Showing posts with label product review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label product review. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2020

Always Eat After 7 PM: A New Lifestyle for Me

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This post is brought to you by my sponsor, "Always Eat After 7 PM." The opinions expressed below are my own.

I'm back to update you on my progress with the new diet plan I've been following for the past three weeks from "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks - While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion. I told you a few weeks ago about how I've been wanting to get serious about shedding some excess weight, increasing my energy and just feeling better on an everyday basis

Another week on plan and I'm definitely feeling better than I have in months, yet I still don't feel like I'm "dieting" because we're enjoying so many awesome new meals while still losing weight! The best part is that this new way of eating isn't an inconvenience for our normal routine. I don't know about you, but I have a husband that works a lot and we don't normally sit down to eat until at least 7 pm most nights. This would go against the normal dieting train of thought, but not this plan! I can enjoy a later dinner and even a bedtime snack with no guilt. Yes, you read that correctly. Bedtime snacks are encouraged. I'm sold for life. Please tell me I'm not the only one who likes to sneak back into the kitchen after their kiddos are tucked away in bed and enjoy a snack in peace and quiet?? Haha! Joel explains in his book why it's ok to ditch our old ways of thinking:
Research shows that the average person's metabolic rate is no different during sleep than during the day. In short, your metabolism doesn't slow down at night. Nor does your body store fat at the end of the day. Whether it's 8 am or 8 pm, you use food energy the same way.
So no, when your mom told you everything you eat after 7 pm gets stored as fat, she was wrong. Sorry, mom. But that's good news for us! Joel goes on to explain why the bedtime snack is not just allowed, it's encouraged:
Scientists have established that consuming at least 20 grams of protein stimulates muscle protein synthesis for two to five hours after eating a meal. However, recent research also shows that protein synthesis drops to unexpectedly low levels during sleep, even if you eat ample protein during and after evening exercise. This has led researchers to speculate that this process may fall off during sleep if you don't eat protein prior to bedtime.
So what should you eat before bed? You can find Joel's top 12 bedtime snacks below. He goes into detail in the book about why they are great choices and what they each have to offer you. In his research, he found:
Specific higher-carbohydrate foods (including berries and cherries) support your fat-burning metabolism while you sleep, providing your body with a steady steam of fuel throughout the night. The trick is knowing how to combine them with other evening and pre-bedtime fat-burning foods to fuel your metabolism as you sleep.

As I explained before, there are 3 phases to this plan. We have now completed the 14-day acceleration phase and the first week of the main phase. We saw quick results those first two weeks. Weight loss has slowed now, but that was to be expected as we've increased our calories a bit and upped our carbs. The first phase is more restrictive to get you jump-started. He explains in the book that eating what he refers to as "super carbs" is actually quite helpful.
Despite all the bad press over the years, certain carbohydrates play an important role in balancing your hormones and regulating your metabolic rate, while avoiding the dreaded weight loss plateaus that accompany conventional mainstream diets. Furthermore, when you eat these carbohydrates, you'll feel much better than you would if you were following a traditional diet.
Nothing against those other super carb-restricting plans from me, but I like carbs. I'm pretty sure I need them. I need a eating plan I can sustain long-term and not be miserable, so this one fits the bill for me. And don't forget cheat meal/day. Let me eat my favorite comfort foods once a week and I can stay on plan forever! That's definitely the hardest part of sticking to any diet in the long run for me. That feeling of missing out on things I love. Let's face it, food is a very social thing. Now I won't have to go to gatherings with friends and stand around awkwardly while everyone enjoys good food and drinks. I can make that my cheat day for the week! Then I just get back on track the next day and continue towards my goals. Easy peasy. 

I can't wait to update you in another month to let you know how we are doing with the plan. In the meantime, if you're interested in checking out more details for yourself, check out "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks - While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion. It is now available to purchase. Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.

This post is brought to you by my sponsor, "Always Eat After 7 PM." The opinions expressed above are my own.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Always Eat After 7 PM is Producing Amazing Results

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This post is brought to you by my sponsor, "Always Eat After 7 PM." The opinions expressed below are my own.

