Sunday, July 10, 2011

A 2 Month Re-Cap

You may have noticed, but I've mainly been absent from this blog for the past two months.  I didn't intend to take a blog break, but things have been busy and I've been trying to maintain our other blog as well. So- here's a two month re-cap in one post.

I finished the spring term of teaching early May and had one week off before summer classes started.  I had the opportunity that week to travel to Atlanta, thanks to T and his flyer miles.  I got to visit with T and S and their two kids, N and S.  S is our goddaughter and the last time we saw her she looked like this:
6 weeks old at her baptism.

Here she is at 15 months with a personality!  It was so fun to spend time with her and her older brother and see how they have grown and developed the past year.  And we had a busy week as well. We went swimming outdoors for the first time of the season, we went to "munchies with mom" at preschool since it was right around Mother's Day, we played baseball and ran through the fountains.

We met this guy.

And watched a Braves game.  We went to the park and to Yogli Mogli for frozen yogurt. 

We went to the Atlanta aquarium where we saw this huge tank.  We went to a craft night at church and more.  What a week full of activities!  But the best part was spending time with the whole family.  I'm so glad I had the opportunity to visit because I don't know when I'll be able to go back again and S is such a special part of our life as we pray for her and her faith each night.

After that travel extravaganza, I came home and started teaching intensive summer courses mid-May.  I crammed 16 weeks of material down to a mere 5 week course and taught two courses.  I'd forgotten how time-consuming intensive classes are.  The good news is I had great classes of students and great diversity in them as well.  My students came from: Somalia, Libya, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Ethiopia, Morocco,  Jordan, Ukraine, Dominican Republic, Saudi Arabia, and Ecuador.  That's 12 different countries from two classes of 27 students total.  It was really great.

After classes finished in mid-June, I began preparing my retreat sessions for an upcoming women's retreat I'll be leading.  I also managed to taking another sewing class, take a couponing class, and a 4-week photography class!  As I mentioned, I've been busy, but at least you have a taste of what I've been up to.  I can't promise I won't let another two months go by without blogging, but I'll try and be better.

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