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Showing posts with label robot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robot. Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Paper Project : Another [Part 2]

Yeha~ we meet again, blogger(s) (kalau ramai) huhu~

Last time aku ade post pasal projek kertas yang still xdiupdate2 lagi. kali ni sebab aku xtau nak buat pe, so aku update la jap. ni adalah sambungan kepada post Paper Project : Another [Part1] dulu. kali ni aku update sampai siap trus model ni. hohoho~

Tangan oh tangan~

Kaki oh kaki~
(sape nak kaki palsu? aku jual ni. huhu)

Setelah hampir sebulan menunggu, akhirnya dimasukkan ke wad pembedahan.

At last! Paper modelku yang terbesar pernah aku buat.

compare size ngan Aqil. 
saje tangkap gamba asing2 takut Aqil buat pape kat robot tu, luncai jadinye >_<

Level of satisfaction? rase macam tangah high plak..haha. Puas ati den. siap gak akhirnye robot kertas ni. And this model is called EVA-01 from anime Evangelion. xpernah tengok anime tu tapi tahu robot nih. huhu~

Oki: Mane plak aku nak simpan robot nih =_="

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Paper Project : Another [Part 1]

cam bese, stiap kali cuti sem mesti aku potong kertas. Ya, kertas dan tangan aku memang xleh dipisahkan. xcaye? Setiap semester final exam mesti gune kertas. Ha tu buktinya. hoho~

Kalu da potong kertas, xlaen dan xbukan mestilah aku buat model kertas. Memandangkan cuti semester kali ni sangaaaaat lame, maka aku pun memilih untuk buat model kertas yang menggunakan masa yang lamaaaaa untuk disiapkan. Ni antara yang da siap setakat ni~

Mainan baru ku yang berharga Rm19.90 ~ berbaloi beli ^_^

Kepala! woosh~

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Paper Project : Part 2

Yeah...its the continuation of my previous post about my paper project. After 3-days (not including the previous part), I manage to complete it! woohoo~

Meet my workstation!
It's been modified so I can do the cutting process.

Here comes the full hands!
Look at the shoulder ornament..its the only reason why I choose this model.

Here goes.
Surgery in action. Hehe.

Ok, forgot the hands ;p

And at last,
the full set of Rekka Mushu (Flame Warrior)

Holding the katana.
Xluka ke tangan? huhu..

Ape pandang2? ade hutang ker??

What left. Hahaha~ poor u paper.

Overall, it tooks me about 6-days to complete all this.
But at the end, memang puas hati giler ah.
I smiled all the day when watching the model.
(and still smiling)

I'm satisfied...
Maybe this is what we called as Hobby Satisfaction.

Oki: On to next model~

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Paper Project : Part 1

Ok, seriously, when I'm looking towards this thing, thats mean,
Because this thing will take a hell lot of my time to complete it all.
But, what is this thing?
Aha..I may have shown this on my social network page, but not detailed.

Basically, this is what we called, "Paper Figure" or "Paper Model" or anything that similar.
By using some amount of paper, with a cutting skill n precision, u can turn it into a model.
Tak percaye? Wait and see...it's on the progress and this was some of it.

5 piece of paper = ??
The upper body.
This is just the chest and a neck

The head.
This by far was the most cool n handsome part.

If the head was cool, then this is AWESOME!
My favorite part, the Katana.
If taken from the good angle, it really looks like a real Katana.
This is the latest part.
The leg.
Like others part, this was the hardest part to assemble.

And after 3 days of making this, 50% of it completed.
Now I'm gonna take a rest for a while.
Seriously, buat bende ni memang lenguh tulang belakang aku.
kang xpasal2 kene osteoporosis lak.

So hasil terakhirnye?
Stay tuned~

Oki: Akibat xdapat kua tengok wayang. X(