I'm back to update you on my progress with this awesome new plan I've been following for the past two weeks from "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks - While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion. I told you a couple weeks ago about how I've been wanting to get serious about shedding some excess weight, increasing my energy and just feeling better on an everyday basis. I'm happy to report that after just 2 weeks of following this plan, I am down 9 pounds!! I never rely on just the numbers on the scale though - I like to take pics to see my progress. I had some serious stomach bloat going on when I started and that has been eliminated. Yeeeessssss. I had also begun struggling with some acid reflux prior to starting this plan (something that flares up when I'm not eating right), but I haven't had any issues since starting. Yay!! My husband has been following the plan with me and he has also seen great results - down 10 pounds! We both agree that we feel great, this diet hasn't left us hungry (even with a bit more physical activity) and we've truly enjoyed the meals we're eating, which includes some awesome new recipes from the book.

I've tried out a lot of the recipes from the book now and they are seriously delicious. So much flavor. And the best part is that I've been able to make these meals for the entire family, without needing to make the boys something completely different. These first two weeks, I've definitely added in some healthy carbs for them that we passed on, but having a main dish that feeds everyone and is on plan for us is perfect!

Yes. These are all delicious items we've been eating the past 2 weeks that you can find in the book! Honey garlic pork loin, spiced tilapia, pot roast tacos with chimichurri, turkey and bacon goulash, shrimp curry with cauliflower rice, garlic-roasted salmon and broccoli, turkey burgers, blackberry chia seed pudding, and chocolate buttons (a fast favorite for all of us!). This is not a "salad only" kind of diet. I would not do well with that. Sure, I like some salads, but I don't want to eat them all the time. I love food, so I've thoroughly enjoyed the meals I get to eat on this plan. They really knocked it out of the park with the recipes they've included in the book. I'm excited to continue trying some new ones this coming week! Check out some of Joel's favorites below.

As I explained in my last post, there are 3 phases to this plan. Today is our last day of the 14-day acceleration phase. I've phased out breakfast and I'm having a morning ritual drink (on plan coffee for me!), lunch, dinner with dessert and a bedtime snack! I honestly didn't think I'd be able to get rid of breakfast and still be active in the mornings, but I've done surprisingly well with it. A part of this plan is following an intermittent fasting protocol. As Joel writes in the book:
Going without breakfast is part of intermittent fasting (IF), also called time-restricted feeding (TRF). IF is a pattern of food consumption that cycles between fasting and eating in specific time periods. There are various ways to do it; one of the most common is the 16/8 protocol, which involved 16 hours of fasting - typically done overnight - with an 8-hour window in which to eat each day.
I haven't been able to hit the 16/8 most days, but I've been doing at least 14/10 on a regular basis now, sometimes 15/9. Joel explains why this is helpful with weight loss:
Always Eat After 7 PM is a three-phase program that teaches you how to lose big by strategically eating big when you are naturally hungriest - in the evening. This may sound too good to be true, but let me assure you it is no gimmick. It's all about making strategic and smart food swaps, and you can still eat your favorite foods.
He goes on to say:
Those who ate breakfast ended up eating about 260 calories more a day, the review found. Those who skipped breakfast were about one pound lighter than those who ate breakfast. These findings led the researchers to conclude that eating breakfast isn't necessarily a good strategy for losing weight. The science isn't really there. Breakfast could very well be the least important meal of the day.
Another study found the following:
Late-night eating also curbs calorie intake the next day. In a four-week study, dieters added a snack to their daily regimen 90 minutes after dinner every night, and check this out: late-night eaters ate an average of 397 fewer calories per day.
Based on surprising science, Always Eat After 7 PM debunks popular diet myths and offers an easy-to-follow diet that accelerates fat-burning and allows you to indulge in your most intense food cravings: Eating majority of your calories at night. But don't worry, if you're a breakfast lover like I am, it's not gone forever. As part of the main phase, you're allowed one cheat meal, or day (if you exercise), a week. And it's actually encouraged! Breakfast that day is totally acceptable. Yay! With a bit of tweaking, I can continue to enjoy some of my favorite breakfast meals I make for my family without feeling guilty. In short, this program is making dieting easy and eliminating my reasons for resistance. I think enjoying this cheat day once a week will be what allows me to continue with this plan instead of abandoning it like so many others I've tried. It won't feel as restrictive and won't make me give up everything I love for good. As long as I can stick to the plan 6 days a week, I can look forward to a little splurge at the end of each week. Perfect.

Interested in checking out these recipes for yourself? "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks - While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion is now available to purchase. Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.

