This post is mostly for my parents who have requested a tour of our new home but the rest of you are welcome to come along too Ü.
View from the front door
The loft
Boys room
Anna's room
Master bath with tub of my dreams
Looking into the kitchen from the living room
Living room
Just in from the garage half bath and laundry
The gopher battlefield
Where Scott spends much quality time with the mower every Saturday
Finally, the reason Scott and Spencer fell in love with Stansbury so quickly. This lake is just across the street and full of these beauties.
It's crazy to think that just on Valentines Day we were putting an offer on a house in Kansas and then a few days later found out we got out bid. We were so discouraged but looking back can see that it was a huge blessing. It feels so great to be settled and own our very first home.
AWE.SOME. Your house looks beautiful. Seriously love it.
Anna is adorable and your home is beautiful! I am so happy for you guys!
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