Picture a picturesque place here in Mindanao where
the air is fresh and nippy, where fogs envelop lofty mountains, where pine
trees adorn the lush surroundings and, chances are, Bukidnon would most likely
come to mind. Found in the northern part of the country’s second largest
island, the landlocked province has practically everything I'd like to
experience during a quick weekend wandering up there in the highlands.

Here’s a place where weekend warriors like you
and I can be carefree and nonchalant about life and the cares of the world,
even for just a few hours. Here’s a place where I would definitely—if and when I
have the wherewithal to spare—build a cabin in the woods, a hideaway where I can
hide whenever life weighs me down with its twists and turns. And if I were to
choose the ideal location for my humble shack, the village of Lorega would be

Located in the town of Kitaotao, Lorega is fast
turning into a “village of mountain resorts” where city slickers can spend a
day or two hibernating in any of the highland sanctuaries found there—Adrian
and Alice’s Place, Alta Monte, Cicada Hills, Highway 81, Seagull Mountain
Resort, among others.
Recently, my friends and I made it to one of
the newest destinations in the village—the Norfolk Lorega, a two-storey villa whose
appellation, I surmise, must have been named after those evergreens from
Norfolk, an island in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. Native to the island,
the pine is a key export, being a popular ornamental tree on mainland Australia
and the rest of the world.
It was through some coworkers that I first learned
about the Norfolk Lorega. Seeing some pictures which they shared online, I was
instantly smitten by the simple yet scenic resort. Wasting no time, I readily
contacted my fellow weekend warriors and invited them for a weekend spree in Lorega.
To my delight, several of them signified their intention to join the trek—Jacques,
Bong, Joel, Marisa, Cheryl and Letty. We missed Butch, Jerson, Manoy and the rest of the gang
who didn’t make it.
It was a cloudy Saturday when we hit the road
to Lorega. The spur-of-the-moment escapade was a much-anticipated gathering for
us because it’s been a while since our last get-together. It was a two-hour
drive along winding roads with rough stretches but I didn’t mind the distance because I was having
a grand time laughing at the funny stories of my two passengers.
The resort's furry receptionists
Around lunch time,
the three of us reached Lorega while the others came later in the afternoon. And guess who helped the caretaker usher us into the resort? A couple of nice-looking labrador retrievers, Pressy and Messy, (I hope I got their names right.) who happen to be the resort's adorable and amiable receptionists!
Why head for the hills? Well, we felt the need for
some cool mountain air and the comfort of each other’s company. We do this once in a while because we want
to nurture and preserve our friendship which has stood the test of time.
me, my friends are a source of strength, comfort and inspiration. Having these
people I can trust and rely on has helped me through the bad times and has made
the good times even better. I’ve known these fellows since college—never mind
the year!—and their presence has always made life all the more worth living.
When they’re around, I can be as laid-back,
indulgent and nonchalant as I can be. Mind you, these crazy bunch, my fellow
college debaters, with their wit and humor (hmmm, should I add sarcasm?), not to
mention the camaraderie we’ve managed to sustain, has kept me from going crazy
all these years!
And the Norfolk Lorega turned out to be the ideal scenic place for another reunion of sorts for us. We were fortunate that the mountain resort had no other bookings that week—the place was ours for the taking! Thanks to Jacques who has this knack for tinkering with electronics, we were able to hook his portable karaoke device with the resort’s TV and sound system. Left to our devices, we spent the rest of the afternoon (up to late in the evening) talking, laughing, eating, drinking and singing to our hearts’ content!
Dusk at the resort
Designed for group gatherings, the Norfolk Lorega is about as group-friendly as they come. Visitors of all ages can engage in a plethora of activities to while away time. It has several amenities, including a swimming pool (with cold spring water!), volleyball and basketball courts, a ping-pong table, a TV set, sound system, among others. It also has a large kitchen area with some basic appliances and cookware where groups can prepare their meals.

Seeing those Norfolk pines scattered all over
the resort can be a delight to the senses for those who seek solace for their
sagging spirits. Walking around a vast expanse surrounded with evergreens can
be therapeutic, so I heard. Alone with those trees can work wonders to the soul.
Mind you, those pine trees not only smell sharp and sweet, they’re also the
perfect backdrops for those fond of taking and posting pics on social media—either
selfies, duofies, or groupfies!
Truly, the resort is an ideal venue for silence
and solitude. A time alone to think and be as one pleases, with no intrusions, however,
is such a difficult feat to accomplish these days. Not only because we are social
creatures by nature, but the demands of family and work make it difficult for us
to spend time alone with ourselves. With the world reduced to a global village, detachment
is nearly impossible these days.
Still, if there’s any chance coming my way in the
future, I’d certainly love to come back to that resort on the hills of Lorega where
I can be nonchalant as I please. This time, I’ll make sure it’s a solo sojourn—yes,
without my dear, crazy buddies!—if only to smell those Norfolk pines, speak to myself
and seek solace in the arms of nature. 😍😍😍