This post is brought to you by my sponsor, "Always Eat After 7 PM." The opinions expressed above are my own.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Always Eat After 7 PM is the Perfect Plan for Me

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This post is brought to you by my sponsor, "Always Eat After 7 PM." The opinions expressed below are my own.

I'm back! Last week, I let you know about a great new book I'm reading - "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks - While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion. You can check out that post here. As a quick recap, the Always Eat After 7 PM plan consists of:
  • A 14-day Acceleration Phase to kick-start the program and see rapid results
  • A Main Phase where you'll learn exactly which foods to eat when, in order to achieve your weight-loss goals
  • A Lifestyle Phase to keep the weight off for good

After just a week on this diet, I already feel like it's helping me reach my goals. I'm losing weight, feeling better, and haven't had this much energy in awhile! Daily walks and lifting weights again is going great. Yay!!

I recently interviewed the author, Joel Marion, to learn more about why he wrote the book. When asking him about his inspiration for this book, he said: 
After authoring 6 best selling books, it was glaringly obvious there were 2 huge misconceptions about dieting that needed to be exposed. The first is that you can't eat late at night or before bed, which science now shows is NOT true. And second, you can't eat large portions that satisfy your natural instinct. This book solves both these problems by providing an evidence-based, enjoyable approach to dieting that can be used by any person to quickly achieve their weight loss goals.
I'd have to agree that those were definitely misconceptions that I believed before starting this plan. I've always been told to not eat too late and that multiple smaller meals were the way to go. Following those recommendations always left me wanting more, hungry before bed and starving by the time I awoke in the mornings. I have 4 boys. I don't have time to make 6 little meals a day for myself! This plan is so much easier to follow. I can fix a dinner that all of us can eat a huge portion of and then even sneak a snack in after I get them put to bed! Perfect.

I dug deeper to find out what he thought was the most surprising discovery when he was researching the scientific data for the diet. He said:
That almost everything my college education and certifications taught me was NOT grounded in published scientific research.
Wow. I can relate to that one! As a Health Promotion and Education major in college, we had exactly ONE class dedicated to nutrition. Yep. You read that correctly. Not only did we receive very little in the form of nutrition education, it was just the basics. We didn't cover scientific research at all in that intro course, much less learn any information we could actually use. Obviously, much of the research has changed since I was sitting in that nutrition class 20 years ago, but it makes me wonder what they are teaching there these days. I also went through a year of graduate classes in the same major, again with just one nutrition class. We touched more on scientific research there, but nothing like the amount of info I learned just by reading Always Eat After 7 PM. It's a constantly changing field, so we (both practitioners and consumers) need to be sure to stay up to date with the current research.

Check out more about the science behind the diet in the video below from Joel.

Circling back to why this book stands out from the others he has written, he said:
Although many of the concepts are similar [in the 6 best-selling books I've authored], the biggest difference is that you don't have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods. You don't have to deal with the burden of eating every few hours. And you don't have to skip the carbs at dinnertime or avoid eating before bed.
Yes! Again, eating too many times a day just doesn't work for me and my family. And I love carbs. I don't want to give those up! He writes in the book:
Fact is, most diets are extremely narrow with regard to food choices and variety, and many even limit entire macronutrients altogether over the course of the entire program (think low-carb and low-fat diets). Three months with no carbs? No thanks. Such practices not only are entirely unnecessary, but make for a miserable, unsustainable experience.
Thank you!! Finally, a diet where I can keep eating the foods that I love and not feel miserable and cranky all the time. Trust me, my family doesn't like a hangry mom! ;)

"Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks - While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion is now available to purchase. Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.

This post is brought to you by my sponsor, "Always Eat After 7 PM." The opinions expressed above are my own.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Always Eat After 7 PM...Say What?!?

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This post is brought to you by my sponsor, "Always Eat After 7 PM." The opinions expressed below are my own.
Always Eat After 7PM

I have been wanting to get serious about shedding some excess weight for awhile now. Then hello, quarantine weight! Ugh. Now I really need to get, yesterday. In addition to losing weight, I'd really like to increase my energy and just feel better in general, so I jumped at the chance to receive an advance copy of "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks - While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion. Over the next month, I'll be sharing my experience with the book and diet (and hopefully some awesome benefits and results!). Basically, the Always Eat After 7 PM plan consists of:

  • A 14-day Acceleration Phase to kick-start the program and see rapid results
  • A Main Phase where you'll learn exactly which foods to eat when, in order to achieve your weight-loss goals
  • A Lifestyle Phase to keep the weight off for good

Count me in! Can it really be this simple? Eating late? Isn't that going against one of the biggest diet "rules"?

