Hey Everyone
It is the Birthday of the lovely Betty Rogers the talented artist and creator of Simply Betty Stamps. So for her birthday there is lots of us taking part in Betty's Birthday Blog Hop. We were all give an image called Queen of Halloween created by the lovely Tamara from The Stamping Chef, the image is available to buy from her store on 11/11/13 and there is a 20% discount till Wednesday 13th.
Here is my card for the hop.
Here is the blog hop list for everyone that is taking part in the hop.
Bonnie Pruss, Cynthia Cole, Cat Sexton( Are on Corinnes blog as they don't have blogs)
Irene Sherman http:// irenescardcreations.blogspot.co m/
Sian Hillman http:// serendipity-cards.blogspot.co.u k/
Ruza Rebel http:// ruzascraftcorner.blogspot.com/
Katrina Benton http:// flutterbytrina.blogspot.co.uk/
Jackie Rakoski http:// stampingsister.blogspot.com/
Sam Slater http:// bananasaboutstamping.blogspot.c o.uk/
Roz Wolfe http://wolfepak5.blogspot.com/
Sheri Scraps http:// Mammasscrappin.blogspot.com/
Lisa Howell http:// www.mindovermattercreations.com /
Wendy Billings http:// www.jazzydoodledesigns.com/
Jackie Randolph http:// papermoments.blogspot.com/
Tanya Johnson http:// little-scrapper.blogspot.com/
Vicky Fortier http:// crafting-vicky.blogspot.ca/
Rhonda Miller http:// bluepoohbear753.blogspot.com/
Elisabete Balcavage http:// thebalcavages.blogspot.com/
Milo Lilja http://milolilja.net/
Berenice Rendon http:// www.karbersweetescape.blogspot. com/
Katya Bess http:// www.kattyxotica.blogspot.com/
Darcy Schroder http:// craftingwithdarcy.blogspot.com/
Brandy Tinney http://ibalady.blogspot.com/
Emily Shroom http:// emilyshroom.blogspot.com.au/
Karen Pimblett http:// www.kraftykarensblogspot.co.uk/ wordpress
Lucy Gregg http:// loopylass2010.blogspot.co.uk/
Dianna Sowerbrower http:// www.diannas-craftyplace.blogspo t.com/
Trish the Dish http:// scrappintillthecowscomehome.blo gspot.ca/
Sharette Brown http:// scrappernthemaking.blogspot.com /
Louise Mann http:// louisescraftycards.blogspot.co. uk/
Kay Mowat http://kaym74.blogspot.com/
Christin Myhre http://www.christinmyhre.no/
Robin Bogle http://rcz28.blogspot.com/
Sharon Brown http:// www.mrslumpys.blogspot.com/
Sharman DeLuca http://sharman33.blogspot.com/
Melissa Varga http:// www.cheesestampersinparadise.bl ogspot.com/
Tanja Charles http:// craft-teeinthecity.blogspot.com /
Kathy Gillion http:// kathyand3kids.blogspot.com/
Kezzla Brown http:// www.cardsbykerrie.blogspot.co.u k/
Leanne Hanmer = http:// pinkprincesssparkles.blogspot.c o.uk/
Ashley Murphy http://anm61391.blogspot.com/
Celina Matthews http://scrapvamp.blogspot.com/
Anita Blake http:// www.kardmakingheaven.blogspot.c o.uk/
Patricia Buno http://preybueno.blogspot.com/
Deanna Fosnaugh http:// deannafosnaugh.blogspot.com/
Shelley Mimi Bo http:// www.happycraftershell.blogspot. com/
Cindye Wile http://nscropper.blogspot.ca/
Jackie Maunder http:// apaperjem.blogspot.com.au/
Christine Garner http:// happyscrapper-sweetpeacards.blo gspot.com/