December 25, 2012


Figure represents a type of Roman gladiators - woman "Venator"
Venators scrimmage with animals.
54mm, acrylic painting on canvas. Sculptor - Sergei Traviansky ...

December 5, 2012


Remarkable figure from the company Alexandros Models. I think you know the famous hero ... So "Spaniard"
Scale 75mmPainting - acrylic and oil.


November 26, 2012

Sentinel of Moria

Вust a gnome with the working title - "The Sentinel of Moria of Moria"
Sculptor Sergey Savenkov
Manufacturer Tartar Miniatures
1/9, resin
The painting was commissioned by the manufacturer.


November 22, 2012

One of the three hundred

Bust from the Young Miniatures
1/10, resin.
Painted with acrylic and oil


November 2, 2012

Roman Gladiator ''Mirmillone''

54mm, resin. Sculptor Sergeу Menelaev. Painting - acrylic and oil.
As always, the figure is made to order.

54мм, смола. Скульптор Сергей Менелаев.
Фигурка расписана акриловыми и масляными красками.

Мирмиллон (мурмиллон)  — вид гладиатора в Древнем Риме.
Относился к хорошо вооруженным гладиаторам: был вооружен гладиусом (40-50 см в длину) и большим прямоугольным щитом  (scutum). Мурмиллоны носили  шлем  с гребнем, на правой руке доспех  (маника, manica), набедренную повязку (subligaculum) и пояс (balteus или cingulum), короткий понож на левой ноге, толстые обмотки, закрывающие верх ступни (ocrea),

October 26, 2012


Greetings, friends! Here. Just finished a new job.
Sculpted by Sergey Lupanov. 120mm. Figure in a single copy.
Painting with acrylic and oil.

October 14, 2012

"European infantryman, 14th century", 75mm, STL for printing

  I am sale of STL files for printing. "European infantryman, 14th century", 75mm Friends, I present to you the first figure of O...