Right away, Joel begins addressing this. Providing studies and his own experience battling weight, this book gets right to it. After doing research, Joel decided to put his theory to the test and the results were awesome. Twelve pounds down in the first 2 weeks, 46 lbs after 16 weeks, flatter abs and more energy. Sign me up. But what really struck a chord with me was this:
"At my next medical checkup, my doctor was shocked at how good my blood work had gotten, so quickly. And let's not forget the most important part: for the first time in months, I had the energy to keep up with my little girls."
Having the energy to keep up with my 4 boys is at the TOP of my list of health goals. I'm not getting any younger, and they're getting bigger and faster, so I need to start making changes now. I'm excited to dive in and I'll post an update next week, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, find out more about Joel and his inspiration to write this book!

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Start of My Journey and What I'm Drinking Now {recipe}

I love Starbucks' fancy sugary drinks. I'll admit it. I actually prefer to find local coffee shops to get my drinks, but let's face it. I have 3 young boys and a peaceful afternoon, spent relaxing at a local coffee shop just doesn't happen often for me anymore. Enter Starbucks. All of my local Target stores have one. Super convenient. I can get the little ones some cake pops to keep them happy quiet for a minute, then indulge in my favorite Starbucks beverage, along with a cake pop of my own (who am I kidding? They were a favorite of mine as well!). And since I like visiting Target 1-2 times a week at a minimum, my Starbucks consumption was starting to get a bit out of hand. I definitely contribute part of my recent balloon in weight gain to them. That plus a nightly glass of moscato, or riesling, and desserts as I pleased, and I was soon staring at a number on the scale that I had never before seen. Ouch. Enter Beachbody.

I've tried other things in the past for losing weight. It's a constant battle. I haven't been a skinny girl since I was probably 9 years old, despite staying active playing sports in Jr. High and High School, then also in college, too! They're usually fairly successful, but committing to them long term has always been a problem for me. The being preggo 3 times didn't help either though these past 7 years. I'm usually able to lose the baby weight fairly quickly, but after weaning my youngest this spring, and not being preggo for a change, I found my weight climbing regardless. It was time to do something. Looking back at what I'd learned in college/grad school, using the stages of change theory, I was there. I was finally ready to commit to a lifestyle change. I was ready for action. So I contacted my friend, Angela, a Beachbody coach, and told her I was ready to try the 21-day fix. And so began my journey.

I'm currently part of a 90-day challenge to challenge myself to lose weight this holiday season vs putting on another 10-15 lbs of holiday weight, because there was no way my body could take any more weight! I'm getting rid of the #excessbaggage. I'm now a month into my journey (in the middle of my 2nd round of Beachbody's 21-day fix). I've lost 10 lbs and I am so much stronger already than where I started. My measurements are down and I'm feeling good. Some days, it is still rough to wake up and workout at 5:30 am before the kids gets up, but I always feel better if I do. I love that I can workout in the comfort of my own home. Gyms have never really been my thing and with Josh traveling quite a bit, the opportunity for me to conveniently visit one regularly is just not possible. The 21-day fix workouts are challenging, but have the ability to be modified, if needed. It's a range of workouts from total body cardio, to upper body or lower body focuses, pilates, and even yoga. I love it. Well, not always (some mornings I still yell at Autumn), but for the most part I do. ;) For me, I would much rather do the workouts than go out and run a few miles. That's just not my cup of tea. The meal plan is easy to follow, too. You just figure out your target number of calories, which corresponds to the number of containers you get for the day. I still get to eat plenty of food and I never feel like I'm starving. I'm fueling my body with awesome, wholesome foods, which makes a difference in how I feel. I no longer feel lethargic all day, with killer heartburn in the evenings. I feel good. It shows, too. My skin has been looking great as well! The saying "you are what you eat" really is so true.

Before pics on left, after pics on right - these were my results after just 21 days!

