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lørdag 10. november 2012

DT bidrag kortgleder

Heisan alle sammen - beklager den lange tiden uten publiseringer her, men vi har vært på ferie i Thailand i 14 dager, og det tok litt lengre tid enn antatt å komme seg i vanlig gjenge etter turen;-)
I dag har jeg i hvertfall et nytt kort og vise dere. Jeg har laget et DT kort til Kortgleder og den pågående utfordringen der. Flesteparten av produktene jeg har brukt får du i nettbutikken hos Kortgleder. /

Hello there everybody! - Sorry for my long break on blogging, but I have beeen away on vacation for 14 days, and it took a little bit longer to get into normal routines than I thought. At least today I have a new card to show you. I have made a DT Card to Kortgleder and the ongoing challenge there. Most of the products I have used, you can find in the webshop.

Jeg deltar i følgende utfordringer / I`m entering theese challenges:

Avadares - Christmas or Hanukkha
Christmas Stampin all year long - Christmas and Anything goes.
Crafty Catz Challenge blog - Anything goes.
Delightful Challenges - Let it snow / snowflakes
DYSU Challenge - Leaves and Trees
Forever Friends Challenge - Anything goes.
Paper Crafting Journey - Anything Goes.
Paper Play Challenge - Snowflakes
Southern Girl Challenge - Christmas Project.

søndag 29. juli 2012

Dt card at Osaat

It`s Sunday, and a new challenge over at Osaat. This time the challenge is a simple one; Use a digi!! So come on over and join us! This week our sponsor is ourselves; Stitchy Bear Digital stamps. And be sure to pop over and check out what my DT friends have made.
This is my Card:

I made a gift bag for my friend Lines` birthday on the 17th of July. The digistamp is Just Purr-fect by Teri and Delicious Doddle. I have colored it with pro / flex- markers.
The text tag is a dies from Cuttle bug, and I have used dies from spellbinder and Marianne Design as well. The Border edge is from Martha Stewart. Flowers from Kort hobby and Woc. The papers are from Maja Design.

I`m entering theese challenges:
ATC & Cards with attitude. - Anything goes.
Fat Pages and Cards with attitude - Anything goes
Patties Creations Challenge - Animal or Insect.
The Poodles Parlour - Anything goes.
The Stamp man Challenge - Anything goes with a celabration.
Stempelsonnen Challenge - Anything goes.
DYSU Challenge - For a friend.
Willow sketch and Challenge blog - anything goes and / or sketch.
Divas by Design - Happy birthday.
Crafts and me - Anything goes.

lørdag 12. mai 2012

DT Bidrag Kortgleder

Baby er i fokus denne måneden hos Kortgleder, og vi har fått noen herlige ark og ferdigmalte paneler fra Wild Rose studios. I dag er det min tur til å komme med litt inspirasjon:-)
Jeg har laget en Kyse i dag med arkene i Bella serien fra Wild Rose Studio, og et tilhørende enkelt kort hvor jeg har brukt et av papir panelene som også er fra WRS. Mer om hvilke produkter som er brukt finner du i bloggen hos Kortgleder. Under her finner du en tutorial på kysen, -  og har du noen spørsmål så spør i vei:-)
Du kan delta på mai utfordringen hos kortgleder her. /

We have a focus on Babies or cards for small childs over at Kortgleder this month, and the DT has received som wonderful papers, and printed panels from Wild Rose studio. Today it`s my turn to give you some inspiration:-)
I have made a bonnet with papers from tha Bella collection from Wild Rose studio, and a small card to go, with a printed panel on - also from WRS. You can see what other products I have used over at the Kortglede blog. Below here I have tried to make a tutorial for the bonnet - and feel free to ask if you have any questions. You can enter the May challenge her.

Og her er tutorialen ( høyreklikk og velg lagre bilde som) /
And here is the Tutorial ( right click and choose save picture as)

Jeg deltar også i disse utfordringene / I`m also entering theese challenges:
Card making Mamas - Flowers
Delicious Doodles Challenge - Try something new. (made the bonnet)
Inspire me friday - Anything goes.
Poodles Parlour - Anything goes.
DYSU Challenge - Use a flower.
Forever friends Challenge - Spring ( + include an animal)
Little Miss Muffet - May Flowers.
Creative Belli Blog - Baby / New Arrival.
Just Keep on Creating - Anything goes.
The Paper Shelter - Anything goes.
Kort`o Mania - Anything goes.