Showing posts with label embroidery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embroidery. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Bunnies

Just listed two new bunnies in my etsy shop. Each bunny seems to have its own personality. This bunny was made from a piece of brown vintage chenille that I bought on ebay. Yes I said brown. Rare, she said. After I sewed the bunny together, before I stuffed it, I noticed that the brown fabric was fading in the sun. I mean really fading, so I decided to just bleach the bunny and extra fabric and it came out pale yellow.

 This Brown bunny is made from scraps from a slipcover. ( Making the bunny was more fun than making the slipcover.)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Makin’ Buttons!


A couple of years after I started my slipcover business, I was so happy to have the opportunity to buy a used Handy Junior Button Press. My kids used to love pulling the handle down and Presto! a covered button. They are all grown up now, so it is mostly just me having fun with the button maker.

I have lots of vintage embroidered linens around that I use for my Etsy crafts, so I made some buttons from some of the smaller embroideries. These went over to my friend who makes amazing and fun button jewelry and other accessories. You can see some of her great stuff at Button Willow Jewelry. I hope to put some covered buttons in my Esty shop too soon.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Paper and Fabric. Two of my favorite things! I just learned that the word “text”, usually associated with the written word, is actually from a Latin word that means fabric.


I can’t wait to visit the exhibit of Isabelle de Borchgrave’s paper fashions at the Palace of the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco. She has recreated clothing that she has seen in paintings, only out of paper, instead of fabric.


Nothing like a pair of pink paper shoes to make me want to do some paper mache.

 Another costume related exhibit I’d love to visit….


This one is at the L A County Museum of Art. It is a collection of European clothing from 1700 to 1915.
Lots of embroidery! Another activity I would love to spend more time on.