I was so happy that as a part of this challenge, I don't have to give up coffee. But, I'm not a huge fan of drinking it black, with just a little sweetener. Enter Shakeology. I am still enjoying my coffee, my much needed source of caffeine (hello, I have 3 little, high-energy boys, remember?!?), and I'm not feeling a bit guilty about it. Why is that? Because by adding it to my shake, which is an amazing nutrient-dense drink, it's like drinking a frappuccino, but without all the extra calories and sugar. And mine includes an amazing amount of nutrients, too. Take a look...

To make my shake, I use 8 oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 scoop shakeology, 1/2 tsp Pure Via turbinado raw cane sugar/stevia blend, 2 espresso ice cubes, and 4 regular ice cubes. Blend and enjoy!

To make espresso ice cubes, simply take 1 shot of espresso and put it in an ice cube tray and freeze! It's really that simple. I recently had a Starbucks free reward to redeem (you get one after every 12 purchases), so you guessed it - I had them fill a venti-sized cup with straight espresso. That's 20 ounces, or 20 shots, of espresso! What a steal! ;) And that will last me for 10 shakes. :) I love how when you freeze it, it doesn't dilute at all. It's an almost buttery little cube of caffeine when you get it out of the tray. Yum. It keeps the drink nice and strong like an actual frappuccino vs using just brewed coffee.

My Vanilla Espresso Shake has just 171 calories vs the 370 in the Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino (which is one of the lowest in calories of their frozen drinks by using nonfat milk and no whipped cream). It also has just 9 g sugar vs the 86 g in the frappuccino. Yes, you read that correctly 86 GRAMS!! Mine also offers 4 g of fiber and 17 g of protein! That doesn't even touch on the plethora of vitamins and minerals it has as well. It is truly a meal in a glass. And it's what I'm drinking now!

I still have a long, long way to go before I'm at where I want to be. Where I need to be. But at least I'm moving in the right direction now.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Luscious Lips with Rimmel London Moisture Renew Lipstick

So, I don't normally wear a lot of makeup, especially lipstick. But, I recently received a sample of Rimmel's Moisture Renew lipstick from Influenster to try out. I'll admit, when I first put it on, it was a bit shocking seeing my lips so bright! Haha! I kept checking them out every so often though, and it actually really grew on me. Who knew I'd like lipstick so much?

Here I am wearing their shade "As You Want Victoria."

As you can see, my normally non-existent lips are really highlighted here!! I normally don't like wearing lipstick because it makes my lips feel sticky, but that wasn't the case with this tube. The color is so vibrant, too. Simply amazing! Not only does this lipstick not leave my lips feeling sticky, it actually felt like it moisturized them, like a chapstick. Awesome!

The only problem I can find, which I'm sure is common with most lipsticks, is that it does transfer pretty easily onto things. If I give my babies a kiss, it leaves a little pink behind. ;) The good news though, the color still remains on my lips, too!

I'm excited to buy another tube that's a bit more muted for daytime wear, but I'll definitely be wearing this shade for my next girls night out! :) Who knows, maybe I'll become more of a lipstick-wearing gal now, too.

I received this product from Rimmel London via Influenster for testing purposes. This post is not sponsored and the opinions expressed here are all my own.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

All I Want for Christmas is Diapers! {Pampers giveaway}

Christmas snuck up on me rather quickly this year. I guess that can happen when you have a baby just a few short months before the big day! So yeah, I'm going to go ahead and blame it on the fact that I now have three little ones competing for my time and attention. Between keeping up with our elf, Rusty's antics each night, designing and printing Christmas cards and gifts, Christmas shopping, etc, etc, etc, I've been spread a bit thin this month! Consequently, I seem to be a tad more forgetful than usual lately. Is that even possible?!? Often, I forget little things that aren't a big deal, but lately, I've been forgetting more important things, like putting diapers in the diaper bag for Amos. Houston, we have a problem. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has discovered that they are completely out of diapers when they go to change a well-soiled diaper while out running errands! Ouch.

Fortunately, it's easy for me to swing by my local CVS, grab the diapers I need, and be on my way! I love how clean and organized the store always is, no matter which one I frequent. I also love that I don't have to trek hundreds of yards through the store to get what I need while dragging along my tiny one! Quick and easy.

