Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life Happens........Again.

Well, I know I haven't been great at blogging regularly, but I have an excuse. I originally started this blog for my family, because I live about a hour or more away from all of them. Turns out, my mom, is probably the only one who ever looks at it, so I haven't really made it a priority to blog. In addition to that my STUPID, RETARDED, RIDICULOUS, computer decided to burn up the Mother drive again. This is the second time in the last two years that has happened. So now I have a new computer but can't figure out how to get my old photo's to switch over from the old hard drive. I'm no computer whiz. Then about a week after we got the computer working again, my stove died...... um yeah. Then then a week after that our garage door broke. Someone hates me right now, or thinks I am made of money. AAARG!
Okay, I am done venting now. Thanks for listening.... to whoever reads this blog.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh Taya, that's no good. They say it comes in 3's right? So you should be good for a while....:)