Well, it's not much, but I think it counts. I SO want to get this one finished! But I keep getting discouraged with the quilting. It was too long to mount on my Flynn frame so I decided to "keep it simple" and just follow the blue lines with some straight lines. Problem is, I'm using white thread. Basically, everytime I get to a brown block, it looks as though someone keeps bumping me while I'm sewing...ugh. Everytime the thought crosses my mind to just rip it all out and start over, I just can't DO it! I hate ripping and I have to keep telling myself,
done is best. So I will push through.
Also, I started a tutorial a few weeks ago and then realized I had way too many things to finish before Christmas. 2 twin-sized, 1 queen sized, and 1 lap-sized quilt. The tute quilt is going to be a baby gift for someone special, but I've had to put it aside for now. Here's a sneaky peeky anyway...
I think my hope now is that if I actually SHOW you what I'm working on, then maybe just MAYBE, I can find some motivation to get these things DONE!
Darlene :)