Monday, May 7, 2007

finger paint saves bathtime

I'm always looking for new tricks that help my days with the boys be smoother and more enjoyable. Lately my favorite one is for bath time. I found a fun recipe for finger paint to make at home. I don't measure anything and its not highway robbery like buying the stuff at the store that stains my tub and leaves me scrubbing my tub after bath time (which is the LAST thing I want to be doing by that time. I just mix flour or cornstarch with clear, liquid hand soap and a couple drops of food coloring. The amounts of flour to hand soap depend on how thick or thin you want the mixture to be. Its been really fun in the bath tub. Ethan and Luke love painting the walls or each other with it. They also like how it turns the water different colors and leaves bubbles to play with. Sometimes they fight over the colors but nothing could be perfect right? hahaha...


anna banana said...

sweet idea! Thanks!