Showing posts with label Environmentalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environmentalism. Show all posts

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Quick links

By Donald Sensing

Three Ideas to End the Rot on College Campuses
The author, Charles Lipson, is the Peter B. Ritzma Professor of Political Science Emeritus at the University of Chicago, where he founded the Program on International Politics, Economics, and Security. 

What ‘woke’ whites get wrong about blacks’ priorities
Which is just about everything. Most of all that woke white people really do think they can decide what is best for black people, without asking them.

I had to hear what whites were saying. I listened to the protesters, talked with my white friends and read articles and social media posts. What I found was white people overwhelmingly depicting black people as desperate and defeated, with no way to pull themselves out of their misery.

“I understand your point,” a white friend said when I objected to this simplistic narrative. “But don’t you think blacks are being oppressed?”

That’s when I realized that white wokeness is the new factor in our national life. It has been embedded into the consciousness of whites that all blacks are the same and that they all face impossible barriers to improvement — from standardized tests to the black men being arrested on the nightly news. A growing number of whites believe that black life is unrelentingly grim. 

One of the most respected environmentalist activists and scholars in the whole world was published on, but got deleted because environmental absolutists went nuts.

What was his crime? Pointing out the corruption of the Green groups and environmental activists around the world. It is now on Quillette: "On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare."

Read it all. I have saved it for reference as a PDF.

Biden's record-setting tax increases will take your money — and your job

The Dems' operate always on the principle that all our money really must be handed over to them. And what do they do with it? Purchase votes and launder it through contracts and foreign aid to the pockets of their family members (coff, Hunter Biden, coff) and crony companies and non-profits.

Some Republicans do this, too, of course, but it is a fundamental operating principle for Democrats.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Stuff to keep track of

By Donald Sensing

Are AR-15 Rifles a Public Safety Threat? Here's What the Data Say

In any given year, for every person murdered with a rifle, there are 15 murdered with handguns, 1.7 with hands or fists, and 1.2 with blunt instruments. In fact, homicides with any sort of rifle represent a mere 3.2 percent of all homicides on average over the past decade.

Given that the FBI statistics pertain to all rifles, the homicide frequency of “assault-style” rifles like the AR-15 is necessarily lesser still, as such firearms compose a fraction of all the rifles used in crime.

With an average of 13,657 homicides per year during the 2007-2017 timeframe, about one-tenth of one percent of homicides were produced by mass shootings involving AR-15s.

According to a New York Times analysis, since 2007, at least “173 people have been killed in mass shootings in the United States involving AR-15s.”

That’s 173 over a span of a decade, with an average of 17 homicides per year. To put this in perspective, consider that at this rate it would take almost one-hundred years of mass shootings with AR-15s to produce the same number of homicide victims that knives and sharp objects produce in one year.

With an average of 13,657 homicides per year during the 2007-2017 timeframe, about one-tenth of one percent of homicides were produced by mass shootings involving AR-15s.
Speaking of guns, in Texas, 50,000 more babies were killed in the womb in 2017 than by firearms.


NO POLITICS Initial Analysis of Murders in White Settlement TX Church

Yeah, as Dr. Phil would say, "How did that work out for you?" From 2004: Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us
· Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war
· Britain will be ‘Siberian’ in less than 20 years
· Threat to the world is greater than terrorism
And there were these climate swings and misses from 2010-2019, too. Like our fave alarmist, Al Gore.

Oops. Because actually, We're living in (almost) the best of times. For example:
“Extreme poverty has fallen below 10 percent of the world’s population for the first time. It was 60 percent when I was born,” Ridley writes, referring to the year 1958, a time that some of us can actually remember.
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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Freeman Dyson blows up global warming alarmism

By Donald Sensing

Freeman Dyson is one of the most highly-regarded physicists in the world. Wikipedia introduces its entry on him thus:

Freeman John Dyson FRS (born December 15, 1923) is an English-born American theoretical physicist and mathematician, famous for his work in quantum mechanics, solid-state physics, and nuclear engineering. He is a lifelong opponent of nationalism and a proponent of nuclear disarmament and international cooperation. Dyson is a member of the Board of Sponsors of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
He was one of the first scientific figures to recognize that environmentalism had become a religion in its own right:
There is a worldwide secular religion which we may call environmentalism, holding that we are stewards of the earth, that despoiling the planet with waste products of our luxurious living is a sin, and that the path of righteousness is to live as frugally as possible. [From, "The Question of Global Warming."]
From "Environmentalist religion explained."

