April 21, 2022

"European infantryman, 14th century", 75mm, STL for printing

 I am sale of STL files for printing.

"European infantryman, 14th century", 75mm
Friends, I present to you the first figure of Oleg Pogosyan sculpted in 3D. Scale 75mm.
The cost is 12.5 euros. For a subscriber of my Patreon -25% discount.
Boxart in progress.
Paypal payment available.
Write in private messages. https://www.facebook.com/paintersergeypopovichenko/ sergeypopovichenko@gmail.com

July 29, 2021


Large PDF magazine detailing the work on this vignette in my Patreon.
More than 50 step-by-step photos of planning and creating entourage, painting and finished work.
Creation of a model of a fragment of an ancient Greek galley. Imitation of sea waves.
Shield painting
General view and detail drawings in PDF.

March 23, 2021

Blood for Black Sun

Comission work.
Figures from Black Sun Miniatures
Painted with oils Abteilung 502 and AK acrylics

For PM
Or  sergeypopovichenko@gmail.com

September 30, 2018

Кnight and squire

Hello everybody!
The vignette with the knight and squire in the room is finally complete.
Figures Tartar Miniatures, resin, 75mm.
Sculptor Dmitry Pozdnyakov.
Entourage is completely my workmanship.

You can always contact me on the page in the FB
Or  sergeypopovichenko@gmail.com


Valor of Rome

The figure of the Roman centurion from Romeo Models. 90mm, metal.
Painting with acrylic AK Interactive, oil Abteilung 502.
This is a commission work.
You can always contact me on the page in the FB
Or  sergeypopovichenko@gmail.com

August 24, 2018

Something about ...

Friends, please excuse me, I do not support my blog for some time. I will try to fix it in the near future.
My finished works can always be seen on my FB page :
The best of my works I represent on a wonderful resource Рuttyandpaint: https://www.puttyandpaint.com/SergeyPopovichenko
At the moment  I'm at the seventh position of 3370 artists. This achievement is a great honor and merit for me.I'm loaded with work and I want to do large-scale and interesting projects. I publish in several magazines, among which Mr. Black Рublication, аnd "Illustrated Historical Artist".

At the moment I'm working on my own book about the miniature painting, but there is not much time left for it.

On cooperation, you can always contact me personally at the FB or on the mail sergeypopovichenko@gmail.com

August 20, 2016

Captain of the Florenzi militia

Knight figur from the company Tartar Miniatures. 75mm resin.
Painting for a private collection.


“Full Metal Man”

Sculptor Oleg Pogosyan.
Manufacturer Tin-Berlin.
75mm resin.


Figure in a single copy for private collection.
Sculptor Alexander Deryabin.
Base is made by me.


Сustom made.  Pegasо. 90mm. Painting with acrylic and oil.

"European infantryman, 14th century", 75mm, STL for printing

  I am sale of STL files for printing. "European infantryman, 14th century", 75mm Friends, I present to you the first figure of O...