Wednesday, October 10, 2012

4 Months

I'm only a month behind on this post, but oh well.  Most of these things I have written down, so I'm not trying to recall them from memory.  Here are some of the highlights from when she was 4 months old:
  • She started sleeping in more predictable patterns (a long nap in the morning and afternoon).
  • She's learned to rub her head, feel her hair, and put both hands on her head.
  • She can pull both feet up with her hands and bring them close to her mouth.
  • She's blowing drool bomb bubbles.
  • She loves looking back at you when she's sitting up and laughs because you look upside down to her.
  • She's grown a ton since the previous month.  Now she is the same size as Lambie, her monthly photo friend.

  • She loves mirrors and squeals when held in front of one.
  • She's started playing in her exersaucer now with a pillow to put her feet up on.
  • She plays a game in her crib with the slats and sticking her arms and legs through.
  • She has a musical turtle that she's learned to hick or hit repeatedly to get the songs to changes quickly.
  • She's able to pull the music bar by herself on her bouncy seat.
  • She started rolling this month from her belly to her back and also from her back to her belly.
  • As a result of rolling, she now sleeps on her stomach.
  • She's able to put herself to sleep in the crib now.
  • She had her 1st bus ride and 1st airplane ride this month.
  • She learned to sleep in a pack n play while traveling.
  • She is now sleeping in the crib 100% of the time.
  • She visited her 1st state this month- GA.
  • She's also scooting around on her back and arching her back to push and move upwards (especially on the changing pad).
This is been another fun month.  She is so playful and cheerful.  She makes us smile every day and has us laughing at some of her games.  Every month is so full of new discoveries; it's such a delight to be a part of it!

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