we've tried to be.

Hypnotic Nights


I don't think there's any question as to why this might be my favorite album cover right now. Check out Pitchfork's review of Jeff the Brotherhood's latest: Hypnotic Nights.

Proud Cheetah





I've been thinking a lot about the tattoo I've decided to acquire. Behold, proud Cheetah. The piece won't look like any of these examples - they're merely inspiration. And, of course, it's a tattoo in memorandum for momma. Hot damn that woman loved cheetahs...maybe even as much as Holly Hunter.


Instantly, when I saw this photo I thought of my mother. She had elkhounds while I was growing up and this took me back. Their soft fur. Lying on the ground, nestled between two dogs. A cat nearby. Ferdinand the dog brought a wounded bird into the house, softly between his teeth. Careful. Calculated. Just like my mother.

Mikael Kennedy shoots some glorious polaroids.

Soon to Be Poolside

sexietime sexietime Summers are desperate. Give me weather. Give me rain. Give my brain something to relax and get lost in. Blue skies are too harsh for contemplation. However, I'll put all of this angst toward summer aside for this weekend when I'll be lying around by a pool in the Santa Monica mountains and by the sea of the coast that raised me. See you soon Los Angeles.

Leopard and Bikes and Ice Cream, Oh My!



I stumbled upon these two animal print concoctions while perusing style.com and I must say, I'm glad that animal print hasn't fallen by the way-side of the bold tribal or upholstery patterns that seem to be everywhere. I'm glad that the animal kingdom has toned itself down because the fashion world was starting to look too Cruella de Vil.


If there's something I love almost as much as animal print - it's an ice cream cone. I don't particularly enjoy ice cream, but the visual of a person holding an ice cream cone is just so amazing. *images from style.com