Showing posts with label DNA Swaybar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNA Swaybar. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

111RS #3 Build: DNA Sway/Engine/Gearbox/KATANA3

We're making steady progress on the 111RS.  The rear of the car is coming together.  We are on track to having it finished by early May.

We decided to paint the rear swaybar mount black.  We peeled the DNA sticker off and revealed the silver powdercoat underneath.  You can see it above.  We left the swaybar itself in silver so it would stand out against the black mount and rear subframe.

 The Mountune-built 2ZZGE engine has been dressed and reassembled with an enhanced alternator that we get locally rebuilt.  We also reinstalled the KATANA3 from our last Outlaw.  We intend to run this kit through CARB so need to get this onto one of our cars.  The rebuilt gearbox was also mated to the engine and is getting a new clutch and flywheel.  

Friday, April 7, 2023

Fitting Considerations: DNA Rear Swaybar

The early cars, mostly 2005-06 have welded nuts on the rear subframe that make fitting the DNA rear swaybars more of a challenge.  This kit has a tab that gets bolted to the subframe in this same location.  Unfortunately the tab takes the same space as the nuts.

Carlos came up with an excellent and clean way to make this issue a non-issue.  A socket and a breaker bar are all that is needed to pop the nuts cleanly off the subframe. 

The 111RS build needed this done so....

Monday, October 17, 2022

111RS Build Continues

 We are in the final push to the car ready for WCLM unveiling.  Carlos and Rene are bolting on more items.  

Suspension compliance is a key goal with the 111RS.  We want a car that you can blast through bumpy back roads.  CA canyons are rough in many places.  We spec'd Racetech SCCAs with soft springs (250#/350#).  These shocks also run the same lengths as a stock damper so the ride height won't be too low.

We've coupled the Racetechs with DNA swaybars, Front & Rear.  These have become a real game changer allowing for soft springs which deliver the compliance we want.

Front Racetech SCCA + Eibach Spring 250#
Rear Racetech SCCA + Eibach Spring 350#

The owner of this 111RS intends to drive the car on track occasionally so we chose to add the DNA Front swaybar to give him more tunability.  We've developed a Track setting that is stiffer when you couple the DNA Rear swaybar with their Front.  We're adding the DNA Adjustable End Links to allow for corner balancing - which we will do to her once we get through a couple hundred break-in miles.  Modern springs generally don't sag.  We use Eibach springs and they have been very reliable.  But leaving the corner balance until the end will ensure that it stays balanced for thousands of miles.

The sonicFURY OG is getting fitted along with our Rear Panel Eliminator.  This was the first sonicFURY (hence the OG) and it was modeled to look like a previous muffler we had sold called the TRACKpipe(discontinued but shown below).  I generally like a very functional, bare bones muffler tip.  They look very purposeful and serious.  Our sonicFURYs have become the favorite system for our community thanks to the no-drone while cruising sound that still shriek's on-cam.  Of course, if you prefer a bit more bling, the Stinger version is available.

TRACKpipe installed on our Exige S called 'Switchblade'
sonicFURY OG looking quite purposeful

The muffler tip exits above the diffuser allowing the diffuser to work without interruption.  The naked rear will also help shed heat that can build up in the rear of the car due to mid-engine packaging that is very tight.

By painting the rear subframe black, the cool bits will be on display.  It's a small way to make the naked rear look somewhat more civil.  8^)

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

111RS Brakes + shiftR111 + More

 We are at that stage where most of the parts are in house and we simply need to bolt them on.  We have less than a week before unveiling her at WCLM so...

The brake calipers were vapor blasted and look amazing.  Rene took the opportunity to spray them with some matte clear coat.  A local shop suggested this will hold up fine but I am curious to see just how well the clear will withstand the nasty environment found within a wheel.

Our ULTRAdisc rotors have been the gold standard for these cars since 2005.  Clients have been getting 50k miles out of them and over 50 track days.  We made them too good!  Seriously, we are proud of how they have performed and super happy to be partnered with a first-class company like Girodisc.

The DNA front and rear sway bars are part of this build allowing us to run softer springs: 250lb & 350lb coupled to our Racetech SCCA Singles.  The sways manage roll stiffness while the soft springs provide the compliance needed on a fast canyon cruiser.  In the past, we ran heavier springs to flatten the roll on the car but gave up compliance in the bumps.  No longer - this is the sweet combo!

The shiftR111 Ultimate package is going in and will make each shift a joy.  This car is getting the close-ratio KAAZ gear set.  We have not driven this solution on the street so are interested to see how it fairs.  Our client has another Lotus with this gear set and is a believer.