Thursday, 31 December 2009

Blue Moon by Alyson Noel

Publisher: MacMillan Australia
Pub.Date: July 7th 2009
Age Range: Young Adult
Pages: 400
Format: Paperback
Source Of Copy: from the publisher - MacMillan Aus

Things have changed for Ever since she met her beloved Damen - not least because she's got a whole new set of powers, courtesy of her new Immortal status. Just as she's getting stronger, though, Damen seems to be weakening. Panicked at the thought of losing him, Ever finds a path to the in-between world known as Summerland, where she learns the secrets of Damen's tortured past. But in searching for a cure for him, Ever accidentally discovers a way to twist time so she can save her family from the accident that killed them. It's all she's ever wanted - but so is Damen. And Ever must choose between them...

Second book of The Immortals series, Blue Moon is, in my opinion, a better and more exciting read than Evermore. The journey continues with more suspense, action and an ultimate choice to make that might change everything.

A lot of things that happen in this book, at least much more than the first one. Drama? Check. Romance? Check. Action? Check. There are new characters, some twists and stuff in the past that all readers will love to learn.

I like the fact that Ever has become stronger and can deal with stuff on her own rather than depending on Damen all the time. Actually, it is her own fight during this book. Although she makes the wrong choices, trust ones she shouldn't trust, something does show her heroic side here in Blue Moon. I also fine the villain quite fun. Oh and did I mention that I like the legend about the blue moon? It comes in quite smooth and marches perfectly with the title.

Among a few things I don't dig in this book is that Ever is still so meek sometimes, specifically the moments she's jealous that Damen is into someone else. I think I've read enough of that in Evermore. There are not much development in other characters either, especially Ever's best friends.

The ending, though, is very nice. I didn't see that coming. It turns everything around and sets great base for the next books.

Love Evermore? You may love it even more.

Rating: 3.5/5

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (46)

Idea taken from Breaking The Spine

Spirit Bound (VA #5) by Richelle Mead.

Dimitri gave Rose the ultimate choice. But she chose wrong…

After a long and heartbreaking journey to Dimitri’s birthplace in Siberia, Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir’s—and to her best friend, Lissa. It is nearly graduation, and the girls can’t wait for their real lives beyond the Academy’s iron gates to begin. But Rose’s heart still aches for Dimitri, and she knows he’s out there, somewhere.

She failed to kill him when she had the chance. And now her worst fears are about to come true— Dimitri has tasted her blood, and now he is hunting her. Only this time, he won’t rest until Rose joins him…forever.

I cannot gush enough about this series. It totally changed my view about vampires and the characters (especially female ones) are significantly awesome. I've only finished book 1 but I'm already looking forward to Spirit Bound. Hopefully I will have finished everything else once this one comes out so I can get to it immediately. Oh and the cover is freaking hot. Dimitri & Rose = <3

You know when to hunt for a finished copy - May 18th 2010

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Mega 2010 Box Contest

Another contest to end 2009 and kick off 2010 with some of the most awaited books. Are you excited? I am too.

Here are the books that may become yours if you're any lucky:

  • Firespell by Chloe Neill (HC)
  • The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson (ARC)
  • The Mark by Jen Nadol (ARC)- Cover is different
  • The Naughty List by Suzanne Young (ARC)
  • The Good Girl's Guide To Getting Kidnapped by Yxta Maya Murray (ARC)
  • Anastasia's Secret by Susanne Dunlap (ARC)
  • The Line by Terri Hall (ARC)
  • A Match Made In High School by Kristin Walker (ARC)
  • Boys, Girls, and Other Hazardous Materials (ARC)

How to win? Simply go to The Bookologist and fill the entry form. Best luck with it okay? May your new year full of awesome books like these.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Mini Reviews: Gossip Girl Prequel & The IT Girl byCecily von Ziegesar

Publisher: Headline UK
Pub. Date: January 10th 2008
Age Range: Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: Paperback
Source Of Copy: from the publisher - Headline UK

Taking place over their sophomore year, It Had to Be You unveils the secrets behind the hot and sultry summer that Blair, Serena, and Nate's love triangle begins--and there's a lot more to this story than anyone realizes. Find out how Blair first snagged Nate, why Serena really left for boarding school, and how the legendary Gossip Girl column began. This beautifully jacketed hardcover addition to the #1 bestselling series will thrill author Cecily von Ziegesar's fans and will undo some of the myths created in the 11 previous novels, so don't believe everything you've read so far. After all, this is Gossip Girl.

