Friday, February 11, 2011

Work and then some...

I'm at work. I've been here for about an hour, and I left here about 8 hours ago...something about this equation is not right. Oh well, it's what I'm willing to do in the hope of not having a crazy day full of work on Sunday, since I'm taking tomorrow off for the Pemberton 50K.
As I'm taking a quick break to jot this all down, it's mostly because one of my favorite bands/songs came onto my player, and I felt the need to post it here for all to enjoy.
So, I hope this song finds all of you out in bloggerland well. This was the only version I could find of it, and it warms my heart.


  1. I'm really glad I clicked the link to listen (which I don't usually do)--beautiful! What are the odds that our musical taste would be so similar?

    Have fun with your run, too. (I'll be writing several k of a conference paper this weekend myself.)

  2. Jennifer, I think it is safe to say that one of the things we've always had in common is our impeccable taste. :) I'm glad you liked the song.
    I hope your conference paper writing is going well, more Fletcher? I'll write up about the race soon. It was pretty great.

  3. I was going to say no, it wasn't Fletcher, but then I realized that part of it was! I was writing a paper for a panel on "Violent Masculinities," and I wanted to get a better understanding of what might bring friends to the point of duelling each other (at least in Renaissance drama), but also what would allow them to step down from such a duel. I ended up looking at The Maid's Tragedy and The Two Noble Kinsmen, so double-barrelled Fletcher!
