Thursday, December 25, 2008

Detective Jenny Sparks--Still A Retard

I hear among the Troofers she's considered quite the dangerous intellect. She's posted over at her blog that she--dundunduh!--knows my "physical" address--as compared to my metaphysical address I suppose. Of course, if she weren't retarded, she'd know that there's this website where you enter a person's name and city they live in and it--dundunduh!--spits out the persons address. I just checked it, and yep, I'm listed.

Patrick Curley
3725 E. Columbine Drive
Phoenix, Arizona 85032

So whatcha gonna threaten me with now, Jenny?

I'd rebut the rest of what she posted over there, but I don't quite understand it. The Screw Loose Change Myspace page (not run by either James or me) has Unsecured Coins as a friend who has somebody as a friend who's Killclown's girlfriend or something. You can probably see the flaw in this theory already. I doubt that Killclown has a girlfriend for starters and most people on Myspace autoadd people as friends anyway. I see that Old Foggy himself, Alex Jones is a friend of the guy who has the SLC Myspace page.

At the close of the post, she links to this video. Nope, she's not a psycho stalking bitch:

Sounds like another not-so-oblique-but-deniable death threat to me. Yawn. Jenny Sparks is the nom de troof of one Jo Cressy who reportedly lives somewhere in the Portland area. But on the off chance something happens to me, here's what she supposedly looks like; a friend of hers confirmed this a year or so ago:

Uglier on the inside than the outside, which is going some.

Update: She has my phone number too! Which was available at the same site, probably because it's called--dundunduh! Not going to post it here because hey, there are still troofers who wouldn't be able to figure out how to find it with all those clues.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

As Requested, Smackdown of Nico Haupt

In response to this:

Earlier this week, as others have noted, Nico Haupt went beyond the pale, stalking 911 activist Richard Gage with a heavy dose of homophobia. No word of denouncement has been heard from either Screw Loose Change, where Nico posts are greeted like Moses' Tablets from Mount Sinai, or 911Researchers, a site run by Richard Seigel that promotes Nico Haupt's no-planes, TV-fakery garbage.

The post refers to Nico's "9-11 Stalker TV" show, which is linked from the above post. Nico talks about "Josephus" Cressy and Richard "Gay-ge" and other "perverts" in the movement. I'm virtually positive that the claim that Jo (Jenny Sparks) Cressy is a transgendered person is nonsense, I don't have a clue as to Richard Gage's sexual orientation, and even if Nico were right on both scores, that wouldn't make either of them a "pervert" in my book.

So here's a raspberry to Nico for indulging himself in these homophobic slurs, and another one to Jenny who has employed the same tactics.

Hat Tip: To an emailer whose email I lost. Thanks!

Update: Link removed to original post. What a shock, the original poster after chiding Nico for homophobia turns around and engages in it himself. These people really are retards.

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Webster Tarpley, You're Fired!

The Troofer wars continue. Jenny Sparks pink-slips Websteroonius:

This, sir, is another example of your irresponsible judgment. Considering you used the end of your Cooper Union hall speech to attack 9/11 activists as Cointelpro with no evidence worthy of a court of law, this wild call for various groups to "track down" and "isolate" individuals, is likely to result in irresponsible and dangerous witch hunts. Neither you, nor have the faintest understanding of how Cointelpro worked if you believe tracking down individuals you don't is going to stop the actions of a present day reincarnation of the organization. This, sir, is a thinly veiled call to attack persons you and those who support you disagree with. We can no longer be responsible for the out come of these ill conceived words.

Of course, the problem with a canning like this is that it has no effect. I'm sure that 90% of the 9-11 Troof movement would like to fire Uncle Fetzer as a leader, and yet there he is, representing the kooks in virtually every TV program on the topic.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

More Lies from Jenny Sparks

What a shock. A poster at the Truth Action forums notes my post about the continuing Troofer wars. Jenny chimes in:

Hypocritical wankers. But then these are the people who endorsed "Killtwoofers"...

Nonsense. When I saw the Killtwoofers site I was disgusted:

A Sad Cry for Help

From whoever set up this blog. I don't know if it's really somebody from our "side", or a false-flag attack, but it's sick and it's stupid, especially this week.

Update: I've taken down the link. The more I think about this the more disturbed I am by the episode. You can find a link to the blog in question over at Jenny's response post over at 9-11 Blogger.

That's quite a ringing endorsement, Jenny! BTW, the reference to "especially this week" comes because it was the week of the Virginia Tech shootings.

She also claims that we have wrongly identified her:

What baffles me is they believe everything Nico says---and violated their blogger terms of service over it. It doesn't matter that they're wrong--all that matters is they are CLAIMING to expose SOMEONES personal info.

Revealing someone's name is not a violation of Blogger's Terms of Service.

PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: We do not allow the unauthorized publishing of people's private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, Social Security Numbers, and driver's and other license numbers.

And Jenny's real name is disclosed in this post by a friend of hers:

It includes several mentions of our colleague and local community activist Jo Cressy, with her email address and photos.

The video in question can be seen here (warning; it is absolutely nutty). Given that Petros Evdokas clearly knows Jo Cressy and associates her with the photos we've seen in the past of Jenny Sparks, I don't think it's much of a logical leap to assume that the identification is correct.