This book takes you back to where everything began - how Nate and Bliar became a couple, why Serena left, how these three used to be so tight. The writing is nice and I like the triangle plot but I feel much annoyed by the main characters (except forSerena). Blair is very spoiled and selfish and even though sometimes I feel bad for her, I cannot stand the girl at all. Nate is the most confusing one ever. He keeps saying that he likes both girls but seems like it's just what he thinks - he's easily shaken and never says no to any girls at all. The rest of the characters are blurry to me because their lives aren't connected, thus some parts of the book makes me just want to skip. It's best for you to get to know everyone in other books of the series before getting to this prequel.

Rating: 3/5

Publisher: Headline UK
Pub. Date: September 6th 2007
Age Range: Young Adult
Pages: 288
Format: Paperback
Source Of Copy: from the publisher - Headline UK

Popular Gossip Girl character Jenny Humphrey is leaving Constance Billard to attend Waverly Academy, an elite boarding school in New York horse country where glamorous rich kids dont let the rules get in the way of an excellent time. Jennys determined to leave her crazy Manhattan past behind and become a sophisticated goddess on campus. But first shell have to contend with her self-absorbed roommates, Callie Vernon and Brett Messerschmidt. Hot guys, new intrigue, and more delicious gossip all add up to more trouble than ever for Jenny. But if getting caught with boys and going up against the Disciplinary Committee is what it takes, Jennys ready. Shell do all that and more to be The It Girl.

The IT girl is just like another softer and less mean version of Gossip Girl. I have to say that I don't have a good impression of Jenny in GG so I don't like her character much. The plot of this is kinda similar to GG too - two girls fight over one nice confusing guy and all the drama. There are some parts that are fun to read, especially about Jenny's past and those rumors they are spreading at the boarding school. Aside from that, the story is just okay. Something to read just to kill time in my opinion.

Rating: 2.5/5

Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Have an awesome holidays my lovely authors, bloggers and readers ^^

*hugs and kisses*

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

Publisher: Penguin Aus
Pub. Date: July 5th 2007
Age Range: Young Adult
Pages: 400
Format: paperback
Source of copy: from publisher

Last year, Annabel was "the girl who has everything"—at least that's the part she played in the television commercial for Kopf 's Department Store.This year, she's the girl who has nothing: no best friend because mean-but-exciting Sophie dropped her, no peace at home since her older sister became anorexic, and no one to sit with at lunch. Until she meets Owen Armstrong. Tall, dark, and music-obsessed, Owen is a reformed bad boy with a commitment to truth-telling.With Owen's help,maybe Annabel can face what happened the night she and Sophie stopped being friends.

If you ask me for recommendations of Sarah Dessen book, I'll say get the whole package of The Truth About Forever, This Lullaby and Just Listen, for these are the best works of Dessen I've read so far. Say goodbye to the organized girl who's deep in sorrow and the cynical one who doesn't believe in love, let's discover the beauty of the story of the girl who used to have it all.

I've said all the times how I love the calm and collected style of writing of Sarah Dessen in my previous reviews, so I'm going to pass it this time. Just Listen makes me realize one new thing about the author: she can pull out any seemingly small family or personal frustration and bring it to the next level, creating a whole new story that you will either sympathy with the characters or feel related to it one way or another. With Just Listen it's the matter of dealing with the ugly truth you have to hide so it doesn't disappoint anyone you care about.

Romance has very little space in this book. Instead, the majority of 400 pages is for Annabel to look at herself and find a way out of the depression that one night (along with her family problems) has caused her. I love the quote "Don't think or judge. Just listen" really much because it means so many things. Listen to yourself, listen to the world, to all the small but important things you have ignored for such a long time. The passion for music in this book is portrayed in a different and bizarre way, thus it attracts readers.

Annabel is a complex character. She's not as shy as she appears to be, in fact, the thing that happens with Will Cash makes her that way. I like how she slowly opens up and be strong again. Having said that, I don't think Annabel is the most exciting character in this book. Owen is. He's blunt, bold, angry (in a kind of hot way), he knows how to drag you out of your shell, he makes you uncomfortable if you're not real. Owen is the guy that will impress you in any kind of way, so that makes him as great as my all time favorite male character from Sarah Dessen books - Dexter.

