Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Wheels on the Bus...

Spencer mentions nonchalantly at dinner last night.  "A girl got mad at me on the bus."  So of coarse Scott and I ask why she got mad at him and this was his reply, "Well, she was working on her math and she got mad a me and told me to stop singing so loud."  The best part is that he could see absolutely nothing wrong with what he was doing and seemed genuinely confused at her criticism   Then of coarse we had to ask what he was singing and he said, "just a song  I made up."  I love that kid and worry about him just a little.  Society has a way of slowly taking away our innocence and confidence and apparently for Spenser it starts on the bus. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home

This post is mostly for my parents who have requested a tour of our new home but the rest of you are welcome to come along too Ü.  

View from the front door
The loft 
 Boys room
 Anna's room
 Master bath with tub of my dreams
 Looking into the kitchen from the living room
 Living room
 Just in from the garage half bath and laundry

The gopher battlefield 
 Where Scott spends much quality time with the mower every Saturday

Finally, the reason Scott and Spencer fell in love with Stansbury so quickly.  This lake is just across the street and full of these beauties.  
It's crazy to think that just on Valentines Day we were putting an offer on a house in Kansas and then a few days later found out we got out bid.  We were so discouraged but looking back can see that it was a huge blessing.  It feels so great to be settled and own our very first home.

Anna's Blessing

The Fam
 The proud parents

 It was a beautiful day.  As I sat in Anna's room feeding her and listening to the sounds of the people that we love filling the walls of our very own home I was overcome with gratitude.  We have truly been blessed. 
Since Grandma and Grandpa Scott are serving a mission and weren't there to see her in her dress I promised  I would post some pictures on our blog and because I had a hard time picking a favorite...

TDW Summer Party

Scott's work sure put on a fun summer party.  This is what we ended up doing on Anna's due date.  
 This kid is fearless

 He made it all the way to the top, twice.

How to win a doughnut eating contest:
1. Pick the doughnut closest to the end to reduce the amount the string bounces once everyone starts.
 2. Bite off the upper corner to allow room for removal of the doughnut from the string without letting it fall.
 3. Remove the doughnut from the string then lean head back and let gravity help you finish strong.
 After beating out about 20 other people Scott was awarded with a gift card to Macaroni Grill.  Totally worth the embarrassment right. 

How not to win a doughnut eating contest:

He was a little disappointed not to win but one Scott gave him the medal he had won it didn't matter.

Little Lady

Isn't she lovely?
She is such a good little baby and I am loving having this little girl in our home.  

Sleeping Beauty
 "Mom why did you wake me up?"
 "Seriously Mom enough with the pictures already"
 "Oh great Owen is in on this too"
 Getting closer...
That is the one I was going for...thanks for your patience Anna.

I had just put Anna down for a nap and went in the other room to fold laundry.  I heard her fuss for a minute but then she was quiet.  When I came back in to check on her this is how she was sleeping. The things us girls go though in the name of beauty.

Bath Time.  Nice foot placement.

Isn't that the sweetest little face you ever did see?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Summer Favorites

We had an exciting summer.  In all the craziness I fell way behind on things I wanted to blog about so here is a quick recap of some of my favorite pictures:

My Spencer loves fishing just like his Dad.

Owen just enjoys the great outdoors like his Mom.

Family BBQ Miller in-laws are crazy Ü 

We spent many summer days at the pool and my boys turned into little fish.

Reunited and it feels so good!

 Owen and Becca

Way to go Grandpa!

A great adventure or negligent pregnant decide.

Mirror Lake with some cousins

Then this little lady joined the fam!

 First day of first grade.  I can't believe I missed it (being in the hospital and all) but Dad did a great job and it's official Spencer is growing up too fast.