Showing posts with label followers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label followers. Show all posts

Monday, March 30, 2020

3d Printapalooza

Hi All,

Hope your social distancing is going well. Mine has been ok. As usual a lot going on, but not a lot finished. I'm hoping that changes soon.

As mentioned in the title, I've pretty much been printing non stop since my last post.

I found out what happens when you have really, really good adhesion to the print bed. A little super glue fixed that right up.

My order of replacement bed parts came in sooner than expected. If you order from Amazon these days you can get some pretty long estimated delivery times for some items. Pictured above are the super skinny replacement mat, the glass plate I was going to upgrade to, and the stock binder clip that holds neither due to the thickness differences from the stock mat. Someone on facebook suggested Swiss Frame clips, so I have some on order. Later someone suggested painters tape to hold it and I wondered why I didn't think of it. Currently I'm printing with the skinny mat on top of the stock mat that I accidentally carved a chunk out of trying to pry my prints up.

I've been having issues painting these. I decided to take this opportunity to learn how to use the airbrush. It's going ok.

I've gone through my first kilogram of filament and moved on to the black filament. I found out that grey is the cheapest option of all, so I have 2 more spools on their way. As you can see I've also gotten bolder with my prints. I'm now printing all 6 wall variations at one time. Cura 4.5 said it would take just over 21 hours, but it has been taking about 19.5. I did try to weld the black to the white, but my join popped apart once it got to the filament feed. Fortunately I was printing clips and the print finished with about a foot of white filament to spare. That's an acceptable loss to me.

I also stumbled upon Dungeon Print Studio for helping me plan out what to print. Since I want to use these for Advanced Heroquest, I figured I'd try my hand at making some of the quest levels for The Shattered Amulet Campaign. It took some fudging as AHQ has some different dimensions than the Fat Dragon tiles. But I think I got it pretty well. The cool thing about this site is it also has other Fat Dragon Sets as well as other manufacturers models so you can plan out a lot of stuff. It then lets you print out a list of parts you need to print. Pretty cool. The one down side, more of a bummer really, is that I found out that the Fat Dragon space tiles I bought are not really going to work for Space Hulk. At least not without some modifications that I am not able to make at this moment

And finally, I'd like to welcome XarfaiEngel to the blog.

Thanks for looking, hope you are making headway into your miniature piles.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Cataloging the Collection: Skaven

Hi All,

Not a lot of progress on the Skaven Army to show you. What I have been doing is trying to identify and catalog what I currently have and add figures in what appear to be glaring holes in my collection.

I started off by trawling through catalog pages and White Dwarf adverts on Basically the first place I look when I want to figure out what a figure is. I stayed away from the CCM Wiki as I was pretty sure I didn't really have any rare figures.

Finally I stumbled upon a "Skaven collector's guide" by Tristram Evans that seemed to have all of the info collated together. I won't post a direct link as I don't want it to be pulled down. It shouldn't be too hard to find.

So, what do I have?

The Rat on the right.

 This one has 1985 stamped on the bottom.

2 of these, also stamped 1985

2 of these

1 of these on its way

I'm pretty sure I have two of these, but I can't locate them.

 I have 32 of these. Some broken, missing a few shields and heads.

 Just one of these.
 14 of these. 

I have one on its way.

 6 of these.

4 of these.

7 of these.

5 of these.

 1 of these.

1 of these.

1 of these.

1 of these.

2 of these.

2 of these.

6 of these.

 2 of these.

3 of these.

1 of these.

 2 of these.

1 of these. He was lonely without Boneripper.

1 of these.

1 of these. This is already painted and based. I'm not sure if I'll leave it as is or do something to match it to my style.

1 of these. Stamped 2001.

1 of these.

5 of these. These next guys all have the halberds mixed up.

7 of these.

1 of these.

2 of these.

2 of these as Standard bearers and another 5 of this model armed with Halberds.

So glaringly no Slaves, Jezzails, Wind Globes, Warp Fire Throwers or Plague Censer bearers. I also don't have any Packmasters or Rat Ogres, I'm working on that.

I also have the Isle of Blood set from the box that includes. 1 Skaven Warlord, 1 Skaven Warlock Engineer, 40 Skaven Clanrats, 1 Skaven Master Moulder (Painted but misplaced), 2 Skaven Rat Ogres (Painted. You saw them.),  1 Skaven Warp Fire Thrower, 1 Skaven Poison Wind Mortar. These are all plastics, but they look nice I think.

Kind of a long post, but it's helping me get my head around the collection.

Welcome to Matt Williamson and Jon Garrad.

Happy Hobbying.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Slow start to the hobby year

Hi All,

While many have been picking up where they left off with a productive year, I have been relatively quiet. I still haven't picked up a brush since maybe November. I'm not happy about it, but I don't feel the need to force myself either. I've been trying to focus on various projects around the house instead of ignoring them.

Most of my hobby has been reading the rule books I got on or around the holidays. I read Last Days:Zombie Apocalypse and Last Days:Seasons and am thinking about how to best get that on the table. I do have a lot of 20mm scale zombies buried somewhere but all of my 28mm zombies are fantasy. I've also toyed with the idea of sci-fi zombies, but again the Necromunda zombies are buried somewhere. It also occurred to me that I have those 40mm zombies, but I think we don't have enough survivors.

I also read Hardwired. I think that might be the quickest way to get things on the table and cooperative play is the best thing for our household. The thing I'm missing for this is enough terrain. (Back to those goals I forgot about biting me in the ass.)

Lastly I started reading Gaslands:Refuelled. You guessed it. The cars have all gone missing. Although I could use the Devils Run cars if I can get over hating how they were coming along with my paint job.

I did get in a WFRP game and make a cool image depicting a scene from the game. At least I thought it was cool. I may do a post on making it. Perhaps not quite a how to but just an overview.

We're supposed to have a local meetup here in Phoenix to game Star Breach in the Dune universe setting. Unfortunately I can only stop by to pick up my order dice because my son is performing in the district honor band that afternoon.

Hopefully I can get it together to have a project finished in the near term.

Also a quick welcome to Joe M. Sorry for the lack of activity of late. I hope to be posting something semi useful in the near future.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

BOYL 2019 - An Epic Clash

Hi All,

Here is a comic battle report of the Epic battle that Asslessman from Leadplague ran for us at BOYL 2019.

The Ork side consisted of myself and WhiskeyPriest, led by The Otto Von Bismark.

The Imperial side consisted of Rochie, Curis and Pat.

The Traitors were Mr. Saturday, Thansants and Bulldog Lopez.

Strap in for the ride of your life.

Sorry for the abrupt ending, pictures during a game can be hit and miss. I missed the obscene number of Space Marines, Rhinos and Land Raiders my Gargant destroyed and Bulldog Lopez blowing the weapons off my right side right at the end. I ended up running away with the game with something stupid like 39 victory points. I owe it all to The Otto Von Bismark who had a vast knowledge of the rules and capabilities of the Gargants.

I think we all have the bug to paint up more Epic forces now.

Welcome to Laurent AP, thanks for following the blog.

Happy hobbying to everyone, thanks for looking.