Wednesday, August 24, 2011

He is alive, and running

Yes, I know it's been quite a while since I last posted anything on here. (Many thanks to Carrie for keeping things going on this site, she's the motor that keeps it running!) But yes, I am still alive and thought it would be good to share a bit with you all again.

This coming Saturday is an exciting day for me. It's my third local half-marathon. That's right! This is the third year in a row that I am running the local 13.1 mile race, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Okay, so most of you may think I'm crazy for "looking forward" to pushing my body through 13 miles of running (does it help if I tell you that it's mostly downhill?). However, while I'm making you think I'm partly crazy, I might as well push the envelope and go the whole distance. This marks the first year that the half is merely a stepping stone along the way. Three weeks later, I will be running the local full marathon for the first time!

Yes, 13.1 miles is merely a stepping stone this year. I know, most of you would probably rather find another way to go if that was the stepping stone you had to take, but I realize that I'm a little different from most people. So you can be expecting to hear something about a full 26.2 mile adventure sometime around the middle of September.

So yes, I am still alive. In fact, I've probably never been healthier. And yes, I am running. And running. And running some more. (If you look closely, you may even see me running in your neighborhood sometime.) I'll let you know how things turn out this weekend, and will keep you informed as to how the even bigger event goes in just a few short weeks!

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