In 2011, The Independent published, "Letters to a heretic: An email conversation with climate change sceptic Professor Freeman Dyson."
World-renowned physicist Professor Freeman Dyson has been described as a 'force-of-nature intellect'. He's also one of the world's foremost climate change sceptics. In this email exchange, our science editor, Steve Connor, asks the Princeton scholar why he's one of the few true intellectuals to be so dismissive of the global-warming consensus.
In the interview, after concise explanation of why climate modeling is useful but not determinative:
My impression is that the experts are deluded because they have been studying the details of climate models for 30 years and they come to believe the models are real. After 30 years they lose the ability to think outside the models. 
Read the whole thing.

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Friday, December 13, 2019

Monogamy and chastity: keys to national prosperity, and more

By Donald Sensing

Why Sexual Morality May be Far More Important than You Ever Thought

Unwin found that when strict prenuptial chastity was abandoned, absolute monogamy, deism, and rational thinking disappeared within three generations.

But we lost that battle when the Pill was invented. And it will not be turned back, ever. And so here we are: "New York public school rejects student Christian club, OKs LGBT Pride Club"

An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg

You are not a moral leader. But I will tell you what you are.
By DePaul University philosophy Prof. Jason D. Hill
You have stated that you want us to panic, and to act as if our homes are on fire. You insist that rich countries must reduce to zero emissions immediately. In your speeches you attack economic growth and have stated that our current climate crisis is caused by “buying and building things.” You call for climate justice and equity, without addressing the worst polluter on the planet China; the country that is economically annexing much of Africa and Latin America. You dare not lecture Iran about its uranium projects -- because that’s not part of the UN’s agenda, is it?

And now Virginia is on its way back to solid red:

'The law is the law': Virginia Democrats float prosecution, National Guard deployment if police don't enforce gun control

This will be a major factor in giving Virginia to Trump next November.

As I have posted before, for the Left violence always underlies their means. Now apparently even Newsweek is catching on.


Saturday, December 7, 2019

You can buy the science you want

By Donald Sensing

This according to NPR. So now we know the reason Americans started getting obese at the same time the government started telling us what to eat. The result? Today, almost one-third of all American adults are obese and the rate is increasing. And this year, for the first time, a majority of American adults are either diabetic or pre-diabetic.

But remember when you are told that you are killing the planet: global warming research has nothing to do with money! It's hard science and scientists would never let their research and publishing be influenced by grants, awards, and seats at international conferences!

Update: The science is settled!

UpdateDozens of Failed Climate Predictions Stretch 80 Years Back

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Climate protests are how white people claim victimhood

By Donald Sensing

Because we live now in a victimhood culture ("Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!"), it is a matter of honor and social standing to be identified as a victim of something, somehow. It is simply an essential part of what it means to be woke.

So let's take a look at the recent children's marches against climate change. Notice anything?

These protests are extremely pale. I mean, they make NASCAR look like a melting pot! And some people are noticing:
This is an issue CNN contributor Bakari Sellers raised in an opinion piece last month. He writes: “Climate change should be a definitive issue for Black voters, but it isn’t. That is partly because environmental advocacy groups have not always looked like us, nor have they clarified what solutions mean for our communities. And few have articulated what real environmental justice looks like.”

There is a reason for this. For white progressives, climate change is a unique issue in which racial guilt plays little to no role. Other issues such as police brutality, income inequality, and even women’s rights and access to abortion are steeped in what they perceive as the racist foundation of our country. On these issues, white protesters in the post-Occupy age feel they bear no small amount of collective guilt. But on climate change, for once, they can be the victim, not just the ally.

And man, are they enjoying it. This is the moment for angry, young white people not only to be angry, but to actually be oppressed. 
But that's not all. Maybe POCs ("people of color" for you unwoke readers) are not merely uninformed, as Sellers implies. Maybe the rank and file POCs understand that climate activism is racist to its very core (also here).

Climate activism is a white-identity matter and is going to stay that way. Moreover, it is a distinctly white-privilege matter, centered in the upper-economic classes of Europe and America and their universities. Diverse it ain't, and it ain't gonna be.
This is the fight for the young white progressive, who maybe, just maybe, is feeling a little tired of having to take the backseat. On this issue, they get to move back to the front of the bus, lead, and bemoan their own oppression. Ah, to be oppressed, the golden ticket of progressive culture, the chance to shine. The moment when they can focus on themselves and accept the applause and grave approval of the progressive culture. Well, it was bound to happen. And they are truly making the most of it.
Indeed they are.

UpdateNot Woke Enough: Climate Extremists ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Hit For Being Too White, Too Rich
The Guardian published an account by a young minority environmentalist that critiqued the movement for its lack of diversity, but also for its “glorification of arrest,” pointing out that upper-class, educated, white youth can be arrested and jailed and not face long-term consequences, whereas ethnic minorities may end up in jail for the rest of their lives, thanks to inequalities within the criminal justice system.

“The tactics of Extinction Rebellion are designed by and for middle-class, white Britain. Their central rhetoric about a dystopian future fails to cut through for those of us already faced with a nightmarish present, surrounded by poverty and austerity,” Athian Akec wrote, adding that “[t]he tactic of being purposely arrested strikes an uncomfortable note for many people of colour, given the adverse experiences people in my community have had with the police,” and then blames XR for failing to be as intersectional as possible — a key element of modern wokeness.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why renewable energy cannot save the planet

By Donald Sensing

Environmentalists have long promoted renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind farms to save the climate. But what about when those technologies destroy the environment? In this provocative talk, Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment” and energy expert, Michael Shellenberger explains why solar and wind farms require so much land for mining and energy production, and an alternative path to saving both the climate and the natural environment.

Michael Shellenberger is a Time Magazine Hero of the Environment and President of Environmental Progress, a research and policy organization. A lifelong environmentalist, Michael changed his mind about nuclear energy and has helped save enough nuclear reactors to prevent an increase in carbon emissions equivalent to adding more than 10 million cars to the road.

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Dear Greta, we do not look to you for hope. And we don't want your hypocrisy, either

By Donald Sensing


Greta Thunberg and peers, take note.

You are the first generation who have required air-conditioning in every classroom.

You want TV in every room of your home and cannot function without computerization. Even your classes are all computerized.

You spend all day and night on electronic devices sucking electric energy into your handheld devices.

More than ever, you don't walk or ride bikes to school but arrive in caravans of private cars. You don’t play outside or use your imaginations.

You don’t stroll outside just for fun, enjoy a picnic, or simply soak up the sun which is highly ironic (and hypocritical) given your complaints.

You are the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever and update perfectly good, expensive, luxury items just to stay trendy. It is seemingly the only brand of entertainment that remotely captures your interest.

Tell your teachers to switch off the air-conditioning and open the windows on a beautiful day.

Walk, ride a bike, ride the bus, or car pool to school.

Switch off your devices and read a book.

Eat less manufactured, processed food.

Spend a weekend planting a garden, picking up trash, and actually making a difference instead of screaming for others to do what you will not do yourself.

Learn to research facts and think for yourself and not blindly accept the words and thoughts of others.

And lastly, don’t think we haven’t noticed the complete hypocrisy in the insane amount of trash left behind after your demonstrations so carelessly and thoughtlessly.

We see you, but do you see yourselves?

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
It would be nice, yes? Well, you can bet your life savings on it, but I won't bet mine.

Also, Greta, please get a grip. Because what you are saying is laughable.
By no broad, global measure of social and economic well-being have we failed kids. The global poverty rate fell from 28% in 1999 to 11% in 2013, according to Human­Prog­ Life expectancy around the world increased from 63.2 years to 71.9 years from 1981 to 2015. The infant mortality rate dropped from 64.8 per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 30.5 in 2016. The completion rate for primary school increased from 80% in 1981 to 90% in 2015. The same benign trends hold for hunger, child labor, literacy and so on.

Today’s youth are entering adulthood in a world that is wealthier, healthier and better-educated and -fed than ever before. If climate change proves a significant challenge, they will have more ­resources and technology to grapple with it than any other generation in the history of mankind.
I do not think that Greta is herself a hypocrite; I have no doubt she does believe what she is saying. She is simply wrong, but then, she is a child and is being spoon fed the nonsense she says by adults who are simply using her  for their own purposes. This includes mainly her parents. They have weaponized a girl with mental-health challenges for their own selfish and hypocritical reasons. "The adults in her life should be protecting her; instead, they’ve terrified her."

But as I have written before, environmentalism is the hip religion for people who want other people to make huge sacrifices in the way they live, but not themselves because hypocrisy, it turns out, is a status symbol among the environmentally woke.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

When I pointed this out, I was told I was racist

By Donald Sensing

Author and commentator Arthur Chrenkoff observes from Australia,

At the heart of the New Catstrophism lies an inconvenient truth: the United States – or Australia – could cut their emissions to zero today (or by 2030) and it would make a negligible difference to the global temperatures.

There are two reasons for that: firstly, the CO2 emissions in the United States, the European Union, Canada and Australia have actually been declining in the past 10-15 years. Secondly, the CO2 emissions throughout the developing world have been skyrocketing. And this is not just in relative terms, which disregard the massively different starting points, but in absolute terms.

Why? Because "China now produces more CO2 than the United States and the European Union put together, the Asia-Pacific region ... emits nearly twice as much CO2 as the United States and the European Union combined. And rising." So:
St Joan of Arc of the Children’s Crusade against Carbon, Greta Thunberg, should be going to Beijing or Bangalore and staging her protests there instead of, or at least in addition to, Sweden or New York. She should be hounding President Xi and Prime Minister Modi about their shameful emissions. She should be leading throngs of Asian kids out of schools for her Friday student strikes. She should be castigating the industries and the consumers of the developing world for destroying the planet and killing humanity in the process. She should be doing all this if she were serious about the global nature of the problem. But I won’t be holding my breath.
I pointed this out on Facebook to a very left-wing friend, whereupon I was almost instantly advised that it was racist of me even to suggest it. After all, I was told, there was no reason for the Chinese or Indians to listen to a white European girl. I am not making that up.

In fact, The U.S. Leads All Countries In Reducing Carbon Emissions.


David Harsanyi:
Sixteen-year-old Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg lives in the healthiest, wealthiest, safest, and most peaceful era humans have ever known. She is one of the luckiest people ever to have lived.

In a just world, Thunberg would be at the United Nations thanking capitalist countries for bequeathing her this remarkable inheritance. Instead, she, like millions of other indoctrinated kids her age, act as if they live in a uniquely broken world on the precipice of disaster. This is a tragedy.
The problem with Greta Thunberg:
The problem with Greta Thunberg is not that she’s a 16-year-old girl with pigtails.

The problem with Greta Thunberg is not that she’s a school drop out.

The problem with Greta Thunberg is not she’s autistic.

There are hundreds of thousands of other kids around the world with some or all of these features – and none is being criticised for having them.

No, the problem with Greta Thunberg is that no matter how brave or inspirational or articulate or touchingly young and fresh-faced or triumphant-over-mental-adversity she may be, the “facts” she regurgitates on behalf of her controllers are lies, propaganda and fake news – and the cause she represents is downright evil.

Strip away all the fluffy invocations of nature and the plight of future generations and the alleged crisis facing mother earth and what you find underneath is pure totalitarianism.
Tony Heller:
Greta Thunberg lives a charmed life.  She doesn't have to go to school, travels the world, is likely getting very rich, and is being used in one of the most ridiculous attemots at a propaganda coup. In this video I discuss the difference between the reality of her life and the propaganda she has been chosen to spread.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Shouldn't global warming make it hotter?

By Donald Sensing

The Deep South is infamous for blistering hot summers, aggravated by high humidity. I know, I grew up in the South and live there now.

Tomorrow, Sept. 24, is the second day of autumn, but in the South autumn's first few weeks are just summer continued. And yet we have this:

Autumn's beginning has been getting cooler for a century. So why exactly am I supposed to surrender my basic liberties and money to the socialist environmentalists? Well, whatever the reason is, "climate" isn't the answer. "Socialism" is.

"The press warns us every day that we are having a climate crisis. And they should know, because they have been warning us about an imminent climate crisis for almost a century."

The Monday Link Massacre

By Donald Sensing

An American civil cold war began in 2016. Next year it will get hotThe Long Civil War.

Will Trump go to war to protect Saudi oil? Nope. Foreign Policy: The Real Reason Trump Won’t Attack Iran

Because like the Terminator, it's what they do. It's all they do. Peggy Noonan: Why They’ll Never Stop Targeting Kavanaugh. This too: Democrats' Kavanaugh Smear Implodes -- Again

Remember: Hillary said your kids are not yours. They are the Village's. And you don't get a say in how to raise them

Like any religion, wokeness understands the need to convert children. The old Jesuit motto (sometimes attributed to Voltaire) was, after all, “Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man.” And so I was moved but not particularly surprised by George Packer’s tale of a progressive school banishing separate restrooms for boys and girls because this reinforces the gender binary. The school did not inform parents of this, of course:
Parents only heard about it when children started arriving home desperate to get to the bathroom after holding it in all day. Girls told their parents mortifying stories of having a boy kick open their stall door. Boys described being afraid to use the urinals. Our son reported that his classmates, without any collective decision, had simply gone back to the old system, regardless of the new signage: Boys were using the former boys’ rooms, girls the former girls’ rooms. This return to the familiar was what politicians call a “commonsense solution.” It was also kind of heartbreaking.
("When the Ideologues Come for the Kids," By Andrew Sullivan, Intelligencer). John Sexton comments,
Bret Weinstein published a video arguing much the same thing. He said, “People who are the object of ire from the intersectionalists are going to be backed against the wall together. Who are they going to be? Well, primarily they are going to be straight and white and male.” He went on to predict that this combination of telling people that a) racial identity is paramount and b) your racial identity is suspect creates a breeding ground for the kind of white nationalism that we’d all like to avoid. Sullivan adds another note to his criticism, which is that there is no rational way out of this cult because reason has little to do with it. This is a substitute religion:
One of the key aspects about social-justice theory is that it’s completely unfalsifiable (as well as unreadable); it’s a closed circle that refers only to itself and its own categories. 
Speaking of ideologues coming for the kids, I give you Greta Thunberg.

Funny how Greta never goes outside white-majority countries to preach her religion. China and India are by leagues the worst polluters on earth. Has she gone there? Nope. Will she go there? You can bet your life savings, but I won't bet mine. Why? Well, I call racism, and I am darn serious about that.

Let us remember, though, that the Green movement depends on exploitation of black people.
A CBS News investigation has found child labor being used in the dangerous mining of cobalt in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The mineral cobalt is used in virtually all batteries in common devices, including cellphones, laptops and even electric vehicles.

A report by Amnesty International first revealed that cobalt mined by children was ending up in products from several companies, including Apple, Microsoft, Tesla and Samsung.
This is not news at all, except to CBS, of course. Electricity-powered cars, as as those Andrew Yang said must 100-percent replace petrol-powered cars, are horrendously polluting to manufacture because of their raw materials, especially rare-earths that are found mainly in Africa.

Forced child labor - actually, chattel slavery - had been used there for years and years for mining. But white elitists in America demand their Teslas, so let the black kids die, who cares. And yes, I am serious about writing that. The green movement in America is racist and exploitative to its very core.

Not to mention that Greenists are often (well, usually), factually incorrect:

But that's okay, because as Joe Biden and AOC have pointed out, the Left deals in Truth, not mere facts.

The Big Money behind Greta Thunberg: "Behind the schoolgirl climate warrior lies a shadowy cabal of lobbyists, investors and energy companies seeking to profit from a green bonanza" -- Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade

Liberals to black Americans: We do not want to hear what you think. We want to hear what we think, coming out of your mouths. White Liberals Lecture Candace Owens On White Supremacy. She Leaves Them In Tatters. Indeed, she does.

This is the Democrats' authority on being black in America, Prof. Kathleen Owens of the University of Chicago, testifying before the House Oversight Joint Subcommittee as they took on the subject of white supremacy.

And here is Prof. Owens directly lecturing black American Candace Owens on how she does not understand what it's like to be black in America.

And here is the tear-down Ms. Owens delivers in return.

Speaking of white supremacy, here it is:

More links to the enslavement of children in the Congo:

The Climate Change Cult is a religion that does not turn away from child sacrifice.

But let's end with a smile.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday Stuff Going Down

By Donald Sensing

If you get it wrong predicting the end of the world, just predict it again. Doomsdays that didn’t happen: Think tank compiles decades’ worth of dire climate predictions. But this ain't all, because Environmental apocalypse predictions have failed for half a century and get a good dose of schadenfreude:

Al Gore predicted in 2009 that the North Pole would be completely ice free in five years. A U.S. Navy scientist in 2013 concluded that the Arctic’s summer sea ice cover would all be melted by 2016.

Bogus predictions confidently made are not always harmless. The Maritime Bulletin reported that on Sept. 3, 16 “climate change warriors” making a documentary film on the melting polar icecap had to be rescued by helicopter from their ship because it was stuck in the ice halfway between Norway and the North Pole.
And Time Mag has been on it from the beginning!

If you sin against the climate - and who doesn't? - you can now confess for all to see at NBC News. But who will there be to give you absolution?

Environmentalism is religion with sin but no salvation and now it wants confession with no pardon. In other words, it has become a cult.
Noted scientist Freeman Dyson wrote that, "Environmentalism has replaced socialism as the leading secular religion." I demur. Environmentalism has not replaced socialism at all. Instead, the old-line socialists, faced with decades of the failure of political socialism, have jumped on the environmentalist bandwagon to keep socialism alive.
I wrote that 11 years ago. Today, observe the Democrat candidates and discern how socialism and environmentalism have merged so that they are now the one and the same.

Because the Ruling Party there is really just a Destructor: Why California Keeps Making Homelessness Worse. In fact, half of all America's homeless people are in California.

No matter who wins next November, people will be killed in the civil unrest to follow.
Should Donald Trump prevail in his bid for a second term, the left will go insane, deploying every “insurance policy” weapon at their disposal to negate four more years of the Orange Man.  What Obama, Comey, and Brennan et al. did to Trump in his first term will seem mild in comparison to what the left is planning should he win.
If the Democrat wins,
Eventually, the president will overreach, signing an order for gun confiscation ... .

And for the right, that will be the last straw (plastic or paper). 
The left doesn’t understand that every gun owner is a single-issue-voter; millions will refuse to give up their guns.  And, many gun owners in this country will not go “meekly into the night,” there will be “rage” against what they will see as a usurpation of their constitutional rights. 
But as I explained in November 2016, we entered that month a low-intensity civil war in the true meaning of the term. After next November, it will not be low intensity any more.

Beto O'Rourke tore down the curtain concealing what Democrats really want ("First, let's shoot all the gun owners"), and now Senator Elizabeth Warren rips it to shreds: Sen. Warren Reveals Democratic Socialists' Hidden Agenda.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts Democrat, made this quite clear on Wednesday when she introduced the "Accountable Capitalism Act." A more accurate name would have been the "First Step to Overthrowing Capitalism Act," because a long-term objective of the Democratic Socialists of America is crushing capitalism. They want an economy that isn't free and open but subject to their boot on its throat.

Under what we'll call Warren's Decree, "American corporations with more than $1 billion in annual revenue must obtain a federal charter from a newly formed Office of United States Corporations ... . The new federal charter obligates company directors to consider the interests of all corporate stakeholders — including employees, customers, shareholders, and the communities in which the company operates."
Read the whole thing. And when a Harvard economics professor characterizes the bill "as a means for destroying capitalism," then even a blind person can see what the Democrats really have in mind.

Are you retired or nearing retirement? If you vote for a Democrat next year, enjoy eating your Campbell's condensed soup for breakfast after Jan. 20, 2021. And for lunch. And for dinner. Because your retirement accounts will be drained by the socialists. Remember, Warren excitedly exclaims she is not going to tax mere income. She is going to tax every dollar you have, no matter how long you have had it and no matter what taxes you have already paid on it.
Her “Accountable Capitalism Act” would wipe out the single greatest legal protection retirees currently enjoy—the requirement that corporate executives and fund managers act as fiduciaries on investors’ behalf. ...
Under this new Warren charter, companies currently dedicated to their shareholders’ interest would be reordered to serve the interests of numerous new “stakeholders,” including “the workforce,” “the community,” “customers,” “the local and global environment” and “community and societal factors.”

Eliminating corporations’ duty to serve investors exclusively and forcing them to serve political interests would represent the greatest government taking in American history. Sen. Warren’s so-called accountable capitalism raids the return that wealth provides to its owners, the vast majority of whom are present or near retirees.
Oh, you say, she is only going to tax "the rich." But in their minds, if you have a job, you're rich.

You won't be able to afford a car, but Andrew Yang is going to take them all away anyway.
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang said the United States may have to eliminate private car ownership to combat climate change during MSNBC's climate forum at Georgetown University Thursday morning.
Instead, he wants a "constant roving fleet of electric cars" for everyone to use - as common property, like all proper socialists.

And finally, the Democrat debate:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Remember - we all died 19 years ago

By Donald Sensing

A whole library of political buzz saws like this, here.

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Monday, April 29, 2019

Bill Gates vs. Green New Deal

By Donald Sensing

It's only two minutes long.

HT: Gerard

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Green New Deal - a unicorn and butterflies dream factory

By Donald Sensing

If only we rid ourselves of fossil fuels and adopted energy generation only from "renewables," then our planet and human societies would look like this:

But if renewables are going to put fossil-fuel companies out of business, then why have oil and gas investors,
... made a political alliance with renewables companies, and why oil and gas companies have been spending millions of dollars on advertisements promoting solar, and funneling millions of dollars to said environmental groups to provide public relations cover.
From "Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet," read the whole thing.

Then there is this from a co-founder of Greenpeace.

But remember: the GND's primary sponsor is a freshman US  representative who went on 60 Minutes on Jan. 6 and said, “There's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right."

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

And I thought the science was settled

By Donald Sensing

Geosystems scientists at Oxford University, that well-known den of climate-change deniers, have concluded that "Global warming may be occurring more slowly than previously thought."

Not warming very fast after all.
Computer modelling used a decade ago to predict how quickly global average temperatures would rise may have forecast too much warming, a study has found.
The Earth warmed more slowly than the models forecast, meaning the planet has a slightly better chance of meeting the goals set out in the Paris climate agreement, including limiting global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.
Scientists said previous models may have been “on the hot side”.
The study, published this week in the journal Nature Geoscience, does not play down the threat which climate change has to the environment, and maintains that major reductions in emissions must be attained.
But the findings indicate the danger may not be as acute as was previously thought.
Myles Allen, professor of geosystem science at the University of Oxford and one of the study’s authors told The Times: “We haven’t seen that rapid acceleration in warming after 2000 that we see in the models. We haven’t seen that in the observations.”
Don't you hate it when nature won't cooperate in confirming your politics? By that I refer again to Ottmar Edenhofer, the lead author of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2007 report and co-chair of the IPCC's Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate Change.
He told Germany's Neue Zurcher Zeitung in November, as reported by
"The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War."

Edenhofer let the environmental cat out of the bag when he said "climate policy is redistributing the world's wealth" and that "it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization." ...

Edenhofer claims "developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community" and so they must have their wealth expropriated and redistributed to the victims of their alleged crimes, the postage stamp countries of the world. He admits this "has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."
What is climate science really about? Oh, you know:

Remember, climate science's only customers are governments because climate science has no product.

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Hurricanes and global warming

By Donald Sensing

The Myth That Climate Change Created Harvey, Irma
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported in its most recent scientific assessment that “[n]o robust trends in annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes … have been identified over the past 100 years in the North Atlantic basin,” and that there are “no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency.”

Further, “confidence in large-scale changes in the intensity of extreme extratropical cyclones [such as ‘Superstorm’ Sandy] since 1900 is low.”

Other media outlets tying Harvey to climate change took a more measured approach.

For instance, Vox wrote that man-made global warming did not actually cause Harvey, but simply exacerbated the natural disaster by creating heavier rainfalls.

But this claim is discredited by University of Washington climatologist Cliff Mass, who after examining precipitation levels in the Gulf found that “[t]here is no evidence that global warming is influencing Texas coastal precipitation in the long term and little evidence that warmer than normal temperatures had any real impact on the precipitation intensity from this storm.”

Mass went on to explicitly refute those who attribute Hurricane Harvey to climate change:
The bottom line in this analysis is that both observations of the past decades and models looking forward to the future do not suggest that one can explain the heavy rains of Harvey by global warming, and folks that are suggesting it are poorly informing the public and decision makers. 
Politicians seeking to exploit Harvey and Irma as reasons to act on climate change would only make a bad situation worse. Climate policies and regulations designed to prevent natural disasters and slow the earth’s warming simply will not do so.
Then there is the NOAA
It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. That said, human activities may have already caused changes that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observational limitations, or are not yet confidently modeled (e.g., aerosol effects on regional climate). ...

In summary, neither our model projections for the 21st century nor our analyses of trends in Atlantic hurricane and tropical storm counts over the past 120+ yr support the notion that greenhouse gas-induced warming leads to large increases in either tropical storm or overall hurricane numbers in the Atlantic.
Speaking of climate-change, remember all the alarm about how the world's glaciers were melting? Well, as it turns out, they are. And they've been melting for 400 years.

Remember, even former United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer saw through the smokescreen:
"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

So what is the goal of environmental policy?

"We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer.
That is what "climate change" is really about: its advocates just want our money.


Taken from this interesting lesson.

Update: Heh!

Update: This is informative, too: Hurricanes, Rainfall, and Climate Change

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Bill Nye proves he doesn't know environmental science

By Donald Sensing

Bill Nye: Older people need to 'die' out before climate science can advance

Bill Nye specifically targeted the elderly this week as he spoke out against climate change deniers, saying that climate science will start to advance when old people start to "age out," according to a report.
The "Science Guy" said that generationally, the majority of climate change deniers are older.
"Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It's generational," Nye told the Los Angeles Times. Nye said that he is calling them out with "due respect," acknowledging that he is "now one of them."
"We're just going to have to wait for those people to 'age out,' as they say," Nye went on, adding that "age out" is a euphemism for "die." "But it'll happen, I guarantee you — that'll happen."
See, that just proves that Nye doesn't know climate science. Presumably, since Nye included himself in the denier generation, he means Boomers like me. (Nye is two months, 20 days younger than I.) The oldest Boomers are only about 72 years old, the youngest are not even 55. That means that it's going to take about 35 more years for us to be gone, and many of us will linger on well after that.

Thirty. Five. Years. Before anything can be substantially done to arrest climate change, according to Bill Nye.

We do not have that long to save the planet, and if Bill Nye is really a "science guy" he should know that. After all, "experts say we have three years to get climate change under control. And they’re the optimists."
A group of prominent scientists, policymakers, and corporate leaders released a statement Wednesday warning that if the world doesn’t set greenhouse gas emissions on a downward path by 2020, it could become impossible to contain climate change within safe limits.
I am not a scientist, but I play one on TV.
So don't listen to Bill Nye any more. He does not know the science!

Remember, though, that the Left's newly-approved position on controlling climate change is to get rid of people: "Want To Slow Global Warming? Researchers Look To Family Planning."
A recent study from Lund University in Sweden shows that the biggest way to reduce climate change is to have fewer children. 
"I knew this was a sensitive topic to bring up," says study co-author Kimberly Nicholas on NPR's Morning Edition. "Certainly it's not my place as a scientist to dictate choices for other people. But I do think it is my place to do the analysis and report it fairly." 
The study concludes that four high-impact ways to reduce CO2 gas emissions include having fewer children, living without a car, avoiding airplane travel and eating a vegetarian diet.
Get that? "Certainly it's not my place as a scientist to dictate choices for other people." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Her disclaimer would not be necessary if she really believed that.

The article says that Ms. Nicholas is engaged to be married, but when asked, she declined to promise reducing the number of children she and her future husband plan to bear.

So, as the saying goes, I'll believe it's a crisis when the people who say it's a crisis themselves act as if it's a crisis.

Reducing the number of children the proles have can hardly be sufficiewnt to save the planet for the nomenklatura's future paradise. After all, if saving the world depends on cutting the population, then why settle for passive measures and merely hope that we proles will obey?

Remember John Holdren?

He was President Obama's Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, a.k.a. the president's "Science Czar."

Here is what Holdren said in his book, Ecoscience, co-authored by Holdren and his colleagues Paul Ehrlich (yes, that Paul Ehrlich) and Anne Ehrlich. This is the totalitarian mind in full flower:

But this is entirely consistent with the whole world view of the Left: You are the problem and there are simply too many of you. Remember: When they say they want to "change the world," what they mean is they want to change you. As columnist David Harsanyi has pointed out, they are convinced "we have too much freedom with which to make too many stupid choices."

BTW, "In 1985 Holdren predicted a billion deaths from climate-related famine by the end of this decade." Try as I might, I cannot find any reference to such a massive die-off.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

But the dadgum science is SETTLED!

By Donald Sensing

I blame global warming! Or global cooling! Wait, it's because of climate change! Just remember, the science is settled!

As they say, climate is what you want, but weather is what you get.

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