Pampers has always been my go-to brand of diapers since I started buying them nearly 5 years ago! All 3 of my boys have used them now, and I couldn't be happier with how well they work. They do a fantastic job keeping them dry all night long. When I feed Amos in the middle of the night, I wouldn't want to wake him even more by changing his diaper! Fortunately, that's not an issue with Pampers, as I don't have to worry about him leaking before morning. I also love the fact that when Noah wakes up in the morning, despite the huge amounts of water he drinks before bedtime, his pajamas and sheets are nice and dry. No leaks here! All of my boys have had sensitive skin (inherited from me, I'm sure), but had no troubles at all with either the Sensitive Swaddlers, or later with the Cruisers. I also use their sensitive wipes, which do an even better job now, at 20% thicker, especially with super sticky situations! I have enough things to worry about most days, so I'm glad diapers isn't one of them.

In addition to how soft they are and how dry they keep my kiddos, they also look cute! Pampers recently updated the look of both their diapers and their packaging, so they look great, too. Noah is a huge fan of Elmo and all of his Sesame Street buddies, so he loves seeing their adorable faces on his diapers. I love that they are soft and stretchy and move easily with my little man on the move! I also love their three layers of absorbency that pull wetness away from their bottoms, decreasing the likelihood for any diaper rash, or discomfort.

I love that Pampers rewards you for buying their products. You get a certain number of points for each product you buy, just by entering the 15-digit code found on the sticker on the package. Let's just say I've accumulated a lot of points in nearly 5 years. So many, that we even managed to get a free Kiddi-O Trike for Noah last year! I have a lot of points built up again, so I'll have to start browsing the catalog again soon. ;) What's better than getting free stuff just for buying necessities??

As we get ready to travel again this holiday season, I'm relieved to know that even though we'll be visiting our families in a couple fairly remote locations in Ohio, there are CVS stores nearby, in case we run out of diapers while we are there! With two little ones in diapers this year, all I want for Christmas is Pampers!!

Now for the fun stuff! It's your chance to enjoy some Pampers of your own! I'm giving away coupons for one free pack of Pampers diapers (up to $13.99) and wipes (up to $3.99)! To enter, use the Rafflecopter widget below for your chance to win. The winner will be randomly selected after the contest closes on Tuesday, December 31st at 12:00 am, so be sure to leave your comment before then. Only one entry per person/email address, please. Additional entries will not be eligible to win. To qualify to win, you must be at least 18 years old and live in the United States. The winner will be notified by email. If they don't respond within 24 hours, a new winner will be selected. Good luck!!

All entries will be validated and removed if they do not fulfill the requirements. Please be sure you leave a comment below if you want your entry to count! ;)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Grands! Barbecue Cups

It's that time of year again...back to school! The boys have been in the swing of it again for over a month now, but I know a lot of kids recently headed back. With the start of school comes the return of all of the after-school activities, earlier bedtimes, and limited family time together in the evenings. For me, it also means simpler meals that I can get on the table quickly. With two hungry boys, and now a third little one to keep me even busier, I have been on the lookout for yummy meals that everyone will enjoy, but won't keep me in the kitchen all evening.

I was excited to discover some tasty, quick and easy recipes from Pillsbury®. There are so many that I want to try, but this past week I decided I wanted to make their Grands!® Barbecue Cups first. With just 4 simple ingredients and 30 minutes, I was able to put a delicious meal on the table!

Pillsbury® Grands!® Barbecue Cups

  • 1 lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef, cooked, drained
  • 3/4 cup barbecue sauce
  • 1 can (10.2 oz) Pillsbury® Grands!® Flaky Layers refrigerated biscuits
  • 3/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (3 ounces)
In a 10-inch nonstick skillet, mix cooked beef and barbecue sauce. Heat over medium-high heat, stirring constantly, until hot.

Pull each biscuit apart into 2 layers; press each into 4-inch round. Place 1 round in each of 8 greased regular-size muffin cups. Firmly press in bottom and up side, forming 1/4-inch rim. Fill with beef mixture; sprinkle with cheese.

Bake at 375°F for 13 to 15 minutes or until edges of biscuits are golden brown. Cool 1 minute; remove from pan.

With 3 hungry guys to cook for, plus my mom visiting, I knew I needed to make extra, so I bought the larger can of biscuits to make 16 cups, instead of 8. On the side, I served some mac 'n cheese and baked beans; the perfect additions to a barbecue! We had plenty of cups for everyone, plus some for leftovers. Josh thought that they were great right out of the refrigerator the next day, still cold! With that in mind, they could be a great lunch idea for the boys to take to school.

We all loved these barbecue cups (which always makes a recipe a keeper!), and I especially loved the concept of them. It's a fun twist on regular ingredients and the perfect idea for keeping dinner interesting for the boys! This fall, I would love to make them by using leftover chili in place of the beef with barbecue sauce. We always have leftover chili because we make a huge pot of it when we make it. This will be a great way to stretch it into 2 easy meals for the week! I also plan to use this recipe for fall gatherings. The cups are so versatile - they would make a great appetizer, the perfect potluck dish, or a fun snack for playdates.

For this recipe, and several more, download this Pillsbury® recipe booklet for some quick and easy meals to make on busy week nights! What recipe would you like to try first?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective. The content and opinions expressed here are all my own and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of General Mills. Compensation was provided by General Mills via Clever Girls Collective.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I Can See Clearly Now!

It's amazing what a small difference in a lens prescription can make. My new pair of glasses came in the mail recently, with my updated prescription. I can see again! Well, I could see before, but not as well as I can now. It's unfortunate that I even have to wear the darn things again after having Lasik surgery back in January of 2001, almost 12 years ago! But, thanks to all those pregnancy hormones and such, my eyes are just one more body part that isn't the same as it used to be before kids. Surprise, surprise.

I recently went into my eye doctor's office to check out their frames. My current pair was ready to break (poor design with the screws right through the lenses), so I needed to get a new pair and wanted to see how some different pairs looked on me. I found a few that I liked, then asked about pricing. Jaw drop! Now that our insurance only covers the vision exam, with no credit for contacts or frames/lens, everything comes out of pocket. I wasn't about to shell out over $300 just for frames, with lenses on top of that! Yikes! Enter coastal contacts...

Lovin' my new frames!

This site is truly amazing. You can actually get your first pair of glasses with them for free! It's super easy to enter all of the information you need, and you can virtually try on most of the frames to see how they will look on your face! Sweet!

First, you start by uploading a photo, or taking one with your web cam. You can enlarge or reduce, and/or rotate the photo until it fits nicely in the target area.

Then you just line up the crosshair targets on your eyes, enter your PD (pupillary distance) and proceed to the next step! You can get a pretty good idea of what they will look like on your face, or you can try them on one of their models as well.

I ordered these frames: Kam Dhillon 3002, but it appears the closest one
that they currently have is Kam Dhillon 3003 (black, instead of brown)

They will let you know all the details about the frames, including the measurements, so you can compare them to a current pair that you wear, to get a better idea of how they will fit.

At the next screen, on step 1, you will choose how you will use your glasses (see below). For step 2, you will enter your prescription information. You can choose a prescription between -12.00 to +6.00! I don't have much of a prescription now compared to what I did before surgery, but it's enough to need to correct it.

For the final step, step 3, you will select your lenses. They will recommend an option for you based on your prescription. You can choose from the following:
  • Clear
    • Durable Air Lenses (this is what I chose)
    • Thin Air Lenses
    • Ultra Thin Air Lenses
  • Sunglasses & Transistions (not available for all frames)
    • Durable Transitions VI Lenses - Gray
    • Durable Air Sunglasses Lenses - Gray
    • Durable Air Sunglasses Lenses - Brown
    • Thin Air Photochromic Lenses - Gray
Now you are ready to checkout! You will have to pay for shipping and handling with your first free pair, and any additional upgrades that you want and/or need. I chose to add their combo of lens coatings value bundle for $19.95, which includes an anti-reflective coating, UV protective coating and a scratch resistant coating. When I returned to the site to look into an additional pair, it looks like all of these coatings are currently offered for free with the purchase of a pair of glasses at their regular price and shipping is free for orders over $99. Sweet!

My glasses arrived pretty quickly after ordering them (10 days after I placed my order) and were packaged up nicely in a hard lens case, with a cleaning spray and cloth, and a little screwdriver tool. The cloth by itself does an amazing job of getting little fingerprints off of my lenses (gee, where would those come from?). ;)

Coastal Contacts also has an awesome return policy. You have 366 days to return your glasses if you aren't happy with them for any reason! I don't think you'll need to worry about that, though, because I love mine! If you are interested in placing an order, please do me a favor and click through to their site from the picture below. You can help me earn cash credits towards another pair when you make a purchase! Thanks so much! :)

I hope you love your glasses as much as I do if you decide to order!