Tuesday, June 7, 2011

65.5 plus 31

That’s how many miles I’ve run total in the five half marathons I’ve done since 2007. I did the Laguna Hills Half Marathon again this Memorial Day. This race really is beautiful, I think this will be my regular race on Memorial Day. I finished in 2 hours and 15 minutes. I was a little disappointed with that time because I was trying to beat my last time of 2:14 from January’s Carlsbad Half. Unfortunately, I had a hip injury that I wasn’t able to treat completely before the race. Oh well. Hopefully next time I can hang with the 2:10 crowd. My sister Evelyn decided to run with me just two days before the race! She didn’t train at all and still ran right by my side. She’s a stud, what can I say?

Finish time


Avg Pace of 10:09 and 1599 calories burned! Sweeeeeet!


Ev and I after crossing the finish line.

laguna hills half with ev

Luke did his own race today, the Sonora Elementary Jog-a-thon! He ran and ran and ran! Go Luke!


And sometimes he walked too.


When it was all over he had completed 31 laps, way to go!!


Then it was time to sit and sip some water and, like any good runner, eat a banana. But boys can’t help being a little goofy too, especially when its Luke, Matthew (his best bud) and Aaron. Its always more fun to run a race with friends.



Sher said...

What a stud, taking after his mom in running!

Denice said...

I ditto what Sherrie said! Rock star buddy! I want to run a race with you someday... when I don't jiggle so dang much! :) Someday...

Dan said...

Way to go Luke!! Also Momma and Evelyn!