So what are you waiting for? Get this book right away. It can be a perfect choice to start a new year - a year full of excellent reads.

Rating: 4/5

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (45)

Idea taken from Breaking The Spine

My Invisible Boyfriend by Susie Day.

Heidi has the perfect solution to her popularity problems - a fake boyfriend. She's even made him an Internet profile that makes him look like a motorcycle-riding, poetry reading bad boy. *swoon* Heidi's friends are so impressed they start emailing Heidi's fake boyfriend with their problems . . . including their problems with Heidi.

As if that weren't bad enough, a delicious and possibly single person called "A Real Boy" emails Heidi to say he knows the truth. Can Heidi escape from her world wide web of lies? Or will her chance at romance disappear faster than you can type gtg?

This book is so freaking cute!!! It was first published in UK and now I can totally see the reason why it's coming to US next year. The idea is just so fun and I can tell that Heidi is a very hilarious and adorable character? I wonder what the emails are exactly about and how the real boy finds out. Added to that is the super fun cover. I love you, don't you?

Will the invisible boyfriend ever become visible. The answer will be revealed on April 1st 2010.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Win A Bunch Of Awesome Books This Christmas

Want to know how to? Simply, just head over to Princess Bookie and enter her contest. Curious of the prize packs? Have a look.

You can win this....

or this...

The contest is international so don't hesitate. All you need to do is become a follower of the blog to be legible to enter. You can also find info on the other contest of 12 Days Of Christmas giveaway. Great right?

What are you waiting for? GO NOW! Oh and wait, remember if you see this post and decide to enter the contest, please let Cindy of Princess Bookie know that I recruited you okay? Thanks and GOOD LUCK<3

Monday, 21 December 2009

In My Mailbox (46)

Idea taken from The Story Siren

My mailbox looks pretty empty these weeks : *(

The Astonishing Adventures Of Fanboy and Goth Girl by Barry Lyga.

Fanboy has never had it good, but lately his sophomore year is turning out to be its own special hell. The bullies have made him their favorite target, his best (and only) friend seems headed for the dark side (sports and popularity), and his pregnant mother and the step-fascist are eagerly awaiting the birth of the alien life form known as Fanboy’s new little brother or sister. Fanboy, though, has a secret: a graphic novel he’s been working on without telling anyone, a graphic novel that he is convinced will lead to publication, fame, and—most important of all—a way out of the crappy little town he lives in and all the people that make it hell for him. When Fanboy meets Kyra, a.k.a. Goth Girl, he finds an outrageous, cynical girl who shares his love of comics as well as his hatred for jocks and bullies. Fanboy can’t resist someone who actually seems to understand him, and soon he finds himself willing to heed her advice—to ignore or crush anyone who stands in his way.

Blue Moon by Alyson Noel.

Things have changed for Ever since she met her beloved Damen - not least because she's got a whole new set of powers, courtesy of her new Immortal status. Just as she's getting stronger, though, Damen seems to be weakening. Panicked at the thought of losing him, Ever finds a path to the in-between world known as Summerland, where she learns the secrets of Damen's tortured past. But in searching for a cure for him, Ever accidentally discovers a way to twist time so she can save her family from the accident that killed them. It's all she's ever wanted - but so is Damen. And Ever must choose between them...

I've read Goth Girl Rising and it's so fantastic I kept wondering how the prequel was, so I filled a requested and got a shiny hardcover. I also got the sequel of Evermore, which I just read and liked more than the first book. I'm expecting some few more books in the next weeks so hopefully there will be more in the mailbox next time ^^

Thanks Jennifer from Houghton Mifflin and Sue from PanMacMillan for these two books :-)

So how was your book week?

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Sunday Special (33) More On Covers

Some more before-after covers for you authors and readers ^^

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First Kiss, Then Tell by various authors

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In A Heartbeat by Loretta Ellsworth

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Before, After and Somebody In between by Jeannine Garsee
(I don't think I found the exact original picture but those belong to the same batch I guess)

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Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

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What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook.

Cool aren't they? My favorite of the batch is Thirteen Reasons Why because the color of the finished cover is nicer than the original and it has a feel of depression the raw photo doesn't. I don't like the coloring of In A Heartbeat though, it looks weird to me.

How about you? What do you think? Spot any original photos? Please tell me so I can put them up too : )