Tuesday, April 21, 2009

With spring comes outdoor fun! Our class played a friendly game of kickball with Mrs. Hendrickson's class in the middle of April. While we were out having our fun, the school had an earthquake drill. Both of our classes handled the situation well as we routinely lined up and met on the field to account for all students. GOOD JOB CLASS!
We've got some really great kickers in our class. Students were sliding into first base and having a lot of fun.
Students need some relaxing fun while they are preparing to take the end of level tests.

It's always great to see the children getting along. Here we have "3 peas in a pod"!

The Dance Festival was a blast! I think the 2nd grade students did a great job "stealing the show". The girls were so cute dressed up in their poodle skirts with matching ribbons in their hair and the boyS looked "spiffy" in their t-shirts and jeans. They couldn't have done a better job. Thanks to all of the parents that helped make it possible by sewing skirts and just by helping their own kids to get dressed up IN the costumes. THANK YOU!
As the song went, "Thank you very much, thank you very much, that's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me!"

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