Jessie the elf has returned and boy has she been causing some mischief this year!
She showed up making snow angels in Pancake mix and even dyed our milk green for a fun elf welcome breakfast. And then she kept the kids hopping with lots of sneaky moving around!
Morgan and Chloe have been leaving her lots of notes...asking whether she is a boy or girl (she is a girl), whether she would mind if we changed her name (she would mind) and having her write them notes back. It has been quite funny to see their notes. (If you are wondering what in the world Morgan is talking about in that last part...he wanted her to leave her reply with a clementine and a kiwi - or ceeweed as he wrote it - for him. When she didn't do that because she was confused as well, he got annoyed and wrote her a very strongly worded letter: "Jessie - I really mean it. Put this letter by a clementine and a ceeweed and write Morgan on it!" Man I love that kid!)
Drinking maple syrup...that is one of the elves 4 basic food groups after all!
hot date to look at the lights. :)
a nap in the kleenex box to recover from the hot date!
the day after they were getting too close to Jessie (if you aren't familiar with the elf on the shelf, you are not allowed to touch the elf or the magic may go away)
She opened that yogurt...of course it was peach flavor because that is the one the kids always fight over.
playing wii
riding a reindeer
go fish!
climbing the wall
I forgot to take pictures the day she toilet papered our Christmas tree and the day she spilled my craft buttons and glued them to some paper to write a message, but we are having fun looking for her each morning! I am hoping she is pretty lenient with her reporting to Santa, though, because if not, Santa may just skip our house this year! Morgan was extra good today, though...I think he is making up for lost time now that Christmas